Make No Sew Monster Dolls!
It's easy to make these no sew monster dolls with all of the terrific fabric glues out there!
Key West Witch added No Sew Monster Dolls to Crafts General 29 Jun 17:00
Dorian Avery favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 05 Oct 16:45
Bloodyhiccup favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 03 May 01:06
dippydiscoball favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 22 Jul 06:23
Zacharie M. favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 01 May 17:50
Key West Witch added No Sew Monster Dolls to Voodoo 20 Mar 22:25
Rebecca C. favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 09 Sep 21:39
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 18 Jul 01:48
jennavieve added No Sew Monster Dolls to plushies 24 May 10:32
jennavieve favorited No Sew Monster Dolls 24 May 10:32
Step 2
1. & 2. Draw your pattern, pin it on folded fabric and cut
3. Cut out two different sized eyes in a contrasting fabric
4. Cut several pieces of fabric for the body and pink around the edges
*To look like a funky shirt
5. Trace around the eyes with a pencil
6. Paint a shadow around the eyes with the multi surface in gray and red
7. Cut 4 matching 2" x 3" sized squares for feet
8. Cut two 4" x 10" pieces of fabric for the arms
*I used a striped fabric for this
9. & 10. Add E-6000 Stitchless to the back of all the pieces and iron in place
11. & 12. Add more E-6000 Stitchless to the arm pieces leaving one end open for stuffing
and then fold and iron
*Your making long tubes like socks -
Step 3
Watch the video here:
Step 4
13. Pink the edges of the arms
14. & 15 Add more Stitchless around the squares and iron together for the arms making sure
to leave one side open
16. Add E-6000 Fabrifuse around the edge of the bottom layer of the monster body leaving a 5" hole at the base (to allow stuffing) and then place the monster on top to dry
17. Fabrifuse a heart on the body
18. Use E-6000 Glue to add the button eyes
*Make them kooky!
19. 20. & 21. Use the Allure to add a stitched mouth, stitches around the heart and funky eyelashes
22. Stuff the arms and feet and use Fabrifuse to glue the openings closed using clothespins to keep them in place while they dry
23. Stitch on the arms and feet with needle and thread and a button
14. Stuff the body with Poly-fil through the 5" opening and then stitch the hole closed