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15 mins

A super tasty spicy quorn, hummus and pepper wrap.

Posted by Cat Morley from London, United Kingdom • Published See Cat Morley's 1146 projects »

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 1
    Step 1

    Chop up the peppers in to thin slices and stir fry until soft.

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 2
    Step 2

    Chop the quorn in to long thin slices and fry with the spices until cooked through and charred.

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 3
    Step 3

    Cut two tortilla breads in half and lay the halves flat on a plate.

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 4
    Step 4

    Lay the quorn strips about a quarter away from the edge of the tortilla.

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 5
    Step 5

    Spread some hummus on the quorn and then fold over the left side of tortilla so that it covers the quorn. (You could try my recipe for <a href="http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/lemon_humus">Lemon Humus</a> if you like).

  • How to cook a wrap. Spicy Quorn Wraps - Step 6
    Step 6

    Place the peppers and chili sauce on top of this flap, fold up the bottom of the tortilla and then fold over the right hand side, so that it forms a tight little wrap. Yum!

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Candice T.
Candice T. · 7 projects
Just made this, but when I stirfryed the pepper I added some salt and galic, it was AMAZING!
heyy i turned vegetarian at 9 which is when i found out about animal cruelty and how they kill the animals my mum wasnt happy with me being vegetarian but i still gave it a shot i found it hard at first cause you can't eat sweets like haribo.

but know i made my mum try quorn she absolubtely adores it <3 ive made quaorn wraps before but these seem tastier
Anita B.
Anita B. · Louisville, Kentucky, US · 3 projects
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Quorn!! This looks fantastic, I will definitely add to my lunch menu...
Stephy · Murphysboro, Illinois, US · 3 projects
I am sooo hungry right now,
and these look like the most delicious things I have ever seen.
These are so getting made when I get home.
Maddz103 S.
Maddz103 S. · 4 projects
hmmm...i'm a bit of a carnivore myself...but quorn sounds tasty.
Ginger Ginger.
Ginger Ginger. · Australia, AU · 16 projects
Ginger Ginger.
Ginger Ginger. · Australia, AU · 16 projects
bittyandbunny · Lincoln Park, Michigan, US · 6 projects
i adore quorn - i find it way tastier than tofu (which grosses me out to be honest). this recipe looks killer. i will surely give it a try one day.
Cat Morley
Cat Morley · London, GB · 1432 projects
It's a meat substitue made from mushrooms / funghi - kind of like tofu.
nykole m.
nykole m. · 1 project
hey what's quorn?
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