Yes, another Zakka project :)
It failed a bit, because there was supposed to be wadding inside but this made it too thick and it wouldn't fold right side out, so I had to cut the original seam away, so this bunny is a bit skinnier than he is supposed to be!
- Polina B. favorited Zakka Bunny Pencil Case 27 Feb 10:12
Asgards_Princess posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Leicester, England, GB
33 projects
i would share a how to, but its out of a book :/ so i cant really, sorry! the books worth buying though: zakka sewing. i bought it ffrom amazon.
Arty Addict
London, GB
7 projects
I agree!
Willow Bon-Bon
London, GB
29 projects
how-to please!