I have 4 grown children , one has passed on.2 girls and 1 boy,,really hes a man..lol.
Im happy to have them.
I love to knit, crochet sew felting quilts painting , I always
get carried away with any thing I do.I use to horde all kinds of craft and sewing and any thing else.but im down to one shed now.
I live with my youngest daughter and her 2 children, they put up with my constant disorder.I have 7 little dogs (only one is a puppy) and I love them all
I live in Arizona were its to hot for me to get out during the summer.I cant take the heat, i have been her for 50 years..its was easier to take the heat when i was younger.
I love the lord and Pray for all.
Im happy to have them.
I love to knit, crochet sew felting quilts painting , I always
get carried away with any thing I do.I use to horde all kinds of craft and sewing and any thing else.but im down to one shed now.
I live with my youngest daughter and her 2 children, they put up with my constant disorder.I have 7 little dogs (only one is a puppy) and I love them all
I live in Arizona were its to hot for me to get out during the summer.I cant take the heat, i have been her for 50 years..its was easier to take the heat when i was younger.
I love the lord and Pray for all.
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- commented on her comment Thank you so much.The word and prayer will kill off the enemy .God will bring me threw.smile. huggs to Modesty Fashions 09 Oct 22:59
- commented on her comment Oh I sure would picture it and show you, but Im not up to making any thing yet, the other day, I did not take my naps during the day and had a the shakes really bad when I went to bed ,Yolanda had to help me a lot.Also today I made the mistake of havin... to Modesty Fashions 09 Oct 22:07
- commented on her comment I really love this, I would like to make it for my daughter, she would love it.I pray soon I can sew agan and try this for her, she would love it.Happy day ahead, huggs xoxoxo to Designer Inspired Jacket 09 Oct 08:42
- commented on her comment i love it such a great idea..even for trims..huggs....xoxoxo to Quick To Make Pon Pon Crochet Neclace 09 Oct 01:35
- followed aluciana 08 Oct 06:57
- commented on her comment very good ,love it..smile to Mini Pouch Of A Bleachbottle 03 Oct 00:00
- commented on her comment So sweet of you to think of me.after 6 mos of being ill, they say i have lung cancer.I feel like i have pneumonia..lol..yet I feel better than I did 6 mos ago.Beats me.Im not accepting no cancer..smile.God is my tower I run to him, his breast i lean o... to Modesty Fashions 25 Sep 16:30
- commented on her comment very nice, i can see its well loved..smile. to Dog Bed 21 Sep 16:29
- commented on her comment Wonderful, so glad all went well with your visit.smile Yes the dogs are funny if they are not use to so much going on, bet she was protective, we have some that are like that.My daughter is on her way home she just sold to hava/poo girls to a lady in ... to Modesty Fashions 29 Aug 23:17
- commented on her comment wow that is a long time to go without seeing your family.I have my family all around me.I dont really see all them alot, but can if I want..lol.My dad lives with my sister Darla and i see them more than any one..But we all talk to each other all the ti... to Modesty Fashions 27 Aug 12:31
- commented on her comment I put a comment ment for you on my profile..I hope you have time to read it. to Modesty Fashions 26 Aug 14:48
- commented on her comment I dont think you have to have an account for a community site.try it and see if it works. Im at the hospital, got put in last night.Have a lot of test coming up and first is for my hear at 11.I did not sleep all night , but was able to talk with 2 nu... to PJ 26 Aug 14:46
I really appreciate the fav and the comment on my Designer Inspired jacket! If you make it for your daughter, let me know how it turns out. XOXO ^_^
hey that's great the diaper , i know the breeder of Indie and muis let weare there tomcats a diaper when they were in the living room, against the peeing for showing it is their territorium;-D
so it's smart for cats as well.
and the tiny small butterfly sooo gorious and pretty , very cute;-D
thank you for your sharing.
hey till later
love, blessings and more kisses and hugs, just for you;-D
hey that's great the diaper , i know the breeder of Indie and muis let weare there tomcats a diaper when they were in the living room, against the peeing for showing it is their territorium;-D
so it's smart for cats as well.
and the tiny small butterfly sooo gorious and pretty , very cute;-D
thank you for your sharing.
hey till later
love, blessings and more kisses and hugs, just for you;-D
I just wanted to stop by your profile and say hi. How have you been? I hope all is well with you.
Talk to you soon ^_^
Sorry I'm just now getting back to you. My family left yesterday. I was so glad to see them. I almost cried. We had a wonderful time together. My husband and I cooked and we all just hung out here at our house. Minnie wasn't used to so many people here at the house. She kept barking at everyone. I also discovered that she is very protective of me and my husband. She growled at my mother whenever she would come near me or touch me. I guess we'll have to work on that. I slept in today b/c I was beat ^_^
I hope you're doing ok and your tests went fine. That co-pay is high. Yikes is right. Hey...at least the food's good.
I tried to leave a comment on your page but it told me I had to log in first. I'll try to go see the comment you left for me.
I'm so excited. My mom, grandma, 2 sisters and brother are coming to visit for the weekend. They should get here about 7 or 8 tonight. I haven't seen them since 2007 when my husband and I moved here to Charlotte.
site.try it and see if it works.
Im at the hospital, got put in last night.Have a lot of test coming up and first is for my hear at 11.I did not sleep all night , but was able to talk with 2 nurses of the goodness of the lord.On saw that i had the bible on my computer.The one with the message, and the other saw me streaming a service from TN from a chuch there that I get so much out out of the word and the service.We both of them were crying and saying how nice it was to meet and talk of the Lord.I felt blessed.
I don't have a facebook account so I can't like or comment.
I'll check your crafts page out.
I bet the little puppy is a cutie. I remember when Minnie was small. I used to put her in my purse and carry her around with her little head poking out of my bag ^_^. She's 10lbs now. She can't fit in my purse anymore but still small. She'll be 2yrs in September. We still call her a puppy though.
My bag's up
I'm glad you'll be able to send some clothing out. Maybe you could post somthing here. I finished a bag yesterday. I'll post the how-to later on. I'm going to make a wallet and cape to match.
LOL i had to laught of that you thought it were just lady bugs.LOL
why not but... they do have black spots though and these one had white.LOL
but it's a lovely idea to make, yeaaah they are tiny but i love them and they are sooo cat safe!!! the are sitting on the branches for allready a year.LOL
I have tried it out, Wolfje knows now they aren't for her. so she left them sitting.LOL
i would make more but... i 'm almost out of my woollen fibres by the wrapping of my friend.LOL i have something unwrapped the last coulple of weeks, it's not funny anymore and i didn't found the old curtians, only the wrong i didn't wanted to find.LOL so i must asked her to search for them together. i have allready openend 50 boxes-S
too much.-S so i felt worn out the last couple of days but i could clean some places much better so it's thinking better for my lungs.
i have heard finely something of my sis, i was allready anxious of her, if she don't answered the phone and the mail i know it's wrong, so it was.
She had a surgery and felt the last weeks very badly-S
hate that of her, but today i found an answer sooo i was glad that she was okay after all.
think she isn't doing well right now but something better,
she is my fave little sis, i'm fond of her, we having a strange connection together like we are twins, i know almost curtain without conntact that she isnt' right or well doing. Strange such a strong connection without words!!!
but... that the strenght i think of real love and bonding.-D
hey sweetie thank you for your sweet comment and your support and i hope your doing well , i have send you allready a proper mail soo it will keep it short here.
send you much dutch greetings and all my biggest friendliest smiles and a lot of hugs and kisses;-XD
I saw on Sewing With Nancy once how this lady has a charity in which sewers can make and donate dresses and clothing for children in Africa. I think there's also a charity for the children in Haiti too. Since there are no little ones around for you to make clothing, perhaps you could make clothing for the charity? I bet the chldren over in those other countries would love to receive some of your creations.
I found this website http://www.littledressesforafrica.org/blog/
I just had that thought after reading your message. Tell me what you thin.k
It's good to hear you are getting better. I have asthma and I know what it's like to feel scared about breathing. Remember "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7. If you get anxious or nervous about your breathing quote that scripture to yourself. Remember when Jesus was in the wilderness and satan tried to temp Him? He used the Word of God to combat the devil. I believe that was a natural example of God's Word being used as a "sword". I will continue to pray for you. I know you'll get better.
My next project was suppose to be a night gown. But I tired it on yesterday and it looks really bad :o( SO I'm going to try to fix it today but if I can'rt get it to look right, I'll just call it a small fabric loss. I guess in learning to sew, I'll have some not-so-good pieces. If I can't get the nightie to look right, I'm going to make a laptop sleeves for my lap top. I made one for my husband a while ago and it turned out pretty good. So that may be my next how to.
How have you been? I haven't been on this site very much lately. I see you have a new profile pic. I like it!!
hummm so you having copd as well. not fine, but when you know you can handle it better. And prefend it's gotting worse.
they think i have beside my asthma the same, Gerard as well.
So stay wise and use the meds, i always forget them.LOL i have watched many docu on tele that my behaviour isn't smart.LOL
so... i will akt more bravely.LOL
i'm not too well the last days too many problems and only there coming more , and my neck isn't stablelized sooo it's going not tooo well.
Yesterday the man of the firm that is making the brace came by to do the last fitting.
it's a good one, but it's just the shape and not fininshed yet.~s
He told me t hat he wanted to finishing him but it will cost him several weeks more-S
i told him that i wasn't pleased with the whole situation for him as well. and he was flabber gasthed because i didn't wanted him to go in my house , we stayed on the group livingroom.LOL I felt by that more secure and safed.
He came again too close, it's not feeling good, i know it's not to blame myself, but him, he can't understand that sometimes people don't like to be too close by a stranger, Gerard is agreed with me about this issue.
we talked about that.
today it's the seccond time i have migraine day, and because i must go out today, i will have even more in front of me.LOL
so i try to do easy things the last day.
He love your tiny crochet work!!! beautiful!!! i will give you a fave and latter i will write a comment on this computer i can't do that anymore-S
so till later.LOL
hey thank you very very much of your fave and the comment on my moving plushy keyring.
i loving your support, hey stay healthy and wishing you much better soons and... blessings and alot fun and happy craftings time during this weekend.
lots of dutch greetings and hugs and kisses;-XD
just wait and see.LOL
i'm at the moment doing my admistration-=S
not funny and again the bank made a mistake ugh.
so othe other things i can't send for the firm i must send very soon-S
the brace,... i told the man of the shop that i didn't wanted to wait anymore , he said your free to go elsewhere, we were both angry on each other.
so i told him oooh btw all the cost are for yourself.
so later that day he told me okay you can hold up the brace.
strange my heatlh insurancy was agree with me and glad that i will got the brace after the vacation of Gerard.
again a month waiting.-S
but... the end is nearby.LOL
hey have a nice good day;-D
lots of love and hugs
and some people use their embroidery hoop for this as well.
i don't like those hoops but.. sometimes they are handy.LOL
And often it's just trial and error to become the new skills,LOL
aaw thank you for your kind words, it's tooo early and i don't need in this point a lawer, I still didn't paid for it, i only must asked for if they had made it and then i must asked why they don't send the right bills like they have signed for by my issurancy and if he can tell me we do it right, i can say okay one lest time, by mail and with speed or i don't pay anything.
it's your company to blame.
it's strange but it's too early in the proces. LOL aaw sweet to think of me.
i still have the migraine so i have got my special meds for it and now i'm dizzy of it.-S not fine but better then the migraine.LOL
must do alot of adminstration , chores around the house.
so keep trying and having fun with your beautiful sewing machine.
lots of love and hugs and smiles and be a happy crafting gril;-D
and more better soons and get wells and... blessings;-D xoxoxooxoxo
doing much, not feeling great yet, but still working towards getting better.I hope all is better for you..smile
Well I need all the help I can get..lol.. huggss my dear sweet friend
sooo i thought i will write it here
like it , when you can't get the stich right, just do it twice!!!
that's working great. mostly it's the problem of the lenght of the stich.
not the wide i see that was correct. and some fabric is making it harder as well.
did you used underneath the fabric parts fuseable webbing that will help too.
hope this is helpful, not critical meanted but... just thought i can give you helpful tips.
and crafting is about alot of tips and advices.LOL
all about skills-S
sometimes i don't like that, but... we needs them.LOL
hey love your first doggy !!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
then.... i hope i'm right, you are feeling a tiny bit better?
i'm not worn out and.. sight problems , migraines and an aweful hurting neck.
not pain in the ass but pain in the neck.LOL
the brace was for the 5th time not good -ugh sooo i found out yesterday and with Gerards help a lady called back of my insurrancy and ... she h ad called the firm and had made an phone appointment for me with the boss.
i hope it will sorting things out, she told me what went wrong the whole time and told me what to do and to asked before i will go to an other firm.
she felt soo sorry for me, but in a good way so i could handle it.
but still after 3,5 months no brace, i think i must accepting it will the seccond summer stucked to home.
not fine, and the traveling to haarlem wasn't good either.
i was grumpy yesterday towards Gerard.LOL So he started to call me Casper of sesamy street.LOL it helped a tiny bi tand i have given my appolizes but... i had when he came a migraine and felt sick of it.
Gerard knew that and dind't said anything back of my complains while he did some thing for me.LOL i saw that he did his best to shut his mouth.LOL
later on i wrote him and it's okay.
he know this is way to much and too because i told him about new troubles of my wheels , they don't want to take two wheels over of utrecht.-S
when the community worker of haarlem said to me about t his , i hope you are not stressing out, but it cost more weeks, i told her you don't understand what the consequens are for me, i will go to a house that is allready adjust to those measurings of these wheels. and when i got one it's again unnecesserly problems .
and i told her i need them both because i can't travel with your special busses.
i can't travel anyhow, and i asked her to reconsidering it . but she had have to sorting this out months allready. ugh.
strange because every new wheel cost only more money, the one i think i must stand in utrecht is allready two years now.
almost ...LOL
the pink wheels isn't still good. but Will the man of that firm is on vacation and will call me about it after his vacation and then finely after almost a half year ... yeaaah i can drive.LOL
but the problem is,,,, he is a tiny too wide, not of the chair but the wheels so a lot of things in my house can't i go in with it.
Had to laught Muis is feeling her self well, she was playing with patterns i had made of carton scraps , not a toy for a cat.LOL
wolfje was looking flaber gasthed about it want she thinks all my materials are just for steeling as her toys.
When muis was finished i have layed it elsewhere. its for a curtain idea i have in mind. will make a tute of it as well.
but don;t know if it will work out well. but this was just a step in the right direction.
now they are sleepy and glueing togehter tightly.
sooo think i must do some more
hey thank you very much my sweet friend of written a nice comment on my chenille wire necklage.
nooo it's not soo much work, it looks like but that's always the problem with me.
i'm not good in writing tutes so i make a lot of picts so i don't have to use many english words , and it will be more understandeable.
it was just fun to make.
think i will m ake after the curtains more like that.
but ... must do still to much other things that aren't finished.LOL
hey thank s for your fave as well, you're a great suporter of me, love it!!!XD
hey much dutch greetings, get well soon more and... all my love, my biggest friendliest smile for only you and hugs and kisses<3
Part 1
Part 2
When I don't feel so good, I often read the book of Luke. That book has so many different accounts of Jesus healing people. It strengthens my faith and reminds me that God is still healing 2000 years after Jesus walked the earth. ^_^
When you do get better, I look forward to seeing some of your works. ^_^
i'm thinking of you and send you tons of blessings and get well soons.
and much support of me. and nice kind thoughts and all other things you need to have .LOL
i told Alf that i sing happy birhtday very loudly so she would hear it as well.LOL
so this is something like that as well.LOL
Drink a lot , be careful and be gentle to yourself,
I missed you on here, saw no new things but now i understand and then i m complaining of myself.LOL sorry.
lol botox lips , awesome.LOL you will look beautifull after the blisters are gone.LOL this is a new cure and methode.LOL
you know i'm not a prayer but you're in my thoughts±!!!!!
and sending you all my love and kindness and many many more dutch greetings and hugs and smiles and kisses.xoxooxoxooxo
only some sight problems still and heavy headages so... i 'm not the whole time online and does not do much.LOL
And my asthma is very bad at the moment. don't like it.
but that's just the time of the year and the problem of living in an unhealthy house with all the wrapping boxes-S
still don't know why i will move.
Don't know anymore if i have said thank you of your fave of the ktishcy gadget keyrings and the felted carfriend. the last i know allmost for sure i did.LOL but thank you anyway, you're my biggest fan.LOL
i love your suport!!!;XD
I have found some old curtains yesterday but i must first wash them and then i will make a sort of pachwork curtains of it.LOL
my new neighbours to be will watch it with strange eyes.LOL
they are all not commen to artistic living crafters.LOL
Often i hearing those comments
One of my to be neighbours had a family member that wanted to move me, but i heard suddenly that he knew the house inside as well , so i asked him about it and then he gave a strange answer then i knew he would be a family member-S
vert unpleasent and rude persone-S
i had wanted to go to the grave of John but i was too ill of migraine-S
i will does this later.
hey have a nice good day , be crafty , hope your son is still around you!!!
many dutch greetings and the normal hugs and kisses.
(i have written Tom and he is working on it.)
we want things right now dont we..lol..
Yes bright colors are so nice..huggs xoxxoxo
till later..huggs
it makes me crumpy those not working log in things.
i know why but... this ..... ugh.
i must try it later on , and the comments as well for you, i will but i must wait till this stupid not working log in is moved or is fixed.LOL
then i will write the comments.
i'll try to send you today a proper mail. okay?
thank you f or your compliment, i like strong and bright colours , i have had a time i used a lot of colours with much black in them. but i weare those days as well always black cloths. no i don't like that anymore.LOL
hey sweetie till later , much love hugs , kisses and be crafty.LOL xxxoxooxoxooxoxoxooxo
on my felted carfriend and the kitschy gadget keyrings.
I loved the colours of the keyrings too, it made me sooo gready.LOL
First i thought i will give them away, but i couldn't .LOL
and the carfriend, humm Gerard couldn't stand him hanging on his mirrow after a day he has removed him and now he is hanging in a plant in the living roomLOL
Karin was glad because now she had the fun of watching him as well.
like that, she told me that in their living room all my crafting presents are set in a display closet.LOL
i told her wooow i take allready much place in your house with out in persone.LOL
she was with me today ,it was good we have wrapped johns materials in boxes.
so i was rememberhim in a good maner this day.
hey sweetie till soon on the proper mail and... all mylove i like your new work.
and felting is fun , you're right i like that to do in the summer on my balcony.
all mylove hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
i will try it later on my other comp i have the last time more and more problems with co&k don't like it , i have had this a year ago as well
i heard the same of Alf.
sooo i really like your new work, if i forget tell me then i know i must give you my support still.
in this way i have done it, but i know all the hits are counting.lOL
how was your day?
hope it was great i will mail you later on the proper mail
many dutch hugs and my love and most beautiful big smile for you xoxooxoxoxooxoxoxo
aaaw thank you for your suport on my kettle wind chime, he is now hanging not right but..that s better for now.
thank you for your sweet compliments as well.
today it's a strange day, i'm worn out of my migraine meds but that's better then the whole day pucking and laying in the dark.LOL
have made some calls, and found out that the bathroom tab that broke this sunday will be replaced over 3 weeks-S
so back to the 50ths. in my childhood we hadn't a shower as well.LOL
but the biggest problem is now my hair.
Karin will come to me tomorrow to wash it.
and... i must do some small administation things .
yesterday i had besides the meganic worker two visitors of movers for making me a offer.
the last one was a pain in the ass. ugh sooo impolite and rude.-S
and i noticed in the end of the conversation that one of my new neighbours to be must be related to t his man so i thought this comes to close this isn't good and proffesional, he wasn't acting like that.
the meganic was very proffesional and i was greathfull of that towards him.
it's sad t hat those special tabs are always costing a lot of time .
but i'm happy that i still have water inside the house without the running tap as well.
such a waste those running taps , the meganic asked me if i wanted to let it run so i could take a shower, he didn't think that the tap wasn 't working anymore.
but... okay.
i had to laught the house cooperation acted like i was a stupid blond wife. I thought when they told me to wait untill thursday with a running tap , okay then i must react like one.LOL and i started to cry.LOL
it' worked.LOL
stuppid such things.LOL
okay i'll must take my afternoon break , the girls have got their food and sleeping on my bed closely and tightly togehter.LOL
must call for Muis the vet , she looks great but i think when the prednison cure is stopped it will turns back too soon.
she has still a tiny spot.
but she looks and behaive sooo great and normally.LOL it's a pleasure to watch.
did i told you that i making of recylcing materials my glass curtains, one i had to do a lot of threathing and muis loves it she plays then.LOL
she tooks such a long yarn in her mouth when i must pull something thourgh it.LOL
i'm carefull with her teeths , but i loved the old muis again.
she is agian the boss, just yet wolfje had to yell pittyfull because she told me she couldn't get by the fly that's inside the house to gatch him.LOL
big talker.LOL
i have insurance her that's she will catch him later today.LOL
funny pus;-D
hey say hello to your family and strokes for the babies, and for you my biggest smile ever and hugs and kisses , have a nice creative day my sweet friend;-D
I know you're glad you got your machine. I can't wait to see what new project you come up with. I finished a new project today. It should show up here later. I posted it a few hours ago.
How have you been?
but for one it's really t he end. no stickery for it.LOL
hey love, hugs , fun and kisses for today and be crafty.<3 xxxxx
i hated them all, but they still were just growing.
after my divorce he let them by me. I can't throw living things away so ....
John loved them and was even better with plants then i was, so he grew only much more.LOL
some are finely death.LOL but this is still growing, has had some flowers.
he needs a bigger pot plant but it's too dangerous to do, very hurtful.LOL
One cat of my was always chewing on him always had all needles in his lips i didn't liked it.
so one time John said to me i don't like to give him a bigger pot so now he must die slowly that was 15 years ago.LOL
a friend of mine wants him , i don't like him to move with me.
but i told him you must help me, and that's the problem, he don't does that, so ....
i try to cut of the almost died parts but then he grows just better.LOL
Kind of plague.LOL
the other big plant was just bigger and didn't fit in the window, but Karin thought we must give him a bigger pot and then she removed too many roots and then .... Gerard was relieved it was one big plant less to move?
but i said to him i will cut it of and try to make a new one of it.
he didn't liked it, still not.LOL
i have got him of some friends he has stand later by John in his house and he grow there as well to hughe sized so i have gut of a small piece after his dead to have a small one back, i couldn't move his plants.
i don't have many plants anymore.
mayby in my new home.
i like plants.
but no gardens.LOL i love balconies.LOL
less work.
i gave this mobile to my sis . Karin loved it as well.
hey till next time have seen you have given me a proper mail answer.
be contious.LOL
So when i'm reading i think suddenly but... she could have done it different
thank you!!!
and of course you're very welcome i had promised you allready !!!LOL
the sun is shining it will be a beautiful day here.
today Kai will visiting my home to be and take pictures , I heard of Gerard that Karin didn't know is she wants to go with him
but my sis that was stand by was glad, she isn't feeling well at the moment high blood pressure? we have that in the family , she always has a too low one. so it was strange.
they will check her now.
i talked with her about our mum and she thought the same of how my mum had broken the last time her other arm .
the all thought of her heart but Gerard and now my sis and me thought this must be something of the brains. Nobody has checked that?
strange. my mum had have a little stroke before when she was my age.
it's in the family.LOL
we are not soooo healthy.
but i 'm glad that my sis is careful about it. she had to go as well for her bowels, she had have some surgery of that, she told me and i thought this isn't going well.
so it's good that Kai will go.
still worn out , got just a call and i they told me that i will got the last things of my pink wheel about 14 days that's good.
think i must prime some objects today, the weather is good for that.
and i will make a small tute of mecury mirrowed bead to make
i have found it out myself , it was a suprise , didn't expect it.LOL
thought hummm this is a great thing for others.
and only of recyling things.
wolfje have given me some gifts today she had caught some flies for me.LOL
have said thank you now she likes it efen better.
good for her, becaus she must do more excersizes.LOL
both ladies are outside , because muis is still going better of health she suddenly wants to lay outside as well but she is still to hungry so she comes in an out to tell me that she needs food.LOL
smart cat.LOL
hey have a nice day till soon, fun , smile, be crafty and enjoy your new day lots of hugs and kisses;-D <3
till soon, sleep well and nice dreams.
this isn't working this notification system-D
but you know i mean it well.
now i can fave yours;-D LOL
hey sleep well tonight will think of you;-D
You're very welcome;-D
oooh i love to see the little on.
yeaah i think we must watch the good things as well.
but ... that's easier to say then done.LOL
Often when i'm crumpy about issues and telling them to Gerards he tells me i'm just a cookie monster, and that i must look for the funny or bright side of it.
he's sadly right.LOL i hate that sometimes.LOL
but.. we do our best.
genlte head bumps of my furries for you.
and more love and hugs;-D and kisses and better soons;-D
Gerard has often it , but he has a bad long condition as well.
his family is used to it.LOL
but i can be heavy -S and not good sleeping and breathings will breaks you.
or worn out.LOL (like you told me.LOL)
aaaw what a diseaster sooo much puppies just gone-S
i can understand your grieve , poor you, wish i could hold you in my arms to gave you comforting.;-D
but in my mind i do!!!;-D
hope you feel quickly some bit better.
Do you know what caused it?
i had bought a kitten and she had of her mum vip but not the wet kind but the dry and it was inside her brains.
so suddenly she couldn't walk, she became only 10 months.
i have told you that, but still remembering this and her.
so four is awefull-S
too for you as breeder -S
yeaah headages aren't my fave thing as well.LOL
hope your soon better and gets well.
try to smile just a small one is okay as well.
my headages are still g oing on i hope when i'm moved i can try to get something better by the revalidation therapy.
and this week i must call for the brace for my neck.
the 6 weeks has passed so... i hope it's ready for me.
hope that its working a tiny bit.
i hate this stucked to home for now 1,5year.
i hate this stupid waiting time of 1,5 year for my new home to be as well.
my sis was hoping with me.;-D sooo ... wait and see.;-D
and not sleeping well isn't helping too, you must be worn out.
what did your md say about this?
but some little naps in between is helping , or is it just the age.?
Gerard always mentioned that to me.LOL always must laughted of that because he is 3 years older.
i can tease him easily back.LOL
thank you for wishing me a good sunday,
hey my friend wish you sooo much better soons and getting wells and blessings
hope your embroudering machine is working.
take it easy my friend and take care and some cake.LOL
(it's a small joke of Alf but i love it, it's just a fun way to say be gentle to yourself and give your self some comforting and peace.;-D
love you, thousend tons of hugs and kisses;-D!!!!
i'm still glad with all your proper mails;-D specially the pictures ones , i'm not a great reader.LOL
Are you sleeping better?
hope so, i think i will move in august , because they have invited me to come to my new house to be, only i can't come that day-S
so it must be in a almost finished stage.
i'm tiered of living much longer between wrapped boxes-S
But suddenly i remembered that my neighbours told me they were on vacation in Greeke this months.
Silence!!!! yummie.LOL
So it will be less hard to stay here for a while.
On friday my sis was with me and she hurt all the cleaning on the balcony as well above us. She could understood what it would like to be living underneat them.
but for this month i have rest.
still having lot's of headages and migraines so... this is awesome
i'm very greatefull that they will stay there for a whole month.LOL LUcky me.LOL
today i'm trying to cut out of hard plastic small shapes.
my niece gave me some of her old toys and one was a kind of shop for ice , hummm more an open closet , so i thought because underneath it had doors.
but it were fake ones perhaps i can cut them out.hummm to hard job.LOL
I gave it now every time some cuts but.... one is almost free.
only the edges.
the middle door is harder because it has two plastic layers.
but.... it's a patience exercize i supose.LOL
Muis is sooo much improved of her well being. it's a wonder.
the leazy is still there but... it's now flatten like it belongs on her lip.
i will give her some more prednison.
she is now looking like a real birmees cat.LOL
My sis saw Wolfje and was stunned of her beauty, she had to laught of the mark on her neck, it's the only golden stripe she has.LOL
such a kitschy cat.!!!LOL
Four of her sis and brothers had a golden fur she and her other sis were the only two with the black silver shaded fur.
Karin my friend told me that the brother of her bf daughter has a birmilla as well.
but it is a grey silver shaded. She said wolfje is much beautifuller, i think she is right.
but when they were just kittens i was eager to have the lighter ones.
but... wolfje was the only one i could get at that moment and muis needed a friend to ease the lost of Indy.
still missing Indy, strange though after a year, i think because she was sooo special for me and John;-D
But both girls are awesome compagny as well.
hey thank you very much of your fave and your sweet words on t he comment;-D
i loved it to make this funny thing. but not the seccond one anymore.
i didn't had stored it away-S so i had to think of the how to alot.LOL
and this is tooo addicting, because i thought suddenly i can make more of the.-S
Thursday we had a day off and i made an other funny project , i will uploaded it , must do some editing work on the pictures.-S
sometimes i hate this. Soooo boring.
but.... sometimes it's necessary.;-D
My sis saw it and i told her you may have it but i didn't have taken good pictures of the finishing state so please wait.
she came with some better ideas but .... i thought that's too much work.
i know what to do.LOL
humm still to much things of projects not finished . i was working on a wind cheme of an old kettle but, it's still not good weather for the painting.
yesterday it was and the air was less wet as well but he needs an other layer, because of my longs i don't want to do this in my house.
tomorrow Karin comes to help me, i'm a little bit blaming myself, because i found a tiny school chair such a vintage one i have a tiny table of the same so ... but the lady that gave it for free, had painted it with a horrible colour and a stupid picture on it.
so i think i will pimp it, but first the picture must be gone.LOL
then i must send it. or it will give it a prime layer , don't know yet what to do.
but... Karin don't like to watch i have again an other new object to move.Lol
okay hope you will have a good fine sunday with your doggies.
gave them strokes and for you all my kindness my love and lots of hugs and kisses and wartmht thoughts;-D xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the comment on my peasant top.
I'm working my first dress.I'm using a pattern and everything ^_^ So far so good. It will be a maxi dress. It's really hard to find modest maxi dresses. Everything is either low cut or strapless. So, I'm using a bodice pattern from another dress but making the skirt different. I'm taking my time so it will be right. I'll let you know when it's finished and posted here.
You can see the pattern I'm using here:
It's free so if you want to download it and use it you can (I love free stuff)
I have the balero all done, with embroidery on one side, i uploaded it here tonight..hope you can see it soon.
I bet you do a lot with your sewing machine..lol..I can just imagine..lol
We have a dog that likes to catch flys and he eats bees, scarry ?yes..lol but it has never hurt him.
Got your reg mail will answer tomorrow.Your such a great writer, you would do good at writing a book.
Yes our desert is REAl desert..lol..I dont think so pretty.I guess I am tired of all the dirt and rocks..
I hope you get your battery done like you want.Takes alot to get things just right.I was in bed, but feel very restless.Im not feeling up to par , so hopefully some good rest will help me..
My poor sister is having such a hard time.Her son is mentally impared, and he is hateful and mean to her, he is a very big big 16 year old, and some times she is scared of him.She had to call the police on him the other night.I feel so sorry for her, as she could not have children and he is adopted.She has worked so hard to make a good life for him and he is very abusive, I prayed with her on the phone this evening and told her she was going to have to use some very tough love with him.I know she feels sorry for him, but that dont help him or her.I cry for her.She is my close sister..She is 7 years younger than me.She has had it very hard .She was hit by lighting and had an abusive husband, he dont live with them any more..but still comes around.I want to help her, so I talk to her and I pray for her.
You must miss your john so very much.Im so sorry you lost him.I love my mother, brother and daughter.My dad is 85 now and I worry about losing him.
But we know life must go on..When I think Im having a bad time, I think of your strength and how you manage to get things worked out and that makes me work harder to be better.Your an inspiration, much love and fun for your day..hugs xoxoxox
it's helping me your suport to go on, sometimes it's hard to work for only s haring things and you know my english isn't always good enough.LOL
i loved the mouse more because of my nickname of john and it was his sweater;-D
it 's feeling like he's closer with me.
good of you , that you have cut the balero allready that's often a big job as well.
so... and all the doggies to take care of!!!
You're a busy lady.;-D
i must check my sewing machine it's making a terrible noise but because my arms weren't working so great i thought i will check it out later, i think i must change the needle,
at first i thought it was the bobby that wasn't fit so well.
i'm working with strange yarn.LOL
and do things on my machine that normal people don't use , so that's the problem i think.
i have cleaned it and oiled it allready now... more to check.
but that's okay i'm good with that.
i have learned that on the art academy by my design teacher.
he told us when you know how things works it's less expensive, he's right.!!!
still missing those teachers, sooo talented you know.
but my body is telling me to take it calm and easy today.
Yesterday Gerard was with me and he helped me to hang the battery of my pink wheels better but when he was gone, i thought okay it's still not good so i tried it my self, it 's now much better but still i think i must ask the builder for some better solutions.
i think when they change some on the wheels i will have more wire and can hang it fixed on the tubes better so i need a large plate to fixed it.
he's still not ready with his list but.... that 's okay.
sometimes things need more time to come okay.
but i love my pink wheels more because i can use it only i must search for my insurrance plate now-S
and must ask t he dealer to do his job as well.
But that's the next step.
i had to laught wolfje was trying to cacht a fly and it didn't work well and then she always runs to my to complain loudly. LOL awesome LOL sooo funny.
it's not going well with muis again the laesies are growing again-SSSS argh.
i have told her i will wait a week and then i will call my vet again.
it's not funny anymore.
but i know this will cost me even more money, only she looks much better, like a n ormal too tiny birmees cat .LOL
all covered up with hair and more a normal weighted cat, not such a skeleton cat.LOL
she is laying now on the couchin the sun and trying to sleep. the prednison is making her more relaxed then ever.LOL like the morphine does for me.
we looking upon each other more and more.LOL
wolfje want to lay on the same place of muis-S she did something which i hate to got my attention.aargh.
so i told her to stop.LOL
she did!!!LOL wooow a welll raised cat.LOL Gerard told me you did a better job with Muis, i told him you're right but wolfje is more clever then other cats of mine so it's hard for me to do it better.LOL
okay but i'm still making improvements.LOL
hey sweety for you the same sweet wishes and if you make the mouse, much sewing fun with it.
i think i will make one that has other legs and will be a giant mouse, but that must be later, still other things to do;-D
hey much love , hugs and kisses and fun for the weekend with creative and crafty things;-D xxoxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxo
Did he like what you made for him?
yeaah yesterday it was a busy day, today as well, it's a normal week you know so i have everyday an appointment.
Must go this morning to the pain md, we like each other so it will be okay;-D
Have finished one of the versions of that tiny gift, must make 3 more.LOL
and must go to the centre to buy sewing yarn.
Normally i don't have glass curtains , just the normal for the night, but because my new home has a galerie on one site i will be sit more privatly ;-D
so that's why i make a lot fabric webbing and do with other material like milk lids my glass curtains, only those lids, i don't use too much of yoghurt it don't go quickly , i'm safing them allready a year , but i'm still have only for a normal size window;-D
it will be strange looking.LOL
Humm yesterday i saw on tele that in Haarlem the problems with help weren't great either-D
No my pink wheels are ready but that firm their van is broken so they will come with it the 19th.
But the problems for both my wheels is that Haarlem don't like it to buy them of Utrecht, so i still don't know which wheels i 'm alowed to bring with me.
and there are more issues in the house it self, one of the balconies isn't driveable for me, and something with doors in the house it self.-S
that's why i'm stressed but i have parked it now and do nice things to distracted me from all those insecure things of the not going well moving-D
Hey thank you for the felting project fave of yours and the nice sweet comment.
I have made some more allready.
but i do it differently then the book, i'm very economicly you know.LOL
I have learned to live with less money doing much like you as well;-D
so when i like somthing to do i always try to find other cheaper ways with the same effect;-D
Hey i'm still in my pj's and time is running out so till later , have a nice great day and thank you for your support;-D
keep crafty, creative, and smiling, with plenty of fun, i hope you have received the malteze allready , good luck with her, and have a great time with her,
hugs kisses and fun;-D
i did the outside and then it stoped---- and finely this last 14 days i thought of it again and thought okay i must do... so i draw sketches and scanned them but suddenly i got a new idea.LOL
yesterday i have printing it oout, it took a long time to get on the computer the perfect design, so... yesterday eve i have cut it all out soooooo tiny, aargh.
and have made one of it , i think it's adorable, but now i must do something with the other lid above too-S
much to think of, yesterday i have ordered a lot new books, proff ones and material for my curtains i will m ake , i make the material my self-D
lots of work but now the moving is again postponed and still not know anything about my wheels and adjustments and ... i thought this will help me.;-D
i'm busy with my own designed glass curtains on the south so i don't have to worry about the waiting and insecured times;-D
tricks my dear.LOL
all about it.LOL
and i'm trying to knit in between a sweater because i will have less yarn to move.LOL i saw cheap red fluffy knitting yarn finely in the discount and i thought months ago this is for me.LOL but i thought by the paydesk oooh poor Karin.LOL
so i have hide it for months for her.LOL
i have told her this story.LOl she had to laught about it.
I called her yesterday to ask her how her feets were after all the work we did, it was not worse. so i'm relieved.
she is a very dear and close friend to me and of me;-D
so when i heard the story of not walking for weeks i was really worried.
still am.
but she is working on it, i hope it will help but it 's a long time problem-S
Like my neck.LOL
Have called yesterday again to haarlem and i got one of the people i needed, she was flabber gasthed about it and said to me i must check this and i will work on it, can't say anything, we are still having lot's of problems she was relieved to hear of me they had more time of the postponed houses.LOL
so i don't know anything but... i must wait about the wheels as well.
so up to my work and you to your dad, wish you a nice day and have fun and be brave LOL
a big friendly smile of me and hugs and kisses and fun;-D
Good to hear t hat you can listen to my words, not everybody can.
sometimes it's easier to be crumpy of situations and to complain in steade off searching for new ways. so i'm glad that you heard the words and the meaning and will try it out.;-D
Your a good girl!!!!LOL i think you will often use those words to your dogs.LOL
I thought that suddenly when i wrote that down.LOL
Noooooo you're not a dog.LOL
i have a Zen exercise cd and the voice is telling always try to ... a tree (or something else) but you aren't a tree , ...LOL
must always laught of those lines.LOL
okay i must go on my work.
have a great day my friend and i hope she will coming soon !!!
mayby make something for her, or... it's your day.
hey till soon , have an awesome good day of yours and have fun;-D xoxoxooxoxooxoxoxo
Good to hear t hat you can listen to my words, not everybody can.
sometimes it's easier to be crumpy of situations and to complain in steade off searching for new ways. so i'm glad that you heard the words and the meaning and will try it out.;-D
Your a good girl!!!!LOL i think you will often use those words to your dogs.LOL
I thought that suddenly when i wrote that down.LOL
Noooooo you're not a dog.LOL
i have a Zen exercise cd and the voice is telling always try to ... a tree (or something else) but you aren't a tree , ...LOL
must always laught of those lines.LOL
okay i must go on my work.
have a great day my friend and i hope she will coming soon !!!
mayby make something for her, or... it's your day.
hey till soon , have an awesome good day of yours and have fun;-D xoxoxooxoxooxoxoxo
when you're feeling alone you must make your day extra special for your self so it's feeling less alone.
I learned that trick on my first vacation on my own. I told myself i'm here, so i must make my self comfy and pleased.
so everyday i planned something special, to of work.
I'm always working , in my vacation times too.LOL
that's the curse of being an artist.LOL
but then i do other things, you can do the same, it's your day , only for you.
Mayby this is helping you a tiny bit as well.
wish you good luck.
till later , smiles and fun and hugs with kisses;_D
Karin and i have demontaged a closet of me so i have more spage and we have again filled two other boxes.
she was upset as well about my problems, have tried to call about it with the community worker in haarlem, but she was out of the building.
hummm have asked if they wanted to aske her to call me because now they are working on all those stupid adjustments.
must wait , very frustrated.
now i'm very tired out, like you said worn out.LOL
but i assure you i'm still dressed.LOL
hey all my love and hugs and kisses don't forget to smile!!! and have fun as well;-D
so i wasn't naked.
but that 's not what i meanted that word so ... humm sleep well Karin is coming soon so i look like a white tornado.
When i was a child there was in the 70 adds on television and there was such a movie about a white tornado.
they where funny because all the lines where song and simple, i know still some of them.LOL
not the most importend things to remember.
i don't like the new advertizing movies on tele.
always turn them off, or will read suddenly some pages in my book.
Yeaaah you're a mother, so it was good to do.;-D
When i worked with grown ups we had a man that has children in that group as well. so when it was fathers day we gave him a dads breakfast.;-D
and the only mum the same for mothers day.
they loved it.
That woman was of my age and her daughter was when i was 30 allready 16 years and almost out the house, couldn't believe it.
But one friend of mine had the same so when they became 50 their daughter were fly out as well.
and their neighbours had just those age of pubers.
strange, and i was thinking on my 38 if i wanted children.LOL
glad i didn't got any. i think i was perhaps a loving mum but i knew i would have much problems with telling them no i can't do that because.
so this is better.
hey have a nice good smiling day.
love hugs en kisses;-D
and have called my mum for mothersday.
ooh congreatulations for mothersday.LOL
hey sleep well my friend, much big friendly smile of me;-D
and kisses and hugs;-D
i'm tired so it's a small note;-D
till later many hugs and biggest smiles ever.;-D
not sleeping is making everybody ill, what is the md telling you about this problem?
Glad that you have slept a tiny bit allready.
hey till later my sweet smiling friend, hugs, fun and kisses for the babies and mums as well;-D
humm it's not well still with my neck and hands, don't like it. but it's just part of my live i think.
i'm glad that this week is almost over, because next week i must call and figth again for my suplies, aargh.
and musst clean my house again for comming visitings.LOL
not so much fun and... fave of mine.LOL
and must do a lot of my taxes forms bleughLOL
soooo it will be a boring weekend i 'm thinking
but perhaps i can make some time free for my own work;-D
aaah beautiful that cross you made!!!
hey have a nice weekend , be crafty and smiling, many hugs, smiles and kisses;-D
so thank you!!!!.LOL
just watch i have just uploaded a new felting technique that isn't commen;-D
hey till later have a great nice good weekend my smiling friend;-D hugs kisses and fun ;-D
you're very welcome.
lol i'm reading your own answer on here, i don't like to use those embroidery hoops often i make one of iron wire for the sewing machine so i will have the right size and use clamps of the hard ware store that 's working very well.
hey have a great day your self as well , love , hugs and fun with kisses;-D
I checked out your tute. It's pretty cool. I've always wondered what those rings were for. Now I know ;0)
yeaah i love your great clear to understand tute.!! love the project and the methode as well. Didn't knew this one;-D
wooow and so much new projects, awesome!!!
hey have a nice day, hope you slept better this night!!
love you, my smiling friend, many dutch greetings, and hugs and kisses;-D
i think by you it's much warmer, you can't live without any more.;-D
i live much nearer to the north pool.LOL so it's colder here sometimes in the summer we have some days of 31 celsius and that aweful hot .LOL
people in holland are always talking about the weather, it's just small talk.LOL
a great thank ful subject.;-D
About the royal family , i don't think they really like it.LOL The king to be had told that once in a interview.LOL
i think they are right about always the same thing to watch and listen, not everybody is a real artist you know.LOL
but... i love the grazy orange thing we all have on that day.LOL
i'm trying to give my neck and hands rest but ... must clean my house for the talk about the pink wheels deseaster-S
must do still alot.;-D
will manage.
hey sweetie smiling friend , be gentle and have a nice good day, enjoy your new babies;-D xoxoxoxooxoxoxox
and the people in that city will do all kind of acts for her, sometimes it'\s sooo boring.LOL
i think i need some rest it was really hot here for the time this year so i couldn't sleep so well i think that's why i have more problem then ever
hey tell you late rmore of this strange happening.LOL
big smiles from me and hugs with kisses
jet xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo
i was a baggy persone only i didn't use them, now because of my wheels i only use my backpacks. but i have made a bunch of baggies as well this long during weekend. still messed up by that.LOL
it will cost me a week and then we having again such a long weekend.
because it's the celbreathing of the queen day, it's a strange happening.
all people love to weare orange that day.LOL
and people are alowed to sell there old things so it's funn;y you can buy for one euro the greatest things ever or just old used carbage.LOL
some like i did once are selling their craftings for the fun for just a small prize.
so its fun.
okay my hands are hurting too much i must stop wish you a great fun nice day
love and hugs
jet xooxoxooxoxooxoxooxooxox
humm i'm totally a stressed out gril.LOL
i had to made a upload and i was trying to got that in time for my subscribtion and.... then when i had called them and found the one i needed my credit card wasn't the right one. i had cut in two the good one.LOL
so i called the bank and asked for a new one but it will come to late so i have asked by mail for help ofothers.
have migraine and still not well, have to work too long on my sewing machine so my hands and neck are hurting a lot.
stupid of me.LOL
somtimes when those things are going wrong they really go hughe wrong.LOL
people don't understand that. i will because i have those jumping brains that causes this all.LOL
think gerard can laught of it.
hey Muis is going better the thing on her lip is gone and she is feeling much better sometimes she plays , she haven't done that for a long time.
she was laying on my lap and saw the tail of wolfje sweeping in front of her so she started to play, wolfje didn't liked it too well.LOL
like your new bag!!! well done
will jump to it later.
hey thank you for all the faves and all the sweet nice coments on the pillows and the bunny towers.
they were fun to make.
yeaah the pillows were from a packet, but i did more of it, I always do.LOL
often i think nooow jet don't too much work.LOL
but thats just me and when i have started to do something more with it i can't stop.LOL
okay must go on, We had yesterday the seccond easter day. so in m y head it's now monday but in real it still thuesday.LOL
not fine all those free days with a jumping brain.;-D
i love the weather , only not the hayfever of it but staying inside is okay and love the view from the outside as well.
It's too dry for my country so all big fires in the nature has started.
not good we have too less nature pieces -S
because we are a too small country with too much people.
don't bother that at all.
love people too much.
hey have a nice fun creative week;-D lots of hugs and kisses
I hope you get your machine back soon. That guy better fix it for free and give you a credit for future service or something.
For a new embroidery machine, may I suggest Craigslist and Ebay for an embroidery machine? I love those sites. You get such great deals. Amazon has good deals too.
I watch "Sewing with Nancy sometimes. She always uses the complex machines like the one you are talking about.
inside are metal.Like my old one.
I have my brother embroidery machine still in the shop..I dont know what their prob is, I called the day before yesterday and they said they had to order a new part..they say that all the time..Im going to have my daughter take me to the shop hopfully next week..they have had it since Jan..smile.
BTW...thanks for the comments over a Woman to Another.
All is well here. I was thinking about you the other day. My husband bought me a sewing machine. Guess what...it's a Brother :0D. How ironic!!!
I think I found something that might help you with the bag.
This is the tutorial that gave me the inspiration for my High Fashion Denim Satchel. She creates a divider for the clutch and it might help you out. I'm stuck on the zipper part though. I'll give it some thought and if I come up with anything I'll let you know.
but it's a smart solution as well for crafting suplies to clean.
and i like that you have made it of vinyl clear plastic so you can see what's in it.;-D
well done.!!!
Glad that you're feeling much better.
Love the new babies so sweet and adorable and looking well and for me very healthy.
Muis is suddenly feeling much better she want to be cuddled and wants more attention. The prednison is i think doing his job.
Glad off.
Hey have a good day , it's almost easter, i didn't noticed it.-S
so it will be a long weekend;-D
like that;-D
I'm having a free time off too of my helping friends;-D so i have set up my sewing machine and working hard on sewing crafts like you;-D
hey have a good crafty creative weekend as well
lots of hugs, smilings and kisses;-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i have made awesome things of it. watch my projects it's easy to make but do it outside.!!!
hey much luck and lots of hugs and kisses , till next time;-D
have promissed her that i will hang it on a great spot in my new home.
it was great to have them both in my house, she showed her new friend.
got her new adress so i can send her tons of cards and mails;-D
had given her make up.
only wolfje didn't liked the visitors don't know why not.
only muis love them.LOL
i think they weren't men for wolfje.LOL
hey sweetie have great nice creative good week
lots of dutch greetings and love;-D xoxoxooxoxooxoxooxo
and hope it will go an other 15 years with you.
have send you a proper mail allready but i love it to react one again.LOL
oooh the itshy is almost gone i can't without scrathing now.LOL
hey sweety have a great nice fun day and many dutch hugs and greetings
love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love your attitude, and want to be like you..What a sweet heart your are..hugss n kisses..smile.
but still itchy, but lesser.
hey sweety h ave a great nice day i will thinking of you, hope your are less sad and that the bleach bad is over.;-D
lots of dutch greetings with hugs and kisses;-D
poor you, much luck with all your work;-D be careful and be safe!!!!
love you;-D xoxoxooxoxooxoxoxooxoxooxoxo
i have got a heavy allergic reaction must got predinson for two day.
humm i will look very healthy , because my face will be big.LOL
of the side effects.
i'm all itshy and couldn't sleep last nicht like there where bugs on and over me-S
still i'm scratsy a lot.
So i will go in the afternoon to the chemistry it's like i have a subscribtion on that shop-S
When John was alive i had to go to them every day almost.-S
hated that,
but okay can't change it.
and i have fever -S
and pain in my muscles juck-S
hey hope your filling a tiny bit better, i'm thinking of you a lot, you are sharing sooo much to others , so lovely and kind.
thank you!!!!!
Your a good person my friend;-D
hey much greetings and dutch hugs with kisses.
we kiss when we hug a persone three times on the cheeks and in real not those air fake onesLOL
some foreneigers has big problems of those.LOL
hey now you know what i mean with dutch hugs and kisses.;-D LOL
have a nice good day , till next time xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo
hey thank you of your sweet support , the sweet words on the comment and your fave on the paper bunny doll.;-D
it's making me blosing.LOL
so i'm looking suddenly very healthy.;-D
have a good nice day without toooo much sadness, lots of hugs and kisses;=D
i'm so sorry to hear your bad sad news.
wish you much strenght sweetie, saw today the sweet video of him, so funny think of him like of how he loved to play , now he don't have to suffer anymore.
there must be a doggy heaven don't you think?;-D
Yeaaah it was aweful of her, later on i fouded Indi and those breeders were sooo nice to us and caring of their cats and kittens and were very trickly to the persons to would become the new owners.
When they heard of John that he was a breeder many years ago of those cats and the stories of our brown birmees they knew that it was okay.
They became more like friends i still have contact with them.
Muis is from them as well.
wolfje is from their first Birmilla cat. It was the first one in Holland.
they started with the dutch line.
still too less, but it's not a populair brand even as the birmees ones.
Glad that you have soo many pictures of h im, i wish you much strenght and comforting and support of your lost.
many blessings and a good peacefull weekend,
lots of hugs and kisses of your dutch friend;-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I noticed you and Jet are also friends too ^ ^ i guess Jet let you (also her friends) see my project ? she' s so sweet and very kind to me
I didn't understand that of the breeder of my daisy that she was blaming me of her stupid things.
that was making her too soon dead much harder.-S
Yeaah it always sooo sad to see a much to young being to die.
i hope for you and him it's soon over, lot's of strenght though.
Glad that you have allready some pictures and video's .
i wish you much comfort of me and good and warmth thoughts of me and all my love , keep on smiling , you need it now more then ever!!!
lots of hugs and kisses to ease the pain sweetie,
love you!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i'm sorry for you!!!-S it will break your heart, to see them dying.
poor one, and poor you, and poor buyers. for you all much strenght
I have had a kitten that was at 10 months dying too, of vip in her head.
soo sad , and yeaah i always thinks of her.
but good of you, sooo glad that you have done that, proud of you my smile tough friend;-D
he make later something as a rememberance of him it will help you.
hey love you sweetie and much strenght take good care,
lots of dutch greetings and hugs and kisses;-D and blessings;-D
oooh be warned.LOL later on you can start a sewing machine shop as well.LOL
but good of you to call the man you're self.
and that you make a working plan for the one you have in the house allready.;-D
humm msaid when they will gone your babies-S
but great to have the new machine as well;-D
hey have a nice good day, my friend, will think of you;-D
my biggest smile is for you today;-D xoxooxoxoxooxoxooxoxo
you must got a change to use it as well, you're her mum.
i'm missing your crafts too much tell her that.LOL
hey i'm glad t hat you're almost back , keep on the inner smiling , lots of love and good that you don't be scarred of me and no more worries.-D
i will search of pictures for you.;-D
hey have a nice good eve , cuddles to your doggies and for you more kisses and hugs and smiles of me;-D
i'm sure you will got some inspiration to do something with it, or make some toy's for the babies to gave them with them to their new homes.
you can make balls and bots and blankets and ...
or their name in letters filled up on a cushion or on a trip to hang .
mayby this isnt' so smart to give you all my ideas , but you don't h ave to do this at all, only when you like to start on them and love the ideas
and take your time,
i'm glad that you're feeling a tiny bit better though , humm i don't know if i'm sure about that but it's sound like that.
ooooh i have made a mess again saw suddenly that a lot of boxes aren't filled up with things and they are all waiting of that to get storaged to the walls.
so now on my living room i can't drive anymore, must get trought the kitchen to go to the front door.LOL
my kitchen is the only space that's standing in the middle of my house with two walls the rest must i make sepratly with slinding walls , but it's now fine because i can still go to the frontdoor.LOL
hey must search for bills for my taxes-auuugh hate that.;-D
hey have a much better and funnier day then i have and have fun, be gentle to yourself and just think of smiling ;-D
love you sweetie , had to laught of your stunning view of my tiny country.
don't worrie we're the best in building dikes and bridges off the whole world.
we're famous about that.LOL
and yeaah its very funny to watch the water above you or standing underneat the dike to watch the boots floading above your head.LOL
i'm used to that, so it's not scarry.
so don't worry.
And i told you we're a righ country so we can protect our self very well , not like other countries with less money.
and ... i'm living high on the fourth floor, in my next house to be too.;-D
much hugs and strenght and blessings and lots of kisses;-D
if you don't have normal fabric use some old tshirts or plastic bags look at some of mine tutes it will help you
i have made a lot of things of plastic with sewing them as well.
you can use old sheets too.
i have years ago used some old panties because i loved the fabric.LOL
you will find something , i'm sure.
don't be tooo hard for yourself it will come do only things you like and not toooooo difficult, i'm sure you will be back soon.
it's a good sign that you're thinking about it.
mayby some small things for the dogs?
he don't forget it be gentle to yourself and i'm proud of you to smiling still.
hey love you honey have a greate eve and nice peaceful time till soon
lots of kisses and hugs;-D
Karin was eager to work in the kitchen but i told her noo.LOL
we had to work in the workingroom to place all the boxes there,
she didn't liked it.LOL
i had a migraine so i was funerable but we had some fun as well.
she told me that Nikki her daughter and her friend had brought old computer things for me, but Karin didn't give it yet to me because i had to move it too, so she told me i have a Jet back for you.LOL
sweet idea.
don't worry about that, when you're feeling you're self a little bit better i know it will come back.
now it's allready awesome that you take so much care of your and the doggies, and your self . Hey hang on !!!!
love you try to keep on with the smiling tiny ones inside are good enough as well.
don't forget i'm thinking of you and love you, you're not alone;-D
send you all my warmth comforting and suports thoughts and much hugs and kisses , be gentle to yourself!!!
many blessings and love;-D xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoox
but.... i'm almost done i think the rest must wait till monday.
thank you for your fave and your sweet comment on the paperbunny doll of mine
love you for being sooo suporting to me;-D
the dog will coming next week, i had suddenly 60 mails of cok not funny anymore.
but... i have filled all the holes in the wall today as well and made my kitchen table clean.
sooo the rest must be to morrow with Karin.
Have quicly safed some kitchen storages for a new project, Karin is eager to wrapp all my stuff. i love her but.... and all those months waiting with the wall covered up with boxes don't like it.
okay new week new changes .
had to laught of my mum when i told her the story of all those new kitchens she told me you can start your own shop.LOL
hey keep on smiling girl till soon love you, lots of hugs and kisses and when you want to make my project , have a lot of crafting fun, i know that you're now tooo busy with other things it 's not bad .
gave them so cuddelings of me
but for you the most.LOL xxxoxooxoxooxoxoxooxox
thank you my sweet friend , it 's always super to be suported by others and you;-D
it's very easy i thought at first it was difficult as well. but don't forget to bake them in the oven.
that was the trickiest part for me, i have burned a lot braches in to ass.LOL
it's smelling aweful so don't do that.LOL
my friend Karin loved it as well.
hey till later, love you lot s of hugs and kisses;-D
Thanks on the bags. I finally finished my latest bag yesterday. I'll have pics up later.
Good to hear things are clearing up with the pups.
A couple of years ago, before I got Minnie, my husband bought me a toy poodle for my 25th birthday. We named her Fluffy. She only stayed with us for a couple of days. We took her back because she seemed really sad. As if she missed her mother. She wouldn't eat, or play. She was only 5 wks so I think that had something to do with ti. I later learned pups should be at least 8wks before going home. Long story short...I had become attached to her after 3 days. It was hard to see her go. I understand how easy it can be to become attached to them. I couldn't be a breeder...I wouldn't want to give any of them up!
Ringworm huh...oh my. I just learned a couple of weeks ago that humans can get it from dogs. My mom was just telling me day that she and my sisters had it. It had even spread to my youngest sister's face. They have all since gotten it taken care of. It started when my second to youngest sister got it when she went in a corn maze. I will be praying that it clears up from your pups.
I hope everything goes well with the buyers. It seems as though they would appreciate you not sending the pups out with ringworm.
Glad to hear about your machine. Still working on my bag (yes it is taking a while). I think I'll just take my time and get it done when I get it done. I just don't feel a rush.
oooh that's sweet of faving my branch beads and buttons project
i was suprised to see suddenly it was fuetured!
hey much crafting fun with the making of, wish you lot's of smiles today, and send you later a proper mail , lots of strenght and warmth thoughts as well
give your babies some small hugs and for you the best biggest smile of me with all my love,
hugs and kisses;-D
I'm glad to hear you'll be getting your machine back. I know it probably feels like it has been gone for ages. Praise God, you won't have to pay for it (Favor).
I look forward to seeing some new projects up.
Just thought I'd stop by and say hello. I am working on a new bag. I hope is does as good as the Anthro one. I just started cutting pieces yesterday so it'll be a while.
How have you been?
Hope you are good by the way. Take care!
Thanks for the comment on my bag. I'm really excited about it.
oooh you're very welcome of the fave and my comment of mine;-D
i really liked it.hey i see i have got a proper mail as well from you so i will jump to that one. and speak with you later;-D
have a nice fun crafty day, hugs and kisses;-D
Thanks for the comment. I have been in a bag making mood for about a month mow. I made a couple and now I can't stop. I look forward to seeing your bags when you get them done.
BTW how are the puppies? I like the new pic. I told Minnie that was her cousin :0)
CO + K User
good look finding it.
this is what another user posted at my tutorial page
Nakita J.about 3 hours ago
it's called crepe paper in the us too. it is more readily available in streamer form. i know you can find it online... hope that helps
hope u can find it cuz it really is a great paper to work with.
I've been doing really good. I haven't been on this site as much as I normally am. I've been busy making things and putting how-to videos together for my new site ModestyFashions.net. I want to have alot of content when I launch the site because it won't be a daily blog like Woman to Another.
Congrats on the new puppies...I bet they are cute as ever. My grandmother has a yorkie her name is Lil Bit. Her yorkie is an adult and she is really small so I bet your yorkie pups are tiny. More puppies equals more action. :0)
Thanks for accepting! I am sorry to hear you have been feeling a bit down and hope you feel better soon.
I love doing crafts too and bought my first sewing machine last year! Lots to learn!!
Looking forward to getting our dog in a couple of months, our house is not a home without a dog in it ☺
JS x
On the right hand side, scroll down past the "most versions" list and it says "top crafters"...you're on that list.
I live in northeastern Brazil, in a beautiful town called Aracaju. You would like to know it. It's plenty of flowers, and there are beautiful beaches. This week I'm visiting my parents, in Rio de Janeiro. The weather is hot as we're on summer (more than 40°C yesterday - Rio is hotter than Aracaju).
I'm a married 54 guy father of 3, and my youngest daughter is engaged to be married this year. I'm a retired bank clerk, with a degree on Accountancy, but I've enrolled university again, and now I'm on 3rd year of Medical School. (that sounds a little crazy, I agree, but TV was getting too boring! lol)
Nice to hear from you.
I'll think you can beter use your energy to the thinks that are good for you like the other sis which you have a close contact with.
it will bring us more smiling faces and that's the good thing to have in our lives;-D
hey congreatulations!!! again some money.LOL
Mayby it's n ow much harder to sell them in those bad economic times?
Nooo i was the only one that was hit by them.lOL
its now brushed and swollen, not broken , not feeling soo good so i will wait on other day and then go to my gp.
Have to do today lot's of other things-S
must to logopedic.LOL not of my voice but of my breathing problems don't think this is necessary but the gp told me so.LOL
so i will give it a try.;-D
Hey wish you a nice fun day. love you , much fun and greetings and hugs with more kisses
hey my sweet friend i could see that you had fun with making them, and for your doggies smooth pats too and lots of love for your self;-D
Thanks for visiting my place.
The door is open, whenever you want :o)
Greetings from Brazil
but you're a great friend to have too.
thank you for that!!!
and thank you for your fave , the support is helping me to go on.
this morning i had to work with Karin my friend to cleaning things out of material.
but i'm tooo tired at the moment so i had to cry , Karin was sweet so later on i used my adhd brain to be okay but now i'm feeling not fine.
too tired , so i thought i will check first all my mails and then i go down for some moments.
Muis is laying on my lap at the moment she don't like all the mess around when Karin is with me, she knows she will got her food to late.LOL
sill loving her sooo much, she is sooo sweet and kind but wolfje is overwealming her often.
Yes they are great together but they can mean to each other as well, thinks like real sister when they are young.
I had a lot fights with my sis when i was a kiddo, now we are great together.
so sometimes it's good that we become of ages.LOL
Did i told you allready i'm working on the choire gifts at the moment did a lot things wrong this weekend my brains didn't worked too well.LOL
a big headage but it wasn't the migraine so i couldn't take those meds.
and after all i had to do lots of thing again, and i didn't like after all the look of the design which i had made some months ago
so i changed that too , so again a day lost.
but this is better
and still glad that i have finished the art gift.
don't know now what and how i will send it or must bring it ? strange.
i had written Akkie some notes that i didn't like but he told me that it wasn't his job, thought okay and now?
don't know now what to write back ,-S
so i must think of it some more days
some issues must have more time to think of and then telling them;-D
Ooooh stupid some shelves those heavy ones were falling on my arm , so typping isn't nice now, i can't bend my arm really well, but the other things are working so must watch this some night and when it's not going better i must call for an appointment for the gp.
hugggg don't like those things but i was allready relieved that they didn't felt upon Karin .
hey love you new project , well done, you're sooo good with felt!!!!
hey love you , and glad that you are having fun with the little doggies too and yes we all needs money to live so this is a good way!!!!
take care of yourself and don't worry i'm looking well of my own;-D
thank you of your sweet concerns;-D
lots of love, fun , hugs and tons of xxxxxxx;-D
I have join them for 10 years.
hey thank you for your love, , and i love the birdie the best too.LOL
but i have something lately with birds;-D
wish you a great fun weekend, love hugs and fun and some strokes for all the doggies of yours and more kisses for you;-D
hummm it's going on i think really busy of finishing the art gift in time, but i 'm almost done;-D
glad that the weekend is coming.;-D
and i'm now harder sorting out things then ever.LOL
hey love you hope you're okay and going well,
love , h ugs, fun and lots of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just stopping by to say thank you for adding my project "Dazzling *Cereal Box* Clutch Or Purse" to your list of Favorites!
Hope yours comes out nicely!
Bummer...your sewing machine being broken and all. I look forward to see your finished quilt. I will get into agreement with you that your sewing machine won't cost a fortune to get fixed.
You know...try looking on craigslist for a computer. I'm sure you could find one in your area for a really good price. Ebay is another good option but I'd try craigslist first.
Yes that's my Minnie. She is part Maltese and part Shi Tzu. She is just over a year old. She was my 26th birthday gift from my husband. He totally surprised me when he brought her home...I thought he was going to go buy a computer :0)
Well Sea glass is glass found on beaches along oceans,that has been tumbled and smoothed by the waves, water and sand, creating smooth, frosted shards of glass. I wish you could see my collection I have done so many things with them they are really beautiful I have smooth ones and frosted and hunting for them on the beach is so relaxing it cools my stress away lol
I just love them I live like at 2 or 3 minutes from the beach I see it from my house so every morning I wake up and look at the sunrise it looks like its coming out of the ocean ahhhhhhhhh it kills me lol such pretty view. Take care have a nice weekend.
thank you for your complements and as well for the fave.
you don't need to carding by hand tear and pull them out and make them loss is good enough .
and it is soooo easy because you can use all the scraps you have of fibres natureals or synthetic ones. or tiny bit of sewing yarn ,
i have thought to make some glass curtains for the windows for my new hom.
I have used the webbing for my art gift on the flame shade its beautiful.
I'm working now at t he torch shape , a lot of work.-S
hey must go to work;-D
better sooons and lots of Hugs and kisses;-D
much comforments and hugs to ease all your problems and glad to hear that she has got 5 babies.!!!
i send you later today a real mail for an mail adres
want to see those sweeties.;-D
he take care get better soons , love you , rest and be genle to your selfs, hugs . love , fun and kisses;-D XOXOXOXOXOXO
Have a great evening..
have found the link that you loved to have , didn't know if you have found it back but i thought i still know where i must search for you.
mayby a small help for you of all the lost tutes to ease a tiny bit the pain ;-D
Here it is:
hey thinking of you and hope you re okay ,and that your mum to be had have their babies;-D
love you, hugs , fun and kisses, sleep well;-D
have you told that your md about your eyes, and are the checked.
sometimes it 's happens too of meds, so...please let it checked.
eyes are importend to us.;-D
hummm don't overdo it, yeaaah you don't find all back of them, but only better new ones;-D Don't forget that;-D
i have noticed that i always love the same crafts and had got too m uch double ones allready.LOL
mayby that was your problem as well and look at your projects you had given some links so you can find them back;-D
wish you luck with them
hey try to rest too;-D
love you lots of hugs and good other thoughts and supports and kisses;-D
poor you, i send you all my symphaty ,i know this isn't fun anymore.
have still those problems as well-S
sometimes i think we must be sooo strong the whole time , this is absurd , we need sometimes the help and comforting of others as well.
yeaah some people are huffy i think that it comes of the bad economy and they don't think off that there moods will effects others.LOL
so ... i always try to be nice and don't do the same, sometimes i do.LOL
but i'm just a human being like all the others.LOL
aobut sights, i had broken all my glasses this week in one day.LOL
my best ones too, and thought oooh this is not fine anymore.
so i go to the shop where i had bought them and the man told me that they were broken. Must keep my face nutral because i had laughted loudly of this stupid note of him.LOL
but i wanted help so i said oooh really and i think you can fix it for me though!!!
he wanted to sell a new one told him must wait for a year still and i haven't the money now because i will move.
he told me that he would glue it and then it won't bend anymore , told him that was okay, so yesterday i came back and he was proud of his glueing.
because the classes are still to bend. told him that he had done a good job.LOL
hummm it was like i was talking to a student LOL
aaah poor mum to be of yours , she don't understand it really what is going on with her, and she is i think a little afraid.
so you must comforted h er. sooo sweet.
you're a great dog keeper a real friend for her.
we must go to early to bed like you the same time.
Please rest a while , you can still hold on your cloths, or like Sheila and i does pj times.LOL
then you honour your name really.LOL
be gentle to yourself. and thinking too much in the wrong way so it's not pretty any more , try to write it all down, then meditate an drest for a while, often it helps.
you must be tiered my sweet friend. and those problems with dives is not helping either , i know that.
humm wish i was with you and then i embrassed you i have long arms you know.LOL but in my thoughts i''m with you.
thinking a lot of you take good care of you.
resting is helping too. and some power resting times during the day.
cleaning humm that's always making your brains jumpy as well.
don't do to much like you telling me mum.LOL
no really bit by bit ,
hey for later a good fine day with less problems , will think o fyou.
lots of good thoughts and support to you and lots of hugs and kisses.;-D
to for your mum to be;-D
oooh that's what you're doing.LOL i have missed you. so i thought must write you directly backwards.;-D
yeaaaah sometimes that is importend to do those things.
hummm that's not good that you can't sleep well. what are the md telling you about that?
it will make you soooo tired off and too of being getting hyper or just down with your moods.
not good and fine. wish you was a fairy persone and could fix it for you.LOL
i always sleeping too less hours as well but i have had those problems allready when i was a kiddo, because of my brains;-D
so i have always a lot to read in my bed and listen to my ipod or thinking of new solutions for my art work.LOL
or telling myselfs stories;-D
some people told me to stop with that because in bed you must get boring, but thats not working for me.
i always tell my self you can rest ,and try to do some power naps during the day.
which i always forget to take.LOL
mayby it will help you as well;-D
i'm making a little bit progress with the latest damagings had last day finely a migraine day off. Hummm was yummie.LOL
only dizzy and still got problems with my sight. but most people thinks when i gave them my wallet (only in special trusty shops!!!) to take out the money theirself that it's just my hands that don't work.LOL
i had to buy yesterday something else and there was a credit machine but i couldn't read the screen because it stood tooo high to for me to watch it.
so other people were changing the whole store for me that were standing in the file of people behind me for the paying desk.LOL
i thought that's not the problem only.LOL
the lady at the desk didn't like the comments , so i sat in between those two.
so i said to her okay you can't help about this and to the others thank you for being so understandable.
always tricky situations.
oooh that owl was of yours, i had thought you had made other projects so i checked it out but it was allways a mistake so i thought humm don't have to check out your owl.LOL
sorry. about that.
but i was after a long time not so patience anymore.LOl
hey much luck and succes with all your checking out and storage in boxes this weekend.
will think of you take care of your self
and yeaaah thank you i will do t hings bit by bit.;-D
thank you for your nice concerns. but take it easy for your self as well
my sweet friend, gave t he babies of yours some huggs and for you the best and bigges hugs every and a lot of fun an dkisses
have an great fun awesome weekend ;-D
it's hard but bit by bit and not to much that's the secret.LOL
and you know i have jumping brains so illness and resting don't combinated by me very well.LOL
so i must do something. i think i will be stucked for a year .
got some advice of my gp was glad hope that it will help me out.
but this takes more time for getting well okay.-S
Yes i'm strong but not always.LOL i'm just an normal human being.LOL
but i have power in my , you're right about that.!!!
Thank you for all your sweet words , love that.
Glad that the puppies are going great, give them some strokes and enjoy the small time you will have t hem with you;-D
my girls loved your hugs , must tell you thanks of them.LOL
hey have a great fun good awesome rest of the week , love and hugs and kisses.;-D X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0
hey hang a note for making those pictures before wrapping and sending them away, on a smart place so you will never forget to make them;-D
Yes it was fine, will got the results next week.
the problem is that my neck was allready very bad almost broken so every extra damaging isn't soo fine'=D
i will mum.LOL thank you for your concern love you for that.!!!'=D
working is helping me to bare those boring stucked to home months and making me mind destract off the pain, so it's okay to work a little bit and... i must finishing in time the art gift for the yearly prize, showed today my friend Karin the shape of it and she loved it.
glad so i can go on.'=D
Have made my own webbing and i will make a tute of it, so you can make it as well. i think you will love this too.
you can use it for curtains jewelry and art gifts and cloths and on notebooks or decoration material.
i have learned it from an other woman that gave a demonstration and i saw directlly that you could done more with it.
sooo you will see that too.;-D
hey have an nice week and have fun and hope your dogs are okay , give them some strokes
and for you all my love and lots of fun and hugs with kisses;-D
it's silend between us. so i thought allready must write a comment soon but you were faster.LOL
aaw so sweet and kind of you to give me a sweet commend and a fave on my sleepy bird. thank you very much.
How are you doing? i hope fine.
i'm still not recovered of the last damaging of my nekc, i have problems to accept to start over with it all. after elf months stucked to home. Humm a little bit crumpy at my self.LOL
bu tnot to others. i know i must accept this again.
only the smart thing of it was when it happened it was just some minutes before the MRI so they have see it.LOL
but it not okay my arms and hands are worse to use then before and again sight problems with migraine.
but have to work hard on the art gift for the yearly prize of our organisation to finish in time.
I have made the shape of it allready and now i'm working on the outside layers.
lots to do still.
it's fine to make it, i'm thinking of my lost friend a lot and how he would have appriciate it and had to laught of it too.
and working on small gifts as well.
had made for my friend Karin a kitschy necklace but today i saw something was not sooo good glued so i have to do some on it before i can wrap it.;-D
and must clean my materials my house is again chaos of all my materials.LOL
and.... the moving is coming in sight.!!! sooo glad of that, too excithing.;-D not allways fun -S
hey wish you have a lazy sunday afternoon and an awesome fine good week as well
hey much love hugs, fun , friendship and xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and yes it helps me a lot that people will think of me and are concerend about me, so i don't feel myself lonly.;-D
thank you!!! your a sweet and kind loveable friend!!!;-D
hey for you a lot hughe and big hugs too and lots of love fun and more kisses;-D
no i'm not okay i have during our traveling to the hospital the 28 december damaged again my neck , so i have again more migraine and sight problems and pain in my neck like hell.
my arms and hands don't work to well either. ;-/
it will cost again a long time to recouvering from this.:/
glad that i can work a tiny bit but i must lay down often,
so your words were a great gift for me, and you'v emade me smile;-D
thank you for that;-D
he hope you are well and having a fine week , think of you a lot , let me know when you aren't well so i can send you some encouring words and love;-0D
hey strokes for the tiny babies of yours and for you big hugde hugs and lots of kisses .;-D
hey thank you very very much for your fave on my tiny shadow box, much fun with the making of and hope you will have an nice fun good crafting n ew year my sweet friend.
lots of love and hugs;-D
i did that too, still.LOL
but now all that is for my move to the other town.;-D
will look at the link tomorrow, thank you.
Nooo you're not sillly , loved to see how you did it, and i noticed that it cost a lot of concentration that's what i saw, but i only had to laught of the beginning.
thought huuuh must i watch to your shelfs what's happening.LOL
My neck wa before the 3 whiplashes allready very bad.
i don't have those disc anymore in between of the verbas in my neck so all the verba's are damaged too.
and the pieces of the discs in between of are slide toward the middle of the marrow spinal canal so that is soooo narrowly that i have on the worst place on C4 almost a broken neck. that the biggest problem.
so all the main nerves that will comes from my neck has damaging so that's why i have problems with my hands arms and so on and always pain.
but of the whiplash it is become more worse, and the first neurologic md didn't took it seriously.
the new one does.
glad off.
i will keep you posted, but, i wil hear that in januari.
humm that's very soon too.
sooo strange that it's almost 2011 allready.
sooo much is happening..
times fly my dear.LOL
must do still a lot this eve. bleughhh.
but first i must eat take my meds and have a break.LOL
hey have an nice comfy cozy nice eve as well
lovey you, give your babies and the mum some hugs and for you the most hugs and love and kisses;-D
no it's not her teeth but the gums.
Yes vets are expensive but loosing them is expensive and hurting too.LOL
i read on an eletter of wolfje insurrance polish this problem and thought oooh mayby that's the problem with Muis too.
so i gave her first some normal soft food of her diet and later i thought i must make the other soft as well. I think she likes that even more
Must go tomorrow to the hospital for my MRI scan. it's only laying down and still for an half hour.LOL Very difficult for me.LOL
Gerard will comes and will drive me to the hospital.
Yeaaah the snow it sooo bad for me still saw that i can't go out of the stupid soft iced snow that will stucked me to cross over the road.. Riding on the road for the walking people is not fine either, but i can't come everywere of the stuppid icy and soft snow between the main road and the walking sides-S
must be patience, there only fall more snow.loL
yugggh .
but i'm woking a lot.LOL
hey glad that you love it here so much. Still thinking of your movie, so sweet to see you serious working and to see that you are a great teacher as well!!!;-D
love that.
Had done to less things for tomorrow so it will be late today again.
but i have made a lot of pictures.
some must be taken over because they aren't so well. -S
but still glad of it.
Yeaah wolfje likes every food she can find.LOL
They are becking for food just now.LOL
so i will give them some , because of Muis they got often tiny portions, because they don't aren't alow to eat each others food.
much work.
but they are very good compagnions so must not complain.LOL
hey have an nice eve and hope you are well.
much love , greetings, fun , hugs and xxxxxxx
on that link you can find some other hancerchief and sock dolls.
And i kow for sure you will make other creations of them of your own.LOL
he love you!!!!
thank you of your sweet and nice comment and the fave of my make your own ecards
i 'm working still on both four projects, don't work very well.lOL
And i have gladly found the solution of why muis eat such tiny bits. she is sooooo thin , and would love to lay the whole day on my lap beneath the sweaters.LOL
She has pain in her gums so i make now all her hard food,(she has a kidney diet )soft and now she can't stop eating. Hope it will help .
she is soooo sweet and nice, too sweet for the world, too for Wolfje,
worlfje is sometimes very mean to here, so when i see that i pick her up and do them same, which you don't like but she stopped with it.;-D
Now Wolfje wants Muis her food too-S aaarg. Wolfje becomes to big.LOL
not good for her. so she got less food of hers.
and i must play more with her.
hey have an nice comfy week and stay save, and have an nice new years eve!
lots of love, greetings and fun with hugs and xxxxxxxx
must laught of the start because first i saw only a shelf.LOL
Like how you'r looking , you're how i had pictured in my mind, a nice kind lovely lady;-D
saw a tiny dog have you still him/her, i know they all are changing to new adresses so...?
he looked so cute and sweet.
It's still all covered up with snow out side.-S and cold too.vbrrrr
don't like it no more
Friday it was the first day that i could ride on the street, only on the mainstreet not on the place were you must walk.-S
but stood twice stucked in the snow-S okay now i can laugh of it. but then, there weren't so many people walking so i had to cry loudly for help.
the first time i stoon very dangerous my wheels the big yellow one was almost fallen down, and i felt i was very slippering to the edge.
at first there came a woman that pushed with one hand and told me that she had a bad back so i told her thank you but please don't hurt you're self so stop.
Yelled to a biker and it was a very young boy so they didn't helped me at all.
sooooo frustrating.
Because they are friendly to try to help i must be nice and kind , grrr, i was.LOL
suddenly i thought okay i must try tomove for and bachwords , and suddenly i was free again.
and out of danger told my helpers thank you very much .LOL
Later on i was stucked at the tiny mall in my neighbourhood but then the owner of the pet shop saw me and asked are you stuked.?
and i said yes. oooh do you need some help?
and i told him that would be awesome.
and he asked don't you have chains on your wheels, i told him that would be a great invention , sooo he was proud of his stupid idea.
they don't understand that you are riding inside too with those chains, i think nobody would like that.LOL
and he asked a other man to help him. but first they had to talk. it was very cold -10 celsius freezing and with the cold easter wind from russia.
so it felt much colder.
but they got me free and i was glad it was very crowded everywhere.
people are most times then awefull to each other and rude.
so when i hold my meds and was doing my shopping i was closed in by a whole family and their shopping car-S so i only pushed the car gentle a little bit away.
suddenly the woman started to yell and said mean ugly words.-S
i thought okay i don't must tell her that she hadn't asked me for to close me in either. so shut your mouth and let her go out her mind.LOL
Later on two young girls saw me trying to ride through a bunch of those shopping cars in the doorway, and they pused them aside.
i said oooh soo sweet thank you, and told them but be carefull some people think you must first ask their permission because otherwise they will yell to you.LOL
they had to laught
In the shop it was cold too, they it's a large big shop with an open window , so all the cold of inside was blowing in. poor workers behind the paydesks, they site in front of that open window-S
Asked the girl what was helping me and she didn't understand it either.
she told me my feets are sooooo cold, strange we all must be thinking of using less energy because of the polution and think green but soooo many shops have this open window fronts-S
As a shopper you don't want to stay long there , so i often don't buy the whole tlist because it's too cold inside as well;-S
so it's not a wise shopping management at all.;-D
Yesterday i had a nice day, have enjoyed my kitschy lights and worked hard.
MY sis cald me and she had to laught at me when she asked me waht are you doing i told her oooh i'm working.
that's often with people that work in their own house and have their own busniss.
sometimes i don't like it, but... it helps my trough this tough times.
hOpe you have an nice xmas time.
wish you a fine good fun happy creative crafting new year as well
hey hope you're doing well , love you
lots of fun and greetings love and hugs and xxxxxxxxxxx
CO + K User
CO + K User
XX Happy holidays!
how are you?
Everything here is just fine, only stucked to my house because of the snow, to much snow outside to get through it-S
Since friday , i had a big cat litter bag on my lap balancing and sliped away and got stucked on a big hill of snow in front of my flat doo.LOL
but after15 minutes i was free and managed to get by the frontdoor and was saved again.LOL
After that there was fallen only more snow , beautiful to see but i hope it is soon over, but i will be stucked after xmas i think.-S
Hopely then it melted away so i can do some shopings and hold my meds.
my ladies had food and cat litter.so they are fine.LOL
It's cold i have heard but in my house too, i can't get it warm enough so i like an eskimo.LOL
hey wish you a merry xmas time and all the best good and nice fun things with a lot of crafting fun for the next year!!!
greetings hugs fun and love with xxxxxxxxx
sad for you that you have to miss them allready your babies.
but you still got the mum, your best friend;-D
always fine when they got real good people to stay with. i know of my breeders that it's always hard to find real good ones.
specially with those kind of cats, they aren't like normal ones
yesterday eve more snow i was almost stucked just in front of the frontdoor of the flat on friday of the snow, it cost me 10 minutes to come free and reaching the frontdoor.LOL
i had a big cat litter bag on my lap and it's always not steady to make such strange manouvres.
so i knew that i would be stucked yesterday in house as well
and now even more days its looking sooo beautiful and pretty like a xmas card but it's cold and wet and when people are driving after one day all the white snow is dirty and black and it will become more slippery then ever.
i'm trying to call m y sis of, she had would come today but i don't think she must do such a danger to her self;-S
still cot only answer machines-S
Hey thanks too of your fave, yes unwrapping things cost a lot of energy too and you have too the care of the dogs.
it will come , be gentle to yourself my friend and take it easy.
yesterday i have had an asthma attack so i'm tired too, it was my own to blame.LOL had to laugh of my own srupidity.LOL
i had on friday that test for my longs but i knew i wasn't able to drive to that, so i had to call off, they know my situation and were very understandable. so fine and sweet;-D
i'm working on the art gift, yesterday i have started with the lampshade in the shape of a flame. now i must make the other parts.
but that's fun to do.
only must try to catch my sis at the phone-S
hey have a lazy sunday afternoon my sweet friend
enjoy the doggy's for a tiney last moment;-D hugs and kisses and a lot of fun;-D xxxxxxxxxxx
yes you told me that before, glad that you're soo much more better.
yes i must do a lot , Holland is very tiny and narrowly but still for me long rides, don't like to go with the special busses they have here.
They don't drive you direclty to the place you want to go. and they never come in time, or don't come at all.LOL
i have had that often.-S
so i ride all the things by my self only the very far away adresses i must take a train or a bus or a cap.
they have special taxi buses for people like me. old materials, not fine to travel in. always problems with fixing me tight and on the right way on the floor-S
and they don't be sooo good so after my 3th whiplash i can't still go out to travel , only with Gerard i will travel in his car , he is very carefull with me, ;-D
but still isn't it going well.
after 10 months i'm trying with that patiencend as well.LOL
Always glad when i have bought my own stuff.
i like people arround me, not toooo crowdy,;-D
because then they will fall over me or on me, or i will hit by their bags and arms,
that's the same in elevators that's why i always want to turn myself, some people don't understand that, but then i know what they do so i can try to stay out their arms and bags.LOL
my ladies sitting next to me , they wanted again food.
Muis is skinny so she got more food in tiny portions but wolfje got some too so she is starting to grow the wrong direction.
so she got much smaller porties.
the sadation of the dentist is over , so i can eat some thing.
must do that, don't feel very well.LOL
hey have an awesome fine fun weekend , and many many hugs with kisses and al large portion of my love for you as well;-D
a lot is the same. or i make a notition of the link in my brower programme. so i can find it back.
and a lot of things are only on backups no more all is printed , too much, and i must clean my stuf.LOL
aaaaw sweet that she is sooo glad to see you.
i heard of the breeder of Wolfje that their mum had slipped out of the living room and bring all her babies to Rianne and lay them in her arm, Rianne was sleeping in her bed .
When she wake up she saw suddenly the whole family in her arms with mum laying next to them. soo sweet like those stories.
today a busy day must go again to the dentist my the nerve of my theet is inflammed, i knew that the filling was broken, but i had to wait for it.
Gerard told me when you feel the pain don't wait to long because it's the only place were you can come with your wheels.
so i must go this afternoon, because of my meds i can't feel the most of it, so i think the whole thing is lot worse.LOL
happy i have such great painkillers.LOL
and i must go to the pain md ,it's a nice gay , like him, he always have fun with me.LOL
he can't do much but that's is okay. must go for the precriptions and to ask for something else.
and bring my real glasses to the store back. he is broken for 10 months because of my sight problem i couldn't use him anymore, so i use now those cheap ones.LOL
but i love my own glasses far better, fitting better me much better.
but i don't think i will spend ever so much money for glasses .
i have had soooooo mcuh problems with this one.
at first i had to have again new glass and then something else and now i lost a glass, it was fallen down, happely i'm a wheelie so i found him in my lap . but it's strange.
hey must go now , hey have an nice day give mum and the babies some gentle hugs and tiny kisses of me.
and for you all my love, much fun and hugs and kisses
i will look at the link thank you!!!!
you like a dutch girl, we always be too economical too.LOL
we are of that very populair.
in the USA there is a line of when you go out dining, will we pay on dutch. then the people pay their own mail>LOL
when i hearing this on tele i always must laugh of it.
i have seen that you could use instead of paper fusebleweb, the kind that hasn't glue on it.
and then with the folding you use a flat iron. Saw this last saturday. Don't have the link anymore.
but it was very awesome as table decoration and tinny xmas landscapes as well;-D
hey love you much fun with your foldings and finding tricks for printing free.LOL
lots of hugs, fun hugs (gentle ones too for the mum and babies) and lot of xxxxxxxxxxxx
will be some time , like 8 weeks till they go to new home.Woke up still sleepy..lol.Yes I have very many dogs as it is , cant keep any more.I had 12 at one time.No more.I loved them all and was able to take care of them, but hard to give enough love to all of them..bless you and have a wonderful day, keep warm you and your kitties, it was 80 here yesterday , a bit warm , send some snow we need it..lol.huggs xoxoxo
hey have fun with the babies;-D they will grow fast and they will go to soon to an other boss. (sad for you, i know you will miss them, happely you still have the mum, she is your fave )
that's the reason too that i don't want kitten of my girls.
but a house full of grown up cats that are tooo smart isn't funny any more. My friends were very relieved when they heard that Wolfje would be fixxed.LOL
and i know i haven't the energy no more, two is enough , they are like dogs behaving their selfs. and far to clever.LOL
hey have an nice fun day. love, hugs fun and kisses
but glad that they are all right and the mum too.
aaaw sooo sweet for you, to have those babies to care for .;-D
give them some tiny gentle strokes of me.
he be carefull with your self, don't do too much sweetie;-D
loves and hugs;-D
they will be about 4 1/2 lbs full grown..mom is tiny poodle dad is tiny yorkie..smile..
you told me that they were coming soon but ... then there was a silent time. hope all is okay !
LOl your running in the snow like to see that, but i had hold you back to dress your much warmer. A lot of people are sick of the flu and dripping nose and so on.
i have had shots sooo i'm very healthy.LOL
i tell everybody always that i'm very heatlhy the people that knows me must always laught about that, because they now the large number of meds i must take.
but i don't had to go so often to my gp like others.
Gerard said only when they take our meds away then we become very il.LOL like the joke, Gerard was making the same.LOL
hey sweetie stay cool, let me know of the puppies please?!
hugs and kisses and have a nice eve;-D
you're welcome , love the way you make them more your own, like that, i like your versions much more, like too how you change them over and over.
it's snowing i think you will loved that, i only t hink ooooh not again, sooo cold and wet and slippery.
but it's nothing to do about it. hope that it isn't this way for too long.
was soo glad when sunday all was gone.LOL
hey much love and fun and greetings with hugs and xxxxxxxxx
still around you and me,! But i have thought of you.LOL
hey thank you for the sweet words on the comment and the fave on the ribbon heart bookmark.
it' was fun to make all of old scraps.
i always have those too but always losing them.LOL
so most at the time i used just a used envelope that lay around the coffetable.LOL
hey have an nice day too but for all a great awesome week;-D
hugs love and kisses;-D
much fun with all your experiments have a nice fun day.
love , greetings and hugs with kisses and hope your mum to be has allready the little ones;-D xxxxxxx
hey thank you for your sweet words and your complement.love it.;-D
And thanks for the fave, i started to make them when i was 14th i loved the big paperdolls and thought why not tiny ones.
the problem were the brads . so i figured that out then and was happy.
have make a lot of them then, but i love those drawings of the cearal boxes of Kikker.:_D
the Frog Kikker looks on the dutch designer.LOL
love the books too.
hey must go now i'm fallling almost in sleep at the screen.LOL
yes there is allways something that is making me smile , that the best part of our lives.;-=D
the sad things too b ecause we learn a lot of them.
just back at home from my appointment. Gerard was with me much to early.LOL so we had a lot of fun.
by the neurologic as well and we did a good job together i will got some examinations for my neck, real soon , os i'm happy hope i will know then why i'm not recouvering .
then i can accept my migraine and go on.
i'm very busy this day too.LOL poor gerard.LOL
i was happy with all the help i got and now i' mgoing to rest a while on my couch.
hummm sooo cold the snow and lot's of problems the yesterday the whole trafic was stood in the longest line up ever.LOL
hey till later, much love and have a funny day and hugs with kisses;-D
with the computer you can use the cheap solution of black with yellow that look likes gold too.
but not the very light yellow , think you must do some experiments.
red and yellow looks like gold too.
silver- is more light grey with some white glimmers init.
hope you got the answer you would have, didn't know what you meant , but mayby this is helpfull as well.
just let me know
when you use the transparent shrinky dink you can use the other side too to paint or draw on that give awesome effects too.
Outside there is snow the whole traffic is stucked.LOL
it's always the same, soooo stupid if it's the first time that there is snow on here, soooo cold brrr.
i have a lot of sweater on and lots of socks too. still not warm.
but i'm tired i have done a lot with Karin my friend.
it's now eve and must do some resting time.
oooh good news my sis has heard that after the surgery she didn't have more treatment but still again 5 years again in remision.
happy for her.;-D
heard of my sis that m y mums casting isn't removed .
it was hurting to much and the broken boned didn't health to well though.
must call her.
tomorrow i must go to the new neurologic md , hope he can give me some answers but Gerard called me just yet and told that he try to get her in time but don't know that for sure.
so .... i hope that we will come to the hospital.LOL
hey have an nice eve and you did a great job.!!!!
you can make like other ladys a photo necklace of your family .LOL
like that idea.LOL
hey lots of love and greetings, with hugs and xxxxxxxxx
I can get one ..very hot stuff..lo..
love u n hugg
hope so for you , or please wait , your fingers are very pressious for you, so don't harm your self and wait a little time and save some money.
mayby you can do it with a flat -iron, i'm trying a lot this out too.
but do it for your longs not inside but outside and use a mask, i heard that advice from an other friend of me on here,
I know you have some long problems too.
hey much fun this eve and some resting time as well , give your tiny babies some strokes, take good care of your self;-D
lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxx
love him very very much.
i will try the glitter glue out on some felt of mine, your methode is i think very helpfull.hey sweetie much hugs and kisses and love from me;-D
you're welcome, uhmmm there is a better solution.
i've you use pliers and a stick of wood that has the size of how the ring must become you can use your heating gun for modeling, so you don't burn your fingers anymore.
the same by the tute of mine of making the calyce beads.
it's impossible without burning fingers on the other way when it's hot of the oven-S
Try mine methode and you have less burning fingers.LOL
And use pliers.LOL
hey have an nice eve and an awesome fun weekend.;-D
we don't have such a day, but i love your wishes.;-D
hey i'm in a hurry Gerard is coming, i will answer you letter today or tomorrow, much blessings and comfort for you as well
and all good kind other things ;-D
love, fun, and hugs with xxxxxxxx
The dog in your pic is sooo cute too.
CO + K User
i 'll will write you tomorrow, i was again a little bit more out of breathing-S but today still more better and i have done my shopings and hold up my monthly meds.
and now i'm toooooo tired. but till tomorrow.
hey have a nice eve and sleep well, much love too for your puppies and, lots of hugs and kisses and fun;-D
but then i wasn't a member on here,LOL Your other was much better so practizing is working. And sometimes i had made a thing and they didn't curl back down. LOL
i heard that of Gerard and Karin as well, they have done craftings with their kiddo's with shrinky dink.LOL
so you allways can blame your material.LOL
but i loved you for uploading your version, and i love the kitschy look of yours!!!
you made me smile;_D
and of the other you're welcome too;-D
hey must dress my self, yesterday i couldn't send anything because of my stupid provider-S
but just now i have fixed the problem.LOL
hey have a nice day and an awesome weekend.;-D
love, hugs and xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with a lot of fun;-D
you allways send me a lot comments after each other, like that.LOL
i think you make a lot improuvement which i have seen of you.
but mayby you could do this allready, i don' tknow that.
yes she is or he very sexy indeed. LOL well done.
and welcome of all the fave and comments;-D
all tiny bit of patterns are a help for others, i have noticed that too.
so it's always great to upload them on here.
it's much easier to know what the other did.
i found it very clearly your pattern.
so don't be shy , you did a good job.LOL
yeaaaah i'm very happy to sleep finely after a month in a clean bed without all wolfjes hair.
that will helps too.LOL
but i'm rest a lot though , but now i know that i makes some improuvements it's sooo much easier.;-D
Yes i had understand that allready-S
not fine. I live around the same people .LOL
but i think it's the polution too. The air is very bad.
Toooooo much cars-S
i often think of that when i'm waiting for the lights to cross the street, and breath all those smelly cars. i think that's not good for dogs, children and people like me that is at the same hight-S
so i always try to hold my breath awhile till the most of them are gone, i hope it helps.LOL
i have finished a little project must write the tute and do some editing work on the picts.
i saw something on a site like this and thought ooooh when i change a lot of it and do my own thing it will be a nice gift;-D
i thought of my sis Karin and my tough friend Sheila.
i think you will see it soon;-D
still lot other work for cok. -S sooo much to do and too tired out-S
but, it will be better some day.
i must have patiencend with my self all my friend and my gp are telling me that.;-D
hey sweetie take good care of yourself, give your babies some strokes, don't forget that!!!;-D
hey much fun , nice eve and lots of love,xxxxxxxxx
thank you!!! hey i'm feeling myself a tiny bit better today.
sooooo glad, but still tired out, but breathing is less difficult,
i have endly managed to clean my bed!!! it was a month agao-S
didn't like that, but okay. i have done it, and i'm proud so don't worry.
it cost some time to recouvering, everybody is telling me that and i need still rest a lot, but.... this makes me happy and smiling again.
so i'm doing now only some computer work. boring but it 's something;-D
hey i see you have a tiny bit seatlled down in your new home?!
it looks great;-D
hey sweetie take care of your baby's and take good care of your self. i will write you back some day later on your letter;-D
be patience with me.LOL
hey have a good funny fine day and rest of the week, and much love and hugs and kisses;-D
i was a little bit worried of you , because in other times you are daily on cok and now i saw anything of you.-S
hope you'weren't sick or something like that.
hope you're now okay!!!
first, thank you for your nice sweet lovely comment i have given on the project the link for where you can find the flat tiny iron.
and how you can search for in your neighbourhood.
and for the fave. much succes for finding or buying him;-D
still not better, i have got an virus infection in my longs so i've got a very strong med, -S Pretnisson and the new inhaler is very strange, looks like i'm very ill.
i didn't had to much oxygen in my blood, so thats why i didn't good do much, still not.
so i only resting the whole time and hoping that it will be better soon, LOL
i must call next week my gp then it must be much better.
hummm don't think so my longs are hurting now both sides.-S
so i 'm good company for the lady's of mine.
Wolfje has a very thick furr and i must camb her now everyday, i make balls of them and they are easy toy's for her.
she loves them, strange don't you think too, that she is playing with her own furr. Silly cat.
every day they are becoming bigger.LOL
they lay everywhere. Muis has a much differend fur, she hasn't the third hair layer, Wolfje has that, and they are very long.
Muis is much better for me with her furr, i didn't know that.
but i love the little one, she is now far bigger and taller them muis is.
still talking, i'm n ot only when i must.
Yesterday my friend called me his ex wife is again in troubles , and he was feeling quilty for her boys , i have told him that the boy's are much better of, they were taken away of their mum by childcare.
Our childcare don't does that very easely, so their must be big problems happened, i know this form my sis that has problem children and has asked for it, Her dautgher is put now on a waiting list to go to another place . Not fun for both of them, but better, they are both agree on that.
His ex is very strange acting i don't understand her anymore, she is very afraid of me i have noticed . i saw her in the shop in my neighbourhood and thought huh thats her.... and she jumpt away, i didn't care about that.
i thought just a relieve.LOL
I have to much problems now of my own, don't want to have more of them;-D
so i talk a long time , tooo long, my other friends know that they have to keep it short but he don't understand this.
he don't understand how sick i'm -S
i have always that problem , glad he is only a friend and not very close.LOL
hey have a nice fun awesome good weekend , much comfort too, hope you're almost installad in your new home.
greetings, love, fun and hugs with xxxxxxxxxxxx
ooooh i'm very sorry for you, much comfort for your daughter and you too.;-D
yes it's hard losing close deare ones-S but when you find somebody to talk about it to help you mourn it helps a lot.
i have find that out too, and not mourning isn't good.
there are sooo many people that can't talk or share those grieve and become ill of it, and are soooo lonely.
not good.
so when i found Karin my friend i was soooo glad.
it's helped me a lot.
thank you for understanding my worries of my baby sister.LOL
when she was a todler i was soooo proud and fallen in love of her , like you, i almost could kill her of my love.LOL
i always was her keeper. LOL i was walking behind her with a plastic toy to hit everybody that would harm her.LOL
she was very sweet and huggeble.LOL
still, it's a lot of Karin.LOL My friend Karin is of the same proportions and telling me always that her daughter said to her yummy there is a lot of you.LOL
her kids don't say mum but Karin , like that.;-D
my m um don't want that i may see you instead the other polite you We have in our langues a different in you and the more polite form.
is je and U
in other langues are more differends but for foreingers it s difficult.
hey i'm feeling again tired so i will go agian to my couch i notice that my cat Muis want to lay with me.sweetie. she is like my age.LOL
so we must rest.
but ,ooooh i see they would like to have food-S
woflje is coming here too.-D
hey have a nice day and don't worry i 'm going to the gp tomorrow, and i do for to day nothing.;-D
lots of love, hugs fun and xxxxxxxxxxxx
don't worry, i thought it would be a nice idea for you to make of the doll a fabric printed plushie, yes there are a lot but the most are from felt, so don't bother.LOL
and yes you're right there are on cok a lot tutes of the same methode.LOL
but sometimes when you watch them closly you see the differens in the methode or fabric ;-D
i love in the summer too a good rainy day, but then it's not cold like here, yesterday it was raining cats and dogs and cold and much wind. brrrrrr.
and don't forget my yellow wheels don't go to fast-S and sitting in the rain you, allways catch more rain.LOL
but it's the season.
still not fine with my longs, i'm feeling very sick it hurts too.
Yesterday eve my sis called me sudenly, i was very supprised.
When she calls it 's always troubles. really ones.
she told me that she has again canger-S and just in the remision time-S
they would like to hold it away in differend secions but her md told noway it must be in once. she is tooo tired out allready.
so it will be on the 17th and on the 28 she got the result how bad it is. Her joungest daugther can't stand this, she was the first time too afraid that the only parterend that loves her would gone and left her, she didn't talk about it.
Now Karin my sis has helpt her with some help to talk, glad too.
My sis can talk always with me , i was her mum when i was a kiddo, because my real mother wasn't there for us.
so it's feels again to care for her like when i was a kiddo. the first time i was with all her appointments but i can't travel still.
but she can so i asked her you must phone me more and you are always welcome to my house. that was again a relieve, and i told her you know i will care for you baby's when you're gone,
Not of the cancer but... anyhow. Their father isn't good for them,
it' was a relieve.
now waiting.
i think i must go back to my gp i'm tooo ill , i must phone tomorrow.
When i don't do nothing like laying it felt i'm allright but sitting behind the screen is too much.
crumpy talk.LOL
i had planed a lot of things to do-S
but reading my new comics is nice too.
only have to change again my appointment which i had made for t he storaged of my art-S
that's life , sick is sick.LOL
yesterday i bought too much of boxes .LOL
i'm now fond of boxes.LOL
so this will be it for today.
much love have a nice lazy sunday afternoon and a great awesome fine week;-D
and.... much love, greetings, fun , hugs and xxxxxxx
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a wonderful night with lots of love.
thanks for the fave and the sweet comment on my plastic bag plushie. You can use an doll as well. so you don't have to search such a long time anymore.LOL
but be patiecend you have still to do some unwrapping work;-D
hey love you , much Xo's
thank you very much of your sweet and kind comment on my bracelet, i will try this out later to make the beads in 3d shape too of plastic wrapping of tiny boxes , but first i must can be better breathing. i'm glad i have hold my shot for the flu so i can stand the winter much better.LOL (hope so)
it's very silent in my house, only the noice of the tele for my ladys they are laying in front of the window on the central heating.LOL
it's raining the whole time and i would like to do some shopping but.... i'm to cleaned up by the wetness allready.LOL
hey have a fun nice unwrapping saterday;-D
much love, fun greetings, hugs and xxxxxxxxxx
but next month we will move some more of my art work to storage it for after the moving.
glad because i will have more space in house, i have now allready a lot of boxes standing and waiting to move in my livingroom, sooooo cozy.LOL
i 'm sooo tired out now i know what the problem is, i can't breath enough through my ugly neigbours above me, the man isn't alowed to smoke inside the house and during the summer he will smoke outside on the balcony but now he finds that toooo cold and wet so he is smoking all his sigarets in the toilet so i have trough the airpipe the smoke inside my house too-S
and it make me more asthmatic-S
i told my gp the problem and she told me the same what i think too, it's strange and redicules to must use more meds because of your above neigbours.
so i'm allowed to take more asthma meds it helps a tiny bit-S
but don't breath enough makes me tired out.
so i'm a little moody and irritated , and poor Wolfje get the whole against her when she is bothering me the whole time.
Karin my friend told me that too, i know i must be more clame down, but it's a too busy week this week.
Yesterday Gerard came too to bring 80 boxes to move , that Karin had bought for me but i had allready 3 appointments that day.
so at first i asked him don't come please, but he explainted his problem so i thought okay i must make a deal .
but after all those problems with my above neighbours i'm sooo glad that i have only stand this 6 months more-D
and not a year longer.LOL
hey do it easy and calm the unwrapping and have some nice times too with ;-D
love, greeting, blessings and a very good welcome in your new home!!!! hope you will happy in your new house and make a lot of crafts.;-D
much suport and pleanty of hugs and xxxxxxxxxxxx
uhmmm i don't know how cold or warm it is, because you talk about farenheit and we talks about degrees ,so i don't know how your hot or cold that is.LOL
it's stranges for us europains all those measuring differends;-D
it's not only the langues but too all t hose other brands and measurings too.LOL
sometimes i think hummm i don't translated this anymore for all the others in your weith and inches and so on. but mostly i do, and think i don't like those translation too not.LOL
must be short this time, because i must make phone calls just now.
so till later and much XO's and a fun day;-D
Its very hard losing somebody. I'm trying my hardest to be strong. You must be a remarkable woman to stay strong through your losses.
hope you will rest a little;-D
lol like that you named your children not by their real names
when i was a kido we h ad all nicknames, my brother was very skinny when he was a boy and my mum called him spike.LOL
i was named Moortje, it's a commen name for a kitten to give.
because i was so huggable.LOL
and always wanted to sit next to the stove, we hadn't central heathting my mum had to use coal, and when i was little we had only one room with heathing and the times were very cold more then now. more snow earlyer and longer-S
i didn't liked that as a child because i have a vein problem, they are toooooooo small so all my hands and feet were allways almost forzen. so .... i hated it.LOL
my mum didn't understood my and my sis problems and was only angry because other children had fun and we were crying to go home.-D
now i know my problem, but okay times are changing and sometimes for the better;-D
some of the outside trees dont have leaves anymore, it's really autumn-S it's beautiful those colours but sooo cold allready.LOL
my cats lay the whole time on the heathing.LOL
hey hope you have a nice fun day , much love , fun greetings and blessings try to be gentle to your selfs it will help you and you will be nicer too for others;-D that's my big trick.LOL
hey much hugs and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
think a lot of y our packing , try to sleep too, you must , because it will break your down later on.-S
okay little bit worried about you.
hey by the way thanks a lot of both faves of yours the glasses and the necklace of the shrinky dinks beads.
and your nice sweet comments on them. i'm only glad always that i finished the cartoon. Karin has printed him out and hang him on the fridge by h er other drawings of her kiddo's she cares for.
sooooo sweet,
like that.
the salesman was really pleased too.
finished this week too my plastic baggy , it's an very strange project that i will uploaded on here,;-0D
I think i was tooo tired because after i had made the interlinging and would make it in the bag i saw that i did sew the zippers to the wrong side -S
so ----SSSSSSS and very crumpy on myself.LOL
but now he is done and Karin liked him too, i 'm making too some other bags of package materials but everytime when i'm thinking i'm almost done i'm out of my material_S
and.... the company of the brand is changed to an other shape-S as well sooo i must think how i can finished the other ones that were almost done.
told Karin the story , she loves those bags , so i told her you will got one too, and she said yeaaah for my birthday.LOL
i thought i will give her this for her help for my move;-D
i must think of it.;-D
i will got tomorrow my slinding board , glad of it.;-D
hey i must go to the couch still not adjust to the new wintertime, it makes me sooooo tired.
hey have a nice eve and sleep well too, much love , succes and happiness and luck and.... hugs , fun and xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well doing some more packing..slept late after being up all night..
huggs, love , xoxo
i always must laugh when i see an cok on a other place as well.
yes there a much sites though , but i prefer this site the most.
more friendly and nicer to each other.
i 'm a member too on other sites but on here i'm more active.
it cost me tooo much time to be active on other sites as well.
wooow so smart and handy to use the taller ones.LOL
so your shorter ones are great to read as well;-D
i do a lot of technics too, it's always great when we can do a lot things by our selfs!!!
but the high heavy things i can't anymore, so i must asked them to my handy friends.LOL
I saw the two new projects are endly to see on her.
it was a busy weekend for cok i think. some others were meantioning that too.;-D
lovely that you will make a quilt for your daughter, !
hey much succes with your moving hope everything goes well,
much love, hugs blessings and xxxxxxxxxxx
hey you're welcome, wooow like that that you can work with wood too! You're still amasing me;-D
much strenght , luck and succes with your moving. hope you will go to an better place that you like and have a good place as well;-D
i will think of you!!!
all my love, suport and warthness, lots of hugs and xxxxxxxx
i have send you a long letter i see you have made a lot of new projects, awesome later this weekend i will look at them, wooow what a great beautiful quilt you have made!!!!!
hey lots of love , kindness and friendly thoughts and.... have a fun weekend;-D xxxxxxxxxxx
lol, I was never shy around dogs, and I have been bit by a 70 pound dog at age 10. And other dogs when I was little (even the family dog, Katie bit me as a baby out of jelousy, but after she got the memo that that was wrong, she was the best dog EVER) long story short: Dogs are my life!
Good Night!
If you ever find time, 5 minutes a day for the puppy might help. After he is fully trained (just the basics, sit/down/stay) you can eventully teach the others, one at a time, as long as you keeps the other doing them (just have them sit then down then stay once or twice a week is good). I have found it very helpful when little kids come over, and want to pet her, but are scared becuase of her size. But when she lays down, she's not so scary. (And even cute when she rolls over to have her tummy rubbed, lol)
So sorry about your dogs! It's heart breaking, but it helps to have more bitties around. But i think they miss their packmates too...
My grandparents dog Pup-Pup (nickname he got for being sort of a Peter Pan, never growing up) died unexpectly followed a few months later by Sadie, who was very sick, and had to be put down. That was long after they gave Maggie to me, but Butter (Short for Butterscotch) and Stella seem to miss them. Butter is a big dog, and she and the other big dogs (aka, everyone but Stella) used to run around in a pack- a team. Now she's very sad, and isn't the same. poor baby.She is happyer when Maggie vistits, but she is still lonly.
Have a happy Halloween!
I like the part about just having one shed of sewing/crafting stuff.. As in, a small building of their own?!? *laughs*
Have a great day.
I taught her most of what she knows, and over time I've changed the commands to have a very precis sounds or gesture, and it takes a veeeery long time for non-dog people to pick it up. Treats help a lot, but it is funny when guests end up on the floor with her, begging her to sit. It might be more entertaining for us than the geusts though, lol. After a while, someone stands behind the person without them knowing, and makes her sit, letting the geust think they did it.
Are your dogs like that?
I saw the video! All of your dogs are so well behaved! And your puppy is so cute! ^.^ Glad to see baby boy wasn't hurt while on his little adventure, lol.
speaking of adventures, Luke, the baby of the house, now 2 years old, is a wild thing. He once climbed the ladder up to th attic, and eery now and then, he tail would hang down, and he would swish around to make sure we were still there - in case he needed back up, lol. Finnaly someone went up and got him down, and shut the trap door. Later he went up the ladder, found no way in, and tryed to climb down. turns out, cats can't go DOWN ladders! So he jumped onto the attached closet (It runns along the wall, and is 3 feet wide, then extend to 4 feet for the closet part) and ran along it until he came to the open door to my room. He batted the door, then relized he couldn't get on it, becuase it was too thin. I ran up the ladder and waited for him to come back over, and when he did, I snatched his fuzzy little bottom off of there and carried him back down. the ladder is now off limits....
lol. How was your day?
Anything new going on? Luna, the fattest cat, was purring by me on the couch, and rolled over for me to pet her sides, and slipped off the couch, but caught herslef using her front claws. I looked over just in time to see the sheer look of terror on her face, and picked her back up, then she procced to lay on the opposite side of the couch, near the back. lol.
Thank you for adding me as a friend. You have got some really nice projects.
oooh not nice of those baby's -S Hope you find a better place to hide and keep them of the baby's.LOL
My cats love to steel my knitting and felt things too, i have made some mushrooms and some birds, but to much problems, Wolfje will bring them to me, like they were just here toys.LOL
So i'm very good now in hide and seek.
I told Karin of the idea for the art gift for the prize of Jeroen and she loved it, Glad, first the cartoon finishing and then starting for the newyear "cards" they aren't card , they are litlle symbols gifts for the new year.
Only the specails persons get one, but still there are too many of t hem.LOL
Hey must go to eat something and swollow my meal of meds;-D
and then watching some tele before going to sleep.
Glad to hear that your daughter love you for the piggy. i see you've made more projects, waaaaah so much allready, proud of you;-D
hugs and love, and xxxx
hugs and kisses;-D
Just net Karin my helping friend is now gone to her house.
It's always fun and great to work with eacht other.
MY box is more emptyer.LOL
Now i must go down and rest a while, but that's okay, i hope i can work some today on my cartoon. Much work, i have let him seen to Karin and she told me she loved it too, it was really me.LOL
Hey i must eat something and take me meds.have a nice day too, lots of hugs and kisses;-D
i saw just now that you had made a commen too, soooo sweet and kind of you, and the words too, it meand a lot to me, thanks a lot!!!;-D
hey till later my friend.
lots of hugs and kisses;-D
hey have an good nice week, when you will celebreath Halloween a great Halloween as well.
later this week i'm writing you back;-D
love, hugs ,fun and xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm not getting much sewing done at the moment but I keep ordering trims off of Ebay and live in hope that work things ease up so I can get back to my needle again
Hope everything is good with you, take care,
thank you!!! and i love the answer on your blog you've made specially for me. oooh now i understanding your shortes of working space.LOL like me.LOL hey it looks very interesting the brown thing, is it your plarn your working on?
looks awesome
hey have a nive eve, it's here now eve, and i must start to go to my bed-S i didn't slept much hours last night. hey sleep well and sending you all my love, blessings and warmth thoughts , much fun too and hugs and kisses;-D
LOL you're very busy girl.LOL
on here too.LOL
but i like that;-D proud of you!!!;-D
i have only worked on the computer today to clean up all my downloadings and other mess i had made-S
not fun-S
and has played with Wolfje she must be do more exercizes she began to starting to much weith-S So i have made her the new toy, i think i have told you that allready.LOL
aaaaw pooor bird you will be pin her to dead.LOL
but it's a lovely idea to use it as a pincushion. i don't use them, i have a lot of them, but always forget to use them, or they are lost in an other project.LOL
I had bought a lot of cheap ribbons lately and bought yesterday a box to clean them better up, so i make little wrapings on colour, like those jobs, soooo pretty.;-D
as child i was going to a montessori school and as todlers we had to learn on their specail methode the colours, they looked like little fences that you can put down on a row soooo beautiful so i always fortgot the real goal of it, just playing with those beautiful colours fences in a long row, and thought of fairy tail meadows.LOL
so it brings a lot of nice memorys with them.LOL
hey hope you having a nice day and tomorrow too.
the dolphin is sweet though.
like your felting material. hey lot's of love , hugs and kisses;-D
I just traded a little boy maltese for a shi tzu
female ,sheis so adorable..and little ..lol
all of them are doing great..thank y ou
CO + K User
yes it hurts a lot , but i'm adjust to the pain and swollow a lot of painkillers everyday too morphine.
not sooooo great but only when it's toooo bad.
i has very bad sides effects so i don't like to use it, and it's soooo addicted and i use allready too much meds so i'm very carefull with them.
When i take them i can't do anything i must lay down for four hours, that's for my jumping brains a terible job to do.
that's why i still do so much.
It's all of learning to coop with the things you can 't do anymore and finding , still, some solutions.
I'm a survival , i'm used to that, and i have made my mind up to go for the quality and not longer for the quantity, not great for friends to see, but sitting still and do nothig then i can't go anymore.
this is the best way for me.
Yes we were very comfy.LOL i felt asleep till 3 am in the night.LOL
and then had to c hange to my real bed.LOL
so it cost me alot of hours to sleep again.LOL
at 7 o clock the lady's woke me up , they have both differend food to eat so i can't stand some of it in the kitschen on the floor so they are hungry .LOL
and when i'm giving them their food they try to change from food.
so i'm must pay a lot attention on them.LOL
but it's neseccary , muis has kitny troubles.
i think that she got some normal food by the vet she drinks to much. hopefully it will be better again.
i'm very strickly to this. i had told them that, but ... -S
i must do a lot today-S tomorrow my friend Karin comes again to help me.
so i must do a lot of things in the house and myself.LOL
i was reading book lately and one woman told her friend that she allways had to ring first to visited her mum, because they were like my pj people.LOL
Hey still a question how did you make the legs of the pj you made for the little pudle of yours close and tight on his body.
i had try to make them because muis didn't had to come with her mouth to the scar of her knee and the problem was how to make it around her body and how to make it so that she still could move.
Cats have a very strange skin tooo wide on their body, i don't know if dogs have that too, i don't think so so it wasn't possible to made the legs fitting. so after all i didn't made one, and i t hought it wasn't her to blame that she got the inflammation in her knee.
so i didn't gove her the collor that the vet gave me , muis is allergic to plastic.
and had to pay more attention, it worked too.
she has fave other places to bite her self of the itshyness.
so on some places she is bold.LOL
okay this will be it, hey love you;-D and good warmth thoughts and blessings for you too;-D
i'm reading my mailbox.LOL
i always work from the oldest to the newest so that's why i coming here again.
thank you too for your sweat comment and the fave of my cathouse. The picture is strange so the house looks little then in real , it's not a very large one, but i have small cats, Wolfje is only the biggest one, Muis is for a birmees very tiny and because she is grey coloured we named her muis.LOL
but Wolfje is normal of size still tiny , i choose my cats of size.
they must all together in one catbag fitting.
that's the only way i can with both of them to the vet.
i don't have a car so i must do it on my own wheels and two bags isn't possible to hold on your lap.LOL
so it's a middle size box.
When we got the box at the end of the day we didn't liked the big size at all, because we had bought tooooo many thinks allready so i had to much in my bagpack and on my lap. and then those tow boxes.LOL
but i'm glad it is finished.
fine, that's great that you know now to make the tiles too.LOL
i like it too, it was fun to do, and i thought Karin who is helping me with cleaning and sorting things our with me for my move would be relieved off no more of them laying around waiting.LOL
still have some but it was toooooo much,;-D
hey have a nice day, xxxxxxxxxx
it is here moning, hey thank you very much of your sweet words on the comment and the fave, you're the only one.LOL
so i'm relieved that it got a fave;-D
When i was trying this out it was actually the first one, but i didn't know how to make the hands, so i had put it aside and try at first the bunny's on my methode and had to make a lot of recipys of the flour paste.LOL but flour is cheap and now i'll use it too on the real paper mache pulp to have less sanding work, only the flour is heavy of weith-S
not always fine. uhmmm
hey see you later, i think on here, have a nice fun sunday.
love hugs and kisses
so the belly become large upright and the feets are more aside of the big belly. look at your own pets when they will show you their belly;-D
you're a great watcher , you look really well around so i think you will know what to do. so not i try to help you some more;_D
i haven't got really an accident, but for me it was a big one-S
i had before of this allready a very bad neck. it started with the lost of some of my in between vertibra of the neck so i got a lot of problems by that , and after years i lost some more so the last time in that car i lost the last in between vertibra and the bad thing was allready that the pieces didn't went to the outside but just to the inside of my spinal marrow canal, so that is became very nearest and particuly on C4 so it's almost broken.
so the last time i damamaged too the real vertibra too on level 1, till 4 so that from inside your head to down but still to high.
so that 's why i got more troubles then a normal persone to recouver of the damaging. the driver ride to fast on 20 bumbs in the road, he didn't got why i asked please be gentle with me.
he was sitting in front and i seat in the back of his car. it's all of the fluid that can't go through the almost broken point anymore.-S
i know it can be worse and they all aspect it will, but i'm not thinking of it, i live now not yesterday and not in the future so it's a good thing for me to be a zen boedhist.LOL
it helps me to find my own way without to much suffering.
i have always 24 hours a day neuropathic pains because the main nerves are damaged and that 's why i can't feel a nything with my hands and arms, it's strange but normal people does know by touching with their hands how hot a cup a thea is, i don't know that, so i can easily burn my mouth and cut my self with out noticing the blood or burn my self too.
so i must be very carefull and must doo all sort of things with using my brains and my eyes and my ears.
It happend in March and now still not good.
but okay i will sort it out what to do.LOL
like your pillow too , looks sooo sweet and cozy.;-D
wooooow that's a tiny dog on the pillow you made.LOL
When Gerard see that one he will be glad with the size of their dog.LOL
still has some problems with their size. LOL
but you know the malteze carachter soooo lovely so he likes her way to much.LOL Don't hurt her.LOL
but he is fond of Wolfje too. Wolfje was crumpy of not be allowed to go under neat my sweater too , and i told her go to your favest friend in the world . and she did and Gerard spend a lot of time to play with her, and she loved it , after he was gone she smelled after his after shave.LOL
not my fave smell.LOL but i was glad for her.
they lay next to me on my bed tightly laying together , sooooo sweet view . Muis is still a little afraid so they has some fights too the whole time, She must fight again for her place-S
but i think we have got the worse time allready.
hey it's late in the evening and because of my to less sleping hours and my sight problems and mitgraine i willl got early to night.
lot's of hug s and kisses have a nice lazy sunday.;-D
i have migraine-S it was the whole week the same problem.-S
but you know me i'm still cheerfull.LOL
yesterday i saw a friend from long time ago in my neigbourhood she was doing sooooooo well after so much hard and bad times, i was sooo glad for here;-D
Everybody don't look to me better so they always crieing out loud oooh you're looking great, so i told her because i know i'm looking not great hummm mayby the outside for you but i'm not great .LOL
and i tell them, only the ones i that show me their real interesting;-D
so i told what was happend after 7 years and she was chocked.LOL
i'm still so pale and having a tired face.
So i don't like this-S
i know they think this is nice and kindly to tell the untrue.LOL
but i always began to start to doubt i've i'm crazy.LOL
so that's why i don't like this.
oooh good news Muis is better and is free again.
the first day's wolfje didn't accepted her because she was smelling after the vet.LOL so she behaved her selfs like a real mouse.LOL
Muis = translated Mouse .LOL
and she would liked to lay the whole time to hide from wolfje underneat my sweaters on my lap.LOL
so everytime Wolfje was attacking me.LOL
but yesterday her friend was visited us and she got a lot of attention and.... playing time.LOL
Muis isn't so afraid anymore. fine for me, yesterday we stored the bench again outside the living room.
i have uploaded a new project, i see you're too. will go to that this weekend.
and i will try to upload an other.
now i'm not so busy i have done a lot during the summer, i'm now to ill of my neck damaging.
and must do a lot of cleaning up because of my move. i'm happy to go, but not to do all the work now-S
yesterday i couldn't paid my own shoppings because i couldn't see the differends of the money-S
so on my fave supermarket i give my wallet to let them pick the money out of it.LOL
i can trus them;-D
so my wallet was very thin after that again.LOL
i saw some lollipops with bones of veets and hands on them like they were the sticks, funny i have got a whole bundle of them to make a crazy funny project of it.LOL
OOOh by t he way thank you of your nice sweet comment and the fave of yours. like it!!!!
still glad with my big yellow wheels. when i was out with it they all had to laught about it, i'm the only one that did this.LOL
i have send the salesman of the fabric the picts too, and he would like to set them on the site of them.LOL
still working on the cartoon for him-S
i'm still to tired out off all those less hours sleep but i make now more and i'm glad with that.;-D
i cost a lot of time to recover of it.LOL
it's all of age .LOL
hey must do a lot of cleaning and muis did let fallen a glass of lemonade with ferrow on it, over the ground so it is very sticky.LOL
so the floor will be very clean after some mopping;-D
hope you will have a fun weekend and enjoy your crafting and doggys;-D
love, hugs and fun with xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for faving and for the lovely comment on my Bomber Bear.
CO + K User
CO + K User
CO + K User
i have those problems too.LOL
hey i had forgotten to mail a friend that had to drive Muis to her specialist vet and bring her home again so i saw that i had some mail of cok and i always like them so i jumped over, but i will be back to my cozy comfy couch.LOL
sleep well and have a nice eve'-D
hugs and kisses;-D and a lot of nice thoughts;-D
you've made cute projects and yes i'm glad that i have several fave of my two last projects.
i'm having still problem with my low energy level , my right eye don't does his work still , so it cost a lot of energy , happely the day here is over, now we have eve so i will go to my fave couch to watcg some tele.
there are a lot t hings politic issues in my country going on-S
so i have followed it too. -S
and checked a lot my poor prison cat. she lay comfy and cozy but .... must still be checked. she loved it to escape.LOL
her nieces is missing her a lot and try the whole day to lay next to her, but she is very stupid with her trys so she is sending the whole time out of the bench.LOL
thank you for all your lovely words on the comment and the message of you , i send you next day one back.;-D
now way to tired.
hey like this avatar pict of you as well;-D
have a nice fun eve too and sleep well
love hugs and greetings with xxxxxxxx
thank you very much of your fave of my bas gitar etui.
and your sweet comment! like it.
Yes he was very glad with his new etui, and i heard of my friend that he use his gitar now at school, he is a teacher and he had scored with his students.LOL
So i liked that too.LOL
ooo i saw yesterday and now much better you have made more projects, You are telling me that you did do anything always.LOL
you does make beautiful pretty things.;-D
Hey have a nice fun day and i will jump to your new projects a little bit later, much hugs, love and xxxxxxxxxx
Wow! That's amazing! I've heard tons of stories about dogs (and other animals) taking care of young animals as their own! It's so sweet that the cat thinks she/he is a dog, lol, maybe that's how Luke feels... (we got him at 8 weeks from the SPCA)
*sigh* he was such a cute little guy.... and still is, lol.
My sister is trying to teach Luke, the youngest cat, to walk on a leash. So far, he's walking pretty well. He knows how to sit, and beg. lol, he's more of a dog than a cat!
Maggie was up all night begging me to play with her squeakies. She LOVES her squeakers... lol
like it that you do this without patern, awesome.!!!
she will go with you to sleep both in pj's LOL
i like the soft look of the colour, she likes him i think to look at the picture.
To bad that cat's don't like cloths. LOL Muis is allergic for her enverment in the beginning we didn't know what was the matter with her, and she made her self bolt and scratch to hard so she had a lot of wounds so i made a little tight coat for her that had a tiger print.LOL
in that time i had very much differend helping persons around my house, and one of them thought i was a persone that loved to dress her cat with doll cloths , stupid because you could see very clearly that she need that stupid tiger coat of her.
so i said yess you're right i have a whole closet full of dresses skirts and shirts and socks.LOL
you did a lot,
it's now eve so i will go to my fave place on the couch.LOL
hey have an nice eve with your pj doggy.;-D
greetings and love'
I'm agree that we don't forget but we can recover from our paste wounds and becoming a stronger and wiser person.
i think that's the lesson of life;-D
the doggy must be suffering a lot of pain, i think, hope he will got good treatment, i think you will give him that.;-D
on the art academy i learned that everybody has his own methode of making projects, all of them are good;-D
so don't bother, what you like or would have had, you make nice cute things which are beautiful;-D
Hey have an nice day;-d xxx
It isn't so much of a pattern as a way to measure what the boots would be. I found out how from some website,and just need to get the right fabric for it so I can make a "how-to from another site thingy-ma-bobber". lol.
I really like doing the nail art stuff, really must invest in the pens haha. So yeah, there'll be more coming if you're interested in stuff like that, just published a snowmen one for christmas which should be up in a while.
When Maggie gets cold, I put one of my old jackets on her. She loves it, lol. I need to hem it up a bit, because it's a bit too big around her middle.
Did you make the dress your little cuite is wearing?
Maggie sleeps in the bed, under the covers, and with her head on a pillow. She is a total princess dog, lol. She gets along with the older two cats (lucy and Luna) but LoVES Luke, The 2 year old kitty. He sleeps on her back when he gets cold, and she is fine with it. lol.
Give you both much comfort , lots of hugs and kisses, and hope you can say goodbye to him.
hope you can sleept this eve, ;-D
wooow i think that's great to make a project just from some picture. awesome of you!!!
hey hope you feel a little bit better tomorrow or after some months, it take some time.-S
hey much love and hugs and greetings;-D
Yes we all do some thing we will regret later, but don't forget at that time it was feeling right, mayby time for an other?
i think always that, when i noticed my regrets too of stupid of lending my art work and it will get lost.
so i thought after being angry and crumpy and sad i must make a new one, i did, only a much funnyer one, I couldn't replace the first so i made my big hanging flyging pig, it's a totally other one then the pig on here.LOL
i think of uploading some bit later a tute of a daisy necklace and on one of my art pigs has to modell the necklace.
It have something with pigs suddenly for some years, i don't know why or what, but ...? i have made a lot of them.LOL
Hey you can use too wrappings of plastic boxs from coockies or tomato's but mayby they sell it in a differend shape by you.
But be warned: in the triangle in the plastic must be standing number three or higher, i think higher was better.
i'm not sure you can try it out.;-D
i have made a lot of those experiments but i don't kno more the right number, but 1 wasn't working too well-D
and the plastic must be flat not folded in a patern or something like that.
Question for you, do you make the needle felted animals of a tute or just out your head;-D
hey i'm tired , i have done a lot today hope you had a nice day ,
greetings , love, hugs and fun;-D
LOL you're a big talker.LOL i didn't had the time to answer them all, but i'm proud that you managed the trip everyweek to the shop.
all the little steps are importend to go on;-D
Yes kittens and puppy don't understand the power of their teeths.
LOL The kittens i had have did the same, and too of biting in their furry friends and on humans to experiment what will happen.LOL
No i had found this out during the summer time, when i was crumpy on my above neighbours, they are big smokers and not in their home, but outside, so when i open a window or door i allways got their smelly smoke inside. I have asthma so i can't stand it.-S
And they were very bad behaving for one of my cats, so i knew that talking didn't helped no more, so i thought of doing all the smelly crafts on the balcony too.LOL
It worked out great.LOL
and because the biggest computer was to the wokingplace i only could make picts and a tute and yesterday i thouhgt mayby in little steps i'm able to upload them. and yeaaaah it worked.LOL
still not out of problems, but all thinks take their times;-D
in my new home to be, i don't have any above neighbours anymore. that was the biggest reason to choose for this appartment and some others reasons.LOL
Hey thank you for your sweet words on the comment and your fave, like that. You're smart to ask some scraps from your brother, i have always those scraps too sooo handy, and this one i had used totally so i was glad of my recycling.
spinning is fun to do, i had learned it my self , a friend in the 70ths had one, and when i was baby sitting their children i couldn't resist the spinningwheel of hers, i had learned it too by hand when i was 18 but on a real one was more exciting.
so later on i had one my self, still , we had to make our own yarn on the art academy so i had learned to use the spinningwheel on a differend way too.LOL
he will go with me to the next move, poor helping friends of my.LOL
hey have a nice fun lazy sunday and enjoy those tinny puppy's of yours, sooo sweet,;-D till next time, much XO's
so i lost much time in the beginning through some stuppid mistakes of those workers by all the institutes.
i'm commen to this allready, all my wheelie friends has the same problems so ... this is in Holland normal.LOL
strange because we are a rich country.
but in some countries like yours the disabled persons are more normally then here. Most of us has still to deal with a lot of discrimination.
so i'm working with some friends on that issue in our non profite organisation. So we are all very strong persons.-D
Wooow i liked it that you dye the fibres by yourselfs.
i buy them.LOL
and sometimes i colouring them later a little bit .;-D
about sculpy we have other brand of all sort of material so it don't say me nothing.;-D
that why i asked is it a glay sort that's dry on air or the natural dirh kind or.... the glay that is from a kind of paper?
or the glay of polymere? there are soooo many kind of glay.
we have a kind that 's very lightweight, for dolls and flowers to make.
most of the tlime it's hard to understand what people had used, so i always glad when i see a lot of pictures to get some ides.;-D
the word oceon sounds sooooo beautiful;-D
we a on two sides the Noordzee , translated it will be for you called Northsea. i love the sea, but now i live in the middle of my country.
Holland is a very tiny country , we have a lot of people living here, and less place but i don't mind it, i have always lived in big city's so i'm commen to this too.:-D
i like my country and the way people go alone with each other, (not always -D) most of my friends are like me with freespirits.
and not commen.LOL
In Holland the winters are hard and very cold, last winter we had toooo much large levels of snow, all my wheel friends and i were stucked to home during three months, i didn't liked it.
so i hope this winter will be less worse. i had could ride outsite but my neighbours didn't want to move the snow away by our front door, One time i was stucked before the frontdoor and it was 5degrees underneath zero soooo cold and i couldn't go to the front door back to push some buttons for help and i didn't had their telephone numbers so i had to call out for some helping hands.
two women had helped me to set me free it cost us 15 minutes.!LOL
so i had asked all my friends for help by all my errans.
they did', they allways does that. i has very special kind friends.
but most of my friends were relieved when endly the spring came;-D
okay this will be it.
hey have a lot of fun this weekend and give your doggys some strokes, hugs and kisses;-D
oooooh they are soooo cute you're new projects.
love and like them.
Do you dying the wool fibres you're selfs, or use you the allready dyed ones you can buy;-D?
Not nice that you had such a bad husband,
Fine that you have rewon your self and become a strong persone again.;-D
I'm used to this worn out interviews, not i must wait again for a too long time for becoming my new chair.
I think it will cost problebly a half year.
i hope my broken wheels will do their job during this waiting time a little bit.
It was a sunny day, it's becoming autume here, some of the leaves of the trees are falling down allready.
strange, to see when the weather is still sofly.
we have every morning a lot of fog during the early morning time, i like the view of that , sooo odd that you can't see the normal things that are still outside too.LOL
like you watching a hidden special room.LOL
very mysterious.LOL
but i know when you must drive in the busy traffic outside it's not fun;-D
hey have an awesome fine crafting weekend.
hugs and love
oooh thanks i have jumpt to all your projects, you have maked a lot of projects in such a short time;-D
i had a very tiring meeting so i will be short this time;-D
but it was okay , the problems was that all the people i had talk the first time for this meeting were suplaced with new ones, so i had tell a lot-S
not fine, but i think i have done a good deal, now i must wait for the offer and then i can send him to the commnity worker of mine. to hear what they will pay for , so then i can order him.
much more time of wating...
hey have a nice eve and till next time;-D hugs and kisses;-D
like it,
hey much fun with the carding of the alpaca wool;-D
Do you have an machine or with two special camps?
i have those last ones, but it's a hard job;-D
but like t hat you can use it for your order;-D
hugs and love and xxx
till later perhaps i must go now to wash myself and put some cloths on;-D
hugs and kisses ;-D
i must be careful with my energy today, because i have an importand appointment in the afternoon. the fitting of my new replacement of my little wheelchair. the one that i have is over a year broken, -S Stupid that in Holland we have to deal with so much organisations that must screen it-S
and they all have a long delay-S
so i'm now over a year bagging for an new one.
but... it's an other new step, glad.
i have mentioned this story before i think.LOL sorry!!LOL
the kitschen colours were in real boring-S i will got a big kitschen but.... it's in my living room with boring colours. i must thing of how i can pimp them without painting them, we don't are alowed to paint him-S
and the organisation come everyday in and out my house to be, so i must be smart.LOL
the worktabel is from the same not good quality that i have allready, so i must be still very carefull, i thought ooooh i will have a better one.LOL no way, but, i must don't be crumpy i will found a solution i think later.
the only thing i liked were the knobs , so when i 'm seateld i will pimp a lot in the house.
i love the little maltese too, i know that they have a very sweet character, because my friends has a maltese one.
He is called Boemer, i had to laugh a lott of Karin she had bought for his belly for the winter a raincoat, we have cold winters and his belly hair becomes all the time wet of t he snow and rain, and Boemer is 12 years so it' cost a lot of time to dry her hair .
Gerard don't like to walk with Boemer with the coat on, so he chechs the whole time the weather repports and wait a while when they tell it will passes about a 15minutes.
so i tease Gerard to send a lot of tutes of making cloths for Boemer.LOL
In holland it's not so normal to dress your dog, my sis has an denish dog and would have a sweater because he 's all the time in the winter sooo cold. LOL
My problems are that i must upgreade my big computer that has the new harddrive, but because off the crashing all the time, a lot of my programmes are not okay any longer, so he's still crashing, but i must first make the backup from all the partitions.
and because he is crashing all t he time it takes a long time.
i had bought for my other computer a extra harddisk but i can't let him work, i think i have found the problem, but.... i don't know if i can fix that.
last night a friend told my some tricks tot try. He is a friend that is just lost his wife and children, they had bought just a house and then she told him she don't want to live no more with him. She was very bad behaving to him. He still has problems with it.
i have that sometimes with him too, but... he is nice and kind too.
i may put some of my art work and from John in a spare room in his house, soooo sweet.
i will miss Johns work when it is wrapped and put aside in his house a lot.but then it's more safely.;-D
my frineds that helped me thought with me that will be smarted. ;-D
Hey i must go further, i see, i'm still in my pj's like you i'm always tired out, sometimes more sometimes less it's because i have always nerve pain, And from pain that hasn't any sence becomes everybody tired out.-S
and because of my oldest cat Muis that 's living because of her broken leg again in a bench i can't sleep not much too.
so i t hink when you are tired you must done less.LOL
but i have a hard time to do so.LOL
hey hope your feeling better today,
much love and fun for to day, kisses and hugs;-D
will ck out your money when you can get it online.I hope you get your computer fixed soon.I hate to have mine messed up.
So you cant post pictures?? Let me look that up for you..huggs my friend
thank you very much of your fave of my he 's only posing project, i have made just now a monkey , i'm painting him and i had fabric that you can glue on it like red velvet , he is a cutie , to bad i'have still problems with my computer.-S
but mayby later,;-D
hey hope when you trying this out too much crafting fun with the making of;-D
uhmmmm mayby till later.LOL
love, hugs, kisses and much crafting fun;-D
You are a busy lady.LOL it's now almost noon, and i had talk to the salesman for my new kitschen for my new home to be.
strange, it will be a large kitschen, i had never such a big one,LOL
with two sinks, only i must learn to cook elektric , just now i have gaz , i had learned to cook elektric when i was 15 years, so that' too long ago.LOL
i have chosen for very light yellow , on the broshure was the colour a little darker yellow which i had preferd much more.
but okay it's better then a white kitschen in your living room and ... dark wood coloured.
i love colours and specially bright ones.LOL
i have a lot of wood furiture too but that's too light coloured.
mayby i can add an other colour on it, LOL i don't think i 'm alowed to paid the kitchen .-S
in my kitschen that i have here, i have only one sink and less space to move.
so i'm glad that i can choose they will give me an offer for some extra suplies, too with pans too coock , mayby i must buy them myself. and asked friends to add it in the kitschen.
my mum has promised me to help me with the floor covering, sooo sweet, i have thought of tarpolin i have a special kind of that for more then 20 years so it will be strong enough for there too.
and durable.LOL
but very expensive too, because i have a large space to cover.-D
so i'm glad that she had offer to help me.
63 isn't old, for my littlen niece she is now 16 years is 20 allready old. LOL and all above that is an elderly, i had to laught when she told me that.LOL
i think that when your living free of mind and be happy with your life you will be younger then most people.;-D
they always thinks that i'm much younger, not sooooo great , the salesman thought that he was talking on the phone with a girl of 20 years. so i thought you are stupid, when he saw me he asked me suddenly may i say you to you. we have in dutch two you's words , one is more a polite one and distant and busniesslike. we use then the word U and when we say je, jij , we are more familiar .
in english ther is only the word you. but i know that the sound how you say you is making the differend.LOL
in Geramsn it more difficult too then dutch.
so when he asked me if he was alowed to use the more familiar word je /jij that he know of his mistake.LOL
you're sound lovely and kind too.-D
and thank you for your complement of my drawings. they are all published in dutch magazines, i have done a lot more.
Yesterday we found by cleaning my adminstration two large posters of mine for a public protest and my friend was very impressed.LOL
i 'm working on a cathouse , and she saw him and loved it . when it was a silly box with the shape of a house she didn't like it.LOL
i like to see thing in cheap costless materials.
i think you too;-D
tomorrow i have too a busy day, i must talk with an occupation therapist and my dealer and a new wheelchair builder for an new wheelchair that must replace my old broken one, i'm still must use him and he is over a year broken, don'\t work sooo well-S
so i'm glad that i have that appointment it's about tuning and fitting the chair to me, it will be build for me (custome made ) in your country.
it's my first chair i will buy in the USA , before i had a lot of Scandinavy chairs and UK chairs.
but...it's always good to change.-D
like that your daughter is an assistencare worker. i have worked many years as an creative therapist.
till my 33th and then i go back to the art academy. still glad that i have done that.LOL
hey i must go , to take my meds and have a breake;-D
much love and greetings,and give all your tiny furrys a stoke,
for you hugs and kisses as well;-D
when i must look to kittens i know i can't go without the promise to have one too.LOL
i'm not a dog person normaly , my sis has dogs too and learned me how i could see i've i could trust them.
because of my wheels i'm for the big dogs a easy bite to taste.LOL
most dogowners don't raised their dogs so the dogs are poorly in behaving towards strange not knowing objects-S
my sis has a denish dog it's toooo big , she thinks too, gerard know my sis too, she has a larger house then i have, but we ar e teasing here you m ust buy a bigger house for your large dog.LOL
he's well raised so the first time he saw me he was afraid of me, because the breeders didn't done their job, (a sad story of animal abusing) so he had to stay in the bench to adjust to me and i thought ooooh i must talk to him because my voice is a look a like of my sis, and he was suddenly nomore afraid and liked me toooo much.LOL
Karin told him you m ust be gentle with Jet, and he was, I became his fave , he always lay on the couch (the whole couch and a small place for my sis Karin) next to her, but now he was laying next to me on the floor, sooooo sweet,
so i understand it completly.LOL
my cats are little cats too , i love those tine ones too.LOL
i love to see the maltese needle pup of yours as well.
you can find the tute on this link:
then you must search for one with a tute of how you can dy them.
i have seen one but i'm now tooo tired on this page you see at the bottom more pages, succes
hey lots of love, hugs and kisses, sleep well;-D
thank you for asking me!
hey i have talk a long time to you, you will be tired of me.LOL
i'm a big talker, but i don't exspect that from other to write all the time and sooo large too.LOL
hey big hugs and kisses and greetings ;-D
i like to talk with you too, ;-D aaaah i'm so sorry to heat that you lost your daughter, i have lost my partner 5 years ago too, so i know it's sooo hard and heavy-S
Wooow you're a tough one!!!! that you allready make projects!!
proud of you!!!
i have made a lot of artwork at that time because i couldn't could grieve and mourned so i had to go for that to creative therapy , thats why i made the rememberance closet for John.
it has helped me because i couldn't talk about it, still difficult. i hope you can share it and has make for her too beautiful projects.
woooow great that you have a lot of people in your house, all in the family.LOL
i thought that you're daughter which you 'mentioned was a little one.LOL
Yes its a renting appartment from a normal housekeeping organisation , so i live there like now freely , but some of the appartments are from the organisation of Fokus, that's a organisation that worked in the whole country . Fokus helps people that live in the special appartmends of them with the care help you need, on 24 hour basis during the whole week.
i need helping hands and care for my daily life because i'm a wheelie. that's okay, i'm used to it and it's still handy too.LOL
i'm carring often too much shopping with me towards home. LOL
like i'm a van.LOL and not problems with long rows by the paydesk anymore, i'm waiting comfy.LOL
i have lifed with john over 20 years, so i misses him still.
but we didn't lived under need one roof, so that's not the hardest part, i 'm used to live alone;=-D with my cats.
i'm n ot agains breeding animals, i have both my furrie lady's by breeders as well, mostly they are very good caring people for the little ones and they told the same the they love the tinny kittens too much too and had a heard time to give them away.
with both breeders i have still conections. but my furries aren't not normal cats.LOL
Wolfje is a rare brand, my vet likes her tooo m uch , but didn't want to spend so much money for a animal, that his choice.
i knew that she would have a great sweet character, i have had cats of the street too, but sooo much troubles with character issues-S
so i'm glad that there are people like you.LOL
Now i live freely too in a rented appartment , but it's a special kind of living, we have on every floor 4 houses that came together on one large room, we are a living group that shared the big room, i have had all their children seen growing up to adult that has know children of their own.
hey i'm 54 , are you of my age.? i was thinking of age issues suddenly.LOL
and because we had our own space we had always our front doors wide open so that everybody could come in to play or talk.
it was a 70th years building so it was then too a rare kind of living but more normally then nowaday;-D
i liked it a lot, but they house are for selling so our kind of living is dissapairing. -S
in the other city i must started over , i will make a fresh new start.
i like that, but one of my dearest friend is living nearby and she and her daughter has promised me to come to me to have some crafting lessons.LOL
and Gerard will move with me , he's my adhd coach, i have jumping brains.LOL
that's why i have tooo too many materials.LOL
i need now too help and care, for my daily things, but i can't have them on the way i would like, in Fokus i can call them when i need without any appointment , so i will get a more normal life again.
i can go out very late without problems how must i go to bed without helping hands, and i can sleep out when i like, or don't want help when i don't like it.LOL
so that's the great thing of it, okay i have read that some of the assistens aren't great too sometimes but that's an other problem that i have now too.
but now i must aranged all my helping persons by my own and paying them too with all t he adminstation that a boss has todo.LOl
but then they will do that.
so i have less persons to search for as helpers, only help for the housekeeping help and so on.-D
oooh my computer the big one with the newer main system is crashed, he has fixed with a new harddisk but i he is crashing still so i must make first a backup and then like you renewal the main system and then i hope all the crashing is over.( still crossing my fingers.LOL)
so i must do every day a small part -S
so i'm now only glad that i can fave and write comments on here, so i'm a fake member till i hope for not too long. LOL
computers take sooo much time when they don;t do it properly-S
i have learned a lot but i'm not a computer wizkid.LOL
and sometimes i make stupid mistakes as well.LOL
hey you're a sweetie , like you, and nice talking to you too.
hey have an nice eve, oooo i had forgotten that you are living on the other side of this planet so it\s here eve but by you an other time, sooo i wish you a good time of the day.LOL
and the large sliding walls in the appartment that devides the spaces when you like, are too heavy to use, so i slept too around my crafting materials.LOL
so i'm glad that i will move to a more driveable home for me with real doors and a big extra room, it's the first bedroom, but soooo large that one bed is drawing in it. and so i thought this will be my workingplace.;-D When i told the organisation that, they didn't like it, there are two rooms with a intercome system too call for my care, I told them that's silly because i rent the house and so i'm free to choose the room where i will like to sleep.
i thought uhmmm i don't must to be crumpy they will found out what i do , when i live there.LOL
so i know the problem too welll.LOL
You can die the plarn i've you like!!!
on instructables.com are some great tutes to find.;-D
i'm a member there too, but this is my fave one, and the only one were i have uploaded my projects.
i'm experimented this summer with making on normal felt fabric using 3d felting elements and felting it in the washing machine.
i will upload some when i have fixed all my computer problems.;-D
There is a great dutch felt artist that had found out this methode and has made a great beautiful book of it.
i have bought it and this summer i tried a lot of those experiments, i had tryed out some of my self as well.
i will make of all the experiments a tough baggy.LOL
And still working with plastic, it's not green material but you can do sooooo much with those plastic bags and other wrappings.LOL
i have made a plushie of plastic bags. LOL
hey much succes!!
and hope you can sell a lot , the puppy of yours is too soooo sweet and cute!! well done
hey great eve;-D
but i must sel because i have less space for them, and.... i must clean my materials and work because i will move next year.
i love him still.
i didn\'t have uploud the others because i have still computer problems , i can only write comments and faves.LOL
not soooo super cool but i be patiencend, he have an awesome week;-D