Everyone likes magnets, why not custom make them for all your friends!
If you plan this project out, it is relatively quick to make. The drying time however is where you need to be patient.
I've made a variety, and hundred's at a time.
Be creative, come up with a theme, or use your friends faces, use old magazines or even all your paper scraps. It it totally up to your own imagination!
Almost everything can be bought at your local dollar store.
Miss_Fit favorited Glass Bead Magnets 08 Jul 03:16
02jhseaby added Glass Bead Magnets to Try 06 Jul 12:10
02jhseaby favorited Glass Bead Magnets 06 Jul 12:09
deb.mathenia favorited Glass Bead Magnets 22 Feb 01:37
nicole.johnson.520 favorited Glass Bead Magnets 20 Oct 00:55
Ichigo M. favorited Glass Bead Magnets 27 Jul 03:19
You Will Need
Step 3
Apply another drop of glue (I use Weldbond, it dries clear and is strong). The magnets I've been able to source (Dollarama) have a clear indication of which side is NOT magnetic (see previous picture). So make sure you glue the correct side down (or your magnets won't stick!) Again, let dry for a few hours.