Driving Mixtape
Road trip classics to get your journey underway.

Driving in the open road air and filled with so many unfamiliar surroundings. Road trips are always there to take you to a destination that will either bring back old memories or new beginnings. When you are driving from coast to coast, I guarantee that your stereo will be on all the way throughout. This playlist will give a road trip the extra fun it needs.
AC/DC-Highway to Hell
This is obviously a classic highway tune that will have you swaying in a sing along. AC/DC’s classic highway shredding is great way to start off any highway shredding trip. It's sure to make you air guitar all the way down to Route 666.
Guns n Roses- Paradise City
Remember when Axl Rose and Slash were still in the same band? Well, every song from that had Slash axe his way with a guitar in a way that will truly make a drive to remember. So it’s no surprise that “Paradise City” is going to be that destination song that you simply can’t get out of your head.
Van Halen - Summer Nights
When the sun goes down and dusk is no more, Van Halen are sure to make your summer nights on the road never dull and keep you full of hunger for the journey that continues after the sun rises.
The Who - I Can See for Miles
If you want relaxation with hazy distorted guitars, then “I Can See for Miles” is definitely for you. Capture the essence of Daltrey vocals and you’ll realise that “The Who Sell Out” album has plenty of road trip treasures.
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Deep Purple’s force of energising direction will have the world at your feet. Make your mark on every destination you go.
Jimi Hendrix - Valley of Neptune
For a break away from classic and hard rock, Jimi Hendrix is here to pump your veins with blissful psychedelic and a hint of blues. “Valley of Neptune” is bound to make you feel a bit trippy.
Led Zepplin - Over The Hills And Far Away
Legendary Led Zeppelin, has certainly put this road-y number into a whole new spin. Be sure to drive at ease without a care in the world with the kings of all things hard rock.
Queen- Now I’m Here
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. The amount of stops you will make on the road will leave your fingertips tempted to harass that repeat over and over again.
Thin Lizzy- The Boys are Back in Town
While a road trip is coming towards an end, a brilliant way to lift your sprits is remembering how immense your journey of a life time was. So, “Boys are Back in Town” is definitely a way of saying ‘we are back, now let’s tell you about the epic trip we had.’
What songs would you have on your road-trip mix tape?
My husband loves to drive to the original soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.”
Also, "We Will Rock You"!