My unique way of zombifying oneself with fake blood and flour!
I came upon this idea all on my own. It made sense to me because the jugs of fake blood you buy at the store are always very runny and also quite orange. This made the blood darken naturally when adding the flour to it.
Heat up the blood on the stove on low. Then add the flour in small incriments and keep stirring it with a spoon or fork as you mix it into the fake blood.
Using whole wheat flour matters because the flour has a chunkier consistency than white flour.
When you get it thick enough, but not too thick, let it cool a bit before using it where you need it. Don't worry about it cooling off all the way. When I worked with mine it was better to have it a little warm and let it cool on your skin. It is normal if it cracks a bit after it's dry.
For my lips I used a red lip stick/gloss instead of the fake blood. It was more comfortable and easier to work with, especially if you plan on eating while wearing it.
Should only take 5-10 minutes to do the mixing and heating on the stove. Then you can take as much time as you need to spread it on yourself where you think it looks best.
The jug of blood I acquired from Wal-Mart in October for less than 5$. The flour itself is also fairly cheap and is usually something most people already have around the house.
Then enjoy!
Ikon K. favorited Zombification 05 Oct 10:30
Bradley Rowe favorited Zombification 17 Sep 07:23
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