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calyce sgaoed 3D flower beads of shrinky dinks
I saw this link and thought ooooh i love to make these too, but i found out of burning the special foam which i had bought and a lot of other bad problems, hummm there are not only differend brands for the same product but too they all react differend.
Mine how quickly i worked or how hard i pushed with the pencil it didn't worked, i was sad and crumpy, after an minute i thought i must find an other solution i WILLL make them.LOL
So i came with this solution hope you like it,
and have a lot of fun, when you aren't good with elektric drill aske for help and guiding from an other .
Making the shape calyce tool will cost you only 3 minutes;-D and is easy to make.;-D

don't do this in a room with no windows you must do it in the in front of an open window or outside. It's not healty the smell.
allways be carefull when you have lose end of hair and cloths this is dangerous with elektric tools-S
And work with them only when you aren't tooo tired and be fresh and full of attention;-D
mayby i sound like a crumpy mum, but that's not why i tell you this , i have seen a lot of stupid accidents-S

before you will shape the flowers in their form , don't cover the other side with varnish!!! It will give the kelkjes black randjes.
don't use foam , it will fanish away by the heat gun!!!!
don't use a pencil, they are always painted with a colour and will left ugly marks behind your flowers.
don't use aluminium when you use the hot gun it will adhese add the bead.

After this i hope you will have a lot of fun with making those flower beads;-D When you don't understand something, feel free to ask my all your questions.;-D

Posted by Jet H. from Haarlem, North Holland, The Netherlands • Published See Jet H.'s 107 projects »
  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 1
    Step 1

    lay a piece of transparent shrinky dink at your table

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 2
    Step 2

    with the flower punch make the flowers

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 3
    Step 3

    use the backside of your punch so you see where the shape will come so you can make adventage to need less material;-D

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 4
    Step 4

    on the pict you see how closly i have made my punches.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 5
    Step 5

    when you have punched a whole row of flowers you must cut of a strip to go on.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 6
    Step 6

    to make of the flowers shapes beads you must make a hole in the middle of the center with a punching tool

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 7
    Step 7

    with this tool i made with this size 3/16 the holes.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 8
    Step 8

    lay some scrap paper on your workingplace , lay the flowers shapes on it and started to colour your flowers.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 9
    Step 9

    i used this permanent acrylic markers.

  • Step 10

    Lay on a baking tray some tinfoil and on that the coloured flowers

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 11
    Step 11

    baking the flowers follow the instructions of your material.
    most at the time you must preheated your oven at 130 degrees , after this sett the tray in the oven for 3 minutes on 130 degrees . You will see the material will be shrinking and crinkle and becoming thick and at the last minute it will be flatten beads again.;-D
    i found out that i had to use 140 degrees not all the baking ovens are the same, and not all the brands of this material are needing the same heating positions.
    I use the tray because it would be handy to get them quickly out of the oven.
    lay at the kitchen worktable some protection that can bare the heath of the tray.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 12
    Step 12

    the making of the leaves
    punch with the punch with the leaf shape on the same way of the flower punches the leaves fout of the shrinky dink.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 13
    Step 13

    punch holes near by the twig shape of them with a smaller hole tool Look for it on the picture. (1/8)

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 14
    Step 14

    after the punching a small hole you can colour them.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 15
    Step 15

    bake them
    Note, you can varnish them with clair nailpolish or clear varnish but i preferd because i had use parmanent markers the unvarnished look of them;-D
    On the pict you see both of them.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 16
    Step 16

    making the shape tool.
    Pick a scrap of wood , i used a used plank. the holes were allready in them.
    i've not, use a number 6 drill to make the start hole of your shape.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 17
    Step 17

    on the picture you see which drill tools i have used, i don't not know the english word for the tiny one-S
    but when you see him you or an other person can tell you which one it is.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 18
    Step 18

    with the tiny one you must make the hole of the normal drilled one wider , like the picture showing you. You see that the tool become a kind of calyce like shape, not deep but wide. On the picture the shape has a colour that was a mistake, when you will use this tool don't varnish the flowers befor the next step!!!!!
    the varnish will act like glue so that's why mine shape tool was coloured.LOL

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 19
    Step 19

    With this hot air gun you will make with the calyce shaped tool the flower beads. so lay all the things you will need, the unvarnished steel of a small painting brush ,the baked flowers , the hot air gun and your wood tool around you.

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 20
    Step 20

    With this hot air gun you will make with the calyce shaped tool the flower beads. so lay all the things you will need, the unvarnished steel of a small painting brush ,the baked flowers , the hot air gun and your wood tool around you.

    (uhm the strange brown bubbles on the outside became of the varnished plank-S but it didn't had a harmfull effect for the calyce beads-D only it smelled awefull-S )

  • How to make a plastic bead. Calyce Shaped 3 D Flower Beads Of Shrinky Dinks - Step 21
    Step 21

    et it cool down , that will be quickly enough and you can make the other calyce shapes.
    so you will have quicly a lot of calyce shaped 3d flower beads too.
    i hope you will try this out too and have a lot of fun, and make great projects with them;-D

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April · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 10 projects
I do have a question, why did you use the varnish? Would it make a difference if I didn't use any?
April · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 10 projects
That's a great idea for shaping them. I've used the shrinky dinks and permanent markers before but never thought about reforming them. Loved your flowers, they looked great.
mommaviv · Vancouver, Washington, US · 8 projects
Thanks so much for sharing....I had been trying to figure a way to shape my shrink plastic. Also thanks fr including a good picture of your wooden mold.
karindehaas · 31 projects
Dat ziet er hartstikke cool uit, wat een idee om ze later te vormen xoxox
PJ · Avondale, Arizona, US · 96 projects
That is really good.I love the looks of them
and you went to a lot of work to get them like that.Ummm a board with a hole,have to get that from my brother.He is cutting circles for me to make top whorl spinners for wool..so I can get some wood from him..You have been a busy lady.
I have to get some shrinky dink plastic.
huggs pj
Senevilla · 10 projects
Wow, that is really clever! How did you think of that? ;)
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
Hoi Jet. Thank you for your great tutorial. I didn't know how to make these. I think my garden may become a smelly place Lol X

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