A little orange monster friend I made :)
I made Ozwald based on the character from a childrens' book I wrote as a school project last year. He is orange, with rainbow coloured spikes running down his back. He loves flowers and aspires to create the first monster-made rainbow, as soon as he can figure out how to get his attempts to stay stuck to the sky - they always seem fall down whenever he tries to hang them on conviniently placed clouds. He promises to let you know as soon as he figures out the secret to rainbow-creation. :)
Tina1Kidd favorited Ozwald 31 Dec 13:59
Jessica A. favorited Ozwald 10 Jun 08:29
Katie B. favorited Ozwald 16 Nov 18:28
MyFantasyNightmare favorited Ozwald 22 Aug 15:42
OhSillyMeXD favorited Ozwald 21 Jun 16:14
Lauren entered her project Ozwald to Me Make Monster! 19 Nov 03:55
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