
Come behind the scenes at RedAgape and tour Amanda's craft room and office in Dubbo, Australia.

My favourite thing about this space is the different zones for working on a variety of tasks! I have a craft area, a study area and a computer zone. Not to mention lots of storage with build in cupboards and open shelving.

Tell us about your space

This room is around 4m x 4m. It doubles as an office and study space for myself and the kids. I do most of my work in this room - writing for Houzz Australia, taking bookings for my guesthouse, blogging, studying design and crafting (of course!)
All of my craft items are stored here which makes it an easy and organised space to design and make.

What have you done to make your space cosy, beautiful or inspiring?

I've tried to keep the space mostly white and calm, with little accents of soft colour. I have a soft cushion on my chair, a pegboard which acts as a mood board (it also stores my tools) and I have a few of my own favourite creations on display to keep me motivated.
I also LOVE motivational quotes, so I hang up new quotes each week to keep things fresh.

How do you keep organized?

Good storage is key when trying to keep a craft room organised. I'm lucky to have a large built in cupboard which has doors I can shut when my supplies are getting messy. I also have boxes and baskets in my open shelves to try and keep my bits and bobs organised.
For pens, hooks, pencils and brushes, I like to reuse old glass jars. It makes it easy to find whatever tool I'm looking for.

Any tips & tricks for organising supplies?

My three biggest tips for organising supplies are -
1. labelled baskets and containers
2. Install pegboard - it's very useful for display and storage options
3. Have a designated home for all of your craft items and make sure you put things back where they belong.

Which are your favourite possessions and are there any of your own creations on display?

One of my favourite items I've made is a massive paper flower created from a vintage atlas pages. It's hung on the wall in this space. I also have my very first crochet project on display, a little cushion made from 9 little floral squares.

How do you organise your inspiration and ideas?

I use a journal/portfolio to organise my study and ideas. It contains paint chips, images of things I like and lists of things I'd like to design or create.

Where do you look for inspiration?

I can spend hours browsing through my craft and design books looking for ideas. I also love Pinterest for craft ideas......who doesn't?! :) And I follow a massive group of creative types on Instagram so I get a lot of my inspiration, and encourage from there.

If you had three wishes, what would you do to make it the dream space?

1. Increase the size to 10m x 10m
2. Cover the walls in pegboard
3. And claim the space as my own - no sharing! :)

Whose craft room would you love to explore? Send us a message!




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