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I've never seen a monster made of spaghetti before, but if I did, I bet it would look a lot like the one's on The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Start worshipping the monster yourself by following their pattern to knit a Flying Spaghetti Monster Hat.

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Here's a great way to organize your bills and files so that they're easy to find at a glance. Cut off company logos and icons from envelopes or spare letters and stick them to your filing system tabs. Next time you're looking for a specific bill, your eye will jump straight to the companies icon. Check it out at Aaron's blog.

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If you're wanting to get an early start on your Christmas shopping, then here's a great gift for sushi loving friends. Suedy's Koo-Ki Sushi Chocolates look like the real thing, but they're made from a mixture of rice cookies and chocolates and they even come in pretty sushi-style boxes.

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Jenna Hurry has posted a great pattern for making a Lása Shawl Headband on MagKnits.

It's very pretty, but you better be quick with your knitting or you'll miss out on the last of this year's sun.

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This is a cute idea for teaching kids, and some grown-ups, how to make sure they're getting enough of the right types of food.

The Healthy Food Rainbow illustrates what kinds of food you should be eating and how many a day. It's co cute looking, you could pop it on the front of your fridge without brinding down the decor.

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I'm not sure how comfy it would be to have a real saw wrapped around your neck, but this awesome crocheted Bloody Saw Scarf from Monster Crochet looks pretty cosy.

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Our 7th Issue of Snippets is out and it's a Halloween Special. Featuring Emily Strange, Living Dead Dolls, Serena Valentino, beauty tips from a Suicide Girl, our very special Halloween Costume Competition and much much more. Check it out now!

I saw Anthea Turner use this technique on her show and it's been saving me time ever since. Learn how to neatly fold a t-shirt in a few simple steps, it only takes seconds. Find out more at HowToFoldAShirt.net

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There's no need to be embarrassed if you're a guy who likes to knit, because you're not alone! Men Knit is a website for men who are 'man enough to knit and strong enough to pearl', so check it out now.

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Appear to be a whiz in the kitchen with a handy cheat sheet. Amy at Angry Chicken has posted a cheat sheet, containing ingredient amounts to make basic recipes, such as pancakes and chocolate cake.

I suggest printing it out and sticking it on the inside of your pantry door.

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