a nifty gift for any beverage-from-a-can drinker
Im spending Christmas with my sister, and her boyfriend's family, whom i know nothing about. But i still wanted to give them all gifts. For his moms i made little personalized felt can cozies =]
since they drink out of cans more often then not.
I did this without a pattern, i kind of just formed it as i went, that is why it took me an hour, the second one took less time.
Angela T. added Felt Can Cozy to List 26 Sep 14:31
Marakyo favorited Felt Can Cozy 23 Jan 20:48
Step 1
Gather all things needed. The felt of your choice, the sheet of craft foam, the fabric glue, and scissors.
Step 2
One Sheet of craft foam is large enough to make two cozies. 'Hamburger Fold' it in half to show some sort of crease to cut along, and then cut each half in half again. Set those to the side
Step 3
I had a large piece of felt for the base colour of the cozy. and i Cut these pieces out of it.
-2 rectangles the length of the circumference on the can plus one inch to be safe. And one inch longer then the width of the foam.
-one circle the size of the base of the can.
-one circle 1 in larger then the base of the can. -
Step 4
Now that you have all of your pieces cut out:
Glue the small circle in the center of the larger circle. and cut tabs into the larger circle up to the smaller one.[this will be to secure the base of the cozy to the sides of it]
Step 5
Now glue two of the foam pieces together and before the glue sets wrap it around a full unopened can of soda or beer. and hold it there until the glue dries. This is so it'll have the curve of the can, once its dry trim any bits necessary.
note: the foam will not stay in the tight curve, but this is okay
Step 6
take one of you long rectangles and put fabric glue on it, covering the most of the middle are, leaving a half inch around it free of glue.
Take this and wrap it around the can glue side out. and glue the foam to the felt. Hold it there until it dries.
and glue the ends down on the inside. -
Step 7
take the circles and put the can with the sides on the cozy still on it on top of it.
put glue on a couple of the tabs and fold them up against the sides until dry, due this until all the tabs are glued
Step 8
Take the last rectangle of felt and decorate as you please =]
flip it over put glue ALL OVER that side, Glue it to the rest of the cozy. Hold there until dry.
glue the top edges together and hold together until dry and trim off any extras.
enjoy -
Step 9
If anything is hard to understand, just ask and ill try and clarify
sorry i forgot to take pictures