DIY or die.
A leftover from the Love and Peace days, combined with Morticia Addams and Dr. House / a family person / honest 'till it hurts / Little Mrs. Sociopath / originally been planned to turn out male, but God forgot the little extra part. At least, that's my theory... / never seen without my super large headphones.
I love:
The combination of death & gore and cute, cuddly stuff / childish accessoires / Pin-Up, Burlesque, Rockabilly / Tattoos and piercings / Photography! / Steampunk / action movies with lots of stuff blowing to smithereens / Zombies...
A leftover from the Love and Peace days, combined with Morticia Addams and Dr. House / a family person / honest 'till it hurts / Little Mrs. Sociopath / originally been planned to turn out male, but God forgot the little extra part. At least, that's my theory... / never seen without my super large headphones.

I love:
The combination of death & gore and cute, cuddly stuff / childish accessoires / Pin-Up, Burlesque, Rockabilly / Tattoos and piercings / Photography! / Steampunk / action movies with lots of stuff blowing to smithereens / Zombies...
Find FrolleinKram on
OtherRecent Activity
- favorited Shabby Linen And Lace Fabric Flowers 23 Oct 19:11
- commented on Easy Halloween Skull Centerpiece 23 Oct 19:03
- commented on Diy Fruit And Cream Oatmeal 19 Mar 20:39
- posted a post to consignment or etsy? 17 Jan 13:55
- posted a post to Lauched my label :D 17 Jan 13:53
- favorited Diy Square Skirt 13 Jan 19:40
- commented on Diy Suspender Leggings 13 Jan 12:05
- published their project Stretched Lobes Deodorant & Balm 28 Dec 09:12
- commented on 90s Tattoo Choker 07 Dec 09:19
- commented on Fox Sock Plushie 07 Dec 09:15
- commented on Time Turner 03 Dec 11:25
- published their project Mrs. Lovetts Meat Pies 29 Oct 08:29
And yes, I painted it by hand
i clearly have a essence addiction
here the tutorial for the bun u want
soo sorry the late reply!
Freezing kisses from Frankfurt
If you like to see the pin up with a twist makeup video tutorial!
the link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjldivWx95k
I'm still new at cut out+keep, i meant to upload the video, but I don't know what happen =(
thanks for the sweet comment too!
I am aware the tutorial is unfinished, my laptop decided to crash as I was writing it, the tutorial will have more steps in the next few days when I have time to continue.
Take Care
I have to do something with mine,I keep hitting people on buses and in stores.
Also ich mochte den Film. Und das obwohl der Kinomensch tatsächlich zwei Filmrollen vertauscht hatte. Der Saal war verwirrt
Hast du vielleicht die Bücher gelesen? Dann kann ich nämlich verstehen, dass er nicht gefällt.
(Okay, zugegeben nicht der angebrachteste Vergleich, aber wenn jemand so gute Musik macht, kommt man schonmal in Versuchung :3)
and a steampunk blog that i follow is where i got the idea for the suitcase!
you have some seriously awesome projects up. this makes me want to find a camera and put more of mine up, too, so that i may share them with people like you. then we could all exchange secrets, give ideas, and lavish praise on each other over virtual tea.
i shall add you in case this happens.
love rib.
and u r funny i have added u as a friend k xx
Though thats still a little blank but ya gives you a rough outline what i do too, both either digital or traditional art work/acrylics
I was just wandering if you could email me or comment back, if i could use that photo to paint a gothic female, for reference, its outstanding enough and got the pose exactly for me to use and i would be highly greatful, just joined so my page will look a little, weery.. ^^ hope to hear from you soon, many thanks beautiful designing too (= Jsica Kalantari xx
I was just wandering if you could email me or comment back, if i could use that photo to paint a gothic female, for reference, its outstanding enough and got the pose exactly for me to use and i would be highly greatful, just joined so my page will look a little, weery.. ^^ hope to hear from you soon, many thanks beautiful designing too (= Jsica Kalantari xx
I was just wandering if you could email me or comment back, if i could use that photo to paint a gothic female, for reference, its outstanding enough and got the pose exactly for me to use and i would be highly greatful, just joined so my page will look a little, weery.. ^^ hope to hear from you soon, many thanks beautiful designing too (= Jsica Kalantari xx
I was just wandering if you could email me or comment back, if i could use that photo to paint a gothic female, for reference, its outstanding enough and got the pose exactly for me to use and i would be highly greatful, just joined so my page will look a little, weery.. ^^ hope to hear from you soon, many thanks beautiful designing too (= Jsica Kalantari xx
yes dress eery day like its halloween w00t!
Sorry for getting back so late, I didn't even realize I had a comment.
14 now.
Just looked through your stuff too = LOVE
Es tut mir leid, meine deutsch ist ganz schlect.
i wanna see urz >_<
The salt stuff does appear to be working, thank god. Although it stings like a bitch
umm, sure ill post something, maybe take a picture of how mine is now.
but yeah, sure. :]
CO + K User
<3 Thank you, by the by, it's extremely kind of you.
Leider waren die kleinen Fassungen irgendwie ausverkauft oder so, ich hoffe die bekommen wieder welche =/
How-To wär ne Idee, ich wollt eh nochmal welche machen... ist aber prinzipiell nur ein verstürztes Band mit nem Klettverschluss und... Dekozeug halt. Kommt aber dann bei Gelegenheit nochmal auführlicher xD
Die Kamee ist von http://www.sayila.nl/ - ist ein holländischer Shop, die verschicken aber auch recht günstig (2€, ab 20€ Bestellwert umsonst) nach Deutschland. Sehr empfehlenswert, hab gestern grad erst wieder bestellt ^^
didnt half make me laff.
Wobei ich da seit... kA... Jahren angemeldet bin und nicht mehr viel mache. Allerdings sind die Fotos mehr oder weniger aktuell, irgendwann muss ich mal online gewesen sein Oo Naja..
Wegen NuS hab ich nur gerfragt weil ich da relativ aktiv bin, nicht dass wir uns schon "kennen" ;)
Der Rock ist frei schnauze genäht, prinzipiell sind es 2 Rechtecke für den Sattel (leicht nach oben hin abgerundet für die Hüfte, außerdem elastischer Stoff damit's schön sitzt) und da dann 2 weitere Rechtecke angerüscht. Saum, Gummizug, Schleifchen dran, fertig ^^ (urgs, das klingt schneller als es geht... alleine das Gerüsche und die Schleife zusammenfriemeln...)
On the way home from work today I bought everything to make your strawberry pies!