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30 mins

Made from the idea in Finish This Book by Keri Smith!
Ok So I saw this contest for Finish This Book by Keri Smith, and thought the leaf book mini project they showed was awesome, I really wanted to make a booklet of fall leaves, buuuut Hawaii doesn't have beautiful fall colors, lol. S

So I decided that it would be a great way to keep track of my tea samples :) I always keep my tea envelopes! I have been storing them in a plastic baggie in a drawer with the intend to do something creative with them.

I sewed all the tea envelopes together and then sewed on the little paper cover. I didn't like the way my thread laid so I covered it with a fabric scrap that doubles as a bookmark.

On the back of each of the envelopes I glued a tiny bit of paper in the shape of a tea bag, and then wrote a few words about the tea :) Along with a 1-5 Star Rating! Some are just "meh *" and some are "Ah-mazing!!! *****" lol It will help me remember which ones I LOVE and which I should probably not buy again, lol.

I made this book for the contest, but I honestly think it is amazing! I cant wait until I have a whole sets and volumes of tiny tea trackers!

Enjoy <3

Posted by Princess Pam-attitude from Pocatello, Idaho, United States • Published See Princess Pam-attitude 's 322 projects »


Princess Pam-attitude posted this project as a creation without steps

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 Evelyn Vermilion
Evelyn Vermilion · Wenatchee, Washington, US · 21 projects
This is such a cute idea! All my tea drinking friends will love this!
Juliet J.
Juliet J. · Cuneo, Piemonte, IT · 63 projects
Lovely! The problem is I don't use tea bags o.O xD
ale_corason · Mexico City, Federal District, MX · 49 projects
What a lovely idea!
Timbe · Brisbane, Queensland, AU · 18 projects
Thats really creative. and i thought i was weird collecting hundreds of free postcards
Paola · Bruges, Flanders, BE · 5 projects
My best friend does that too! So you're not weird Happy
Libby W.
Libby W. · Whitehaven, England, GB · 86 projects
Fab Pam!
kathleenserene · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 40 projects
I love this! I need to stop using my tea envelopes to wring the tea bag out with so that I can make one!

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