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10 mins

A traditional Kentucky favorite
The Kentucky Derby is a favorite day, almost holiday, of mine. Each year my friend's parents would throw a party and entrust me and my dear friend Alyson to make the drinks. The first year, I believe the only decent thing we made were the mint juleps. I've loved making them every year, in my official Derby glassware to boot.

Posted by kitkatherine from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States • Published See kitkatherine's 8 projects »
  • How to mix a bourbon cocktail. Mint Julep - Step 1
    Step 1

    You will need the following ingredients : a sprig of mint, Kentucky bourbon, powdered sugar, water, and crushed ice.

  • How to mix a bourbon cocktail. Mint Julep - Step 2
    Step 2

    Put 3 spoonfuls of powdered sugar and about 1/4 cup of water in your glass. Toss in about 5 mint leaves, and muddle this all together well until you can smell the mint scent.

  • How to mix a bourbon cocktail. Mint Julep - Step 3
    Step 3

    Don't have a crushed ice maker? I don't either (yet!). Take a paper towel or other soft towel and wrap your ice cubes in it. Hit with a hammer to crush well. You will need a lot more than 4 cubes, I totally misjudged.

  • How to mix a bourbon cocktail. Mint Julep - Step 4
    Step 4

    Fill your glass to the top with crushed ice (mine is half full because it was the middle of the day on a Sunday, so hear me out, sometimes I can't actually DRINK these things I'm making because I have to clean the bathroom after this). Then, pour the bourbon over. Stir well until the outside of the glass is cold, almost frosty.

  • How to mix a bourbon cocktail. Mint Julep - Step 5
    Step 5

    Top with a mint sprig and serve!

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