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Here are some of the awesome projects posted on Cut Out + Keep over the past week:

Get knitting by making your own Tin Can Knitting Loom, melt together a Super Mario Mushroom made from hama beads, create an Amy Winehouse inspired Felt Heart Brooch, turn a pillowcase in to an apron, create a Rag Rug, learn how to make a Watercolor Monotype Print, cook up some Mild Cheesy Quesadillas, and learn how to embroider.

Band Q&A »

Who are you and where do you come from?

I'm Heather D'Angelo and I come from the Tri-state area.

Where does your name come from?

It's a line from the movie 'Pee Wee's Big Adventure.'

Who's in the band and where did you meet?

Me, Annie Hart, and Erika Forster. Annie and Erika knew each other before the band started because Erika played in the band 'Dirty On Purpose' with Annie's boyfriend (now husband) Doug Marvin. Erika and I knew each other from the neighborhood and were friends. Annie and I met at our first band practice. We all got along well from the start.

How would you describe your music?

Dreamy, electronic, folk music. 

What makes your band unique?

We're the only all girl all keyboard band that I know of - I might have to do more research though. If it turns out we're not, than I'll say that we're all unique just like snowflakes are.

Who are your musical influences?

I'm like a sponge so pretty much everything I listen to is a musical influence. I don't know, the list is incredibly long. Top of the list though would be Bjork, Air and Stereolab.

Tell us a bit about your current album and the inspirations behind it?

Our new album is called 'Still Night, Still Light.' It's about stillness, darkness and light, introspection, traveling, loss, perspective, relationships, acceptance, peace, happiness, sunshine, regret, joy, quiet conversations, love, positivity, and the calm.

Where are your favorite places to tour?

I love touring in Italy because it's like a vacation. I love touring in Japan because it blows my mind.

Where do you look for inspiration when songwriting?


Are there any ways the band try to be DIY or crafty?

We used to have a lot more time on our hands so we were crafty all the time, for instance, our first album 'Verses Of Comfort, assurance, and salvation' was originally burned on Erika's computer and then put into little sleeves that we screen-printed ourselves. We also used to screen print our own tote bags. We did a screen-printing run for 'reverse migration' too. Any time that we have the time to do it ourselves, we choose to because we all love the satisfaction of creating something that has a personal touch.

What would you be doing if you weren't in a band?

Finishing up my degree in astrophysics. 

What was the last record you bought?

Yikes, I don't remember... I downloaded Dirty Projector's 'Bitte Orca' which I have every intention of buying once it comes out. 

Hopes and dreams for this year?

I try not to hope too much because I hate being disappointed. I'm more inclined to close my eyes and make a wish for something, then forget about it immediately. I just take it day by day, meeting goals slowly and steadily. 

What's next for you?

A long battle with jet-lag. We just got back from Europe, where we were touring for a month, so my sleeping patterns are completely messed up. By the time I'm sleeping normally again, we'll be back on tour. Next stop is Canada.

You can find out more about the band on their website or listen to their music on MySpace.

Keep your sewing supplies organized by turning your fabric scraps in to baskets.

Check out the how-to from The Sometimes Crafter.

Learn how to sketch fashion in the latest episode of ThreadBanger.

These yummy vegan cinnamon buns look like the perfect start to the day.

Check out the recipe from Vegan Yum Yum.

Books »

Sister Diane Gilleland, who you may know from the podcast and blog CraftyPod, has put her crafty know-how in to a new ebook, titled Making A Great Blog. As the title suggests, the book aims to teach you how to make your blog the best it can be and get the most out of writing for it.

A great DIY effort, this ebook seeks to make you see your blog in a new light and with a range of exercises and questionnaires to complete, help focus your subject and find your writing style. Emphasizing the importance of good visuals, learn how to create a clean and stylish design, put together a great header and take better photography.

Whether new to blogging or a wordy expert, this book will work as a refresher and help you recapture your zest for writing. It makes a lot of sense releasing this title as an ebook too, because who needs a physical copy when a blog is online?! Short and sweet, this is a valuable read for any blogger.

Priced at $12.50, you can pick up a copy of the eBook from CraftyPod now.

These mod podged bowls look so professional and would be great for holding trinkets and keys.

Check out the how-to from How About Orange.

Both innovative and intuitive, these fingertip control tools offer a much greater degree of control, making common tasks like cutting as simple as running your finger along a piece of paper. Such a simple idea, every crafter should have some.

Mini Rotary Cutter - ideal for cutting patterns, the blade glides smoothly across the paper and, with the finger control, you're far less likely to go off course.

Craft Knife - this cutting knife cuts so smoothly and is a lot easier to hold than a standard knife, as it doesn't have a big handle to get in the way. The blade is nice and easy to replace too.

Swivel Knife - the perfect tool for cutting curls, swirls, or cutting zig-zag shapes, as you can change direction without lifting or repositioning the blade.

Craft Tweezers - these are really comfortable to hold and they make picking up small items a lot less fiddly than with normal tweezers.

Self-healing mat - not only does this mat heal itself after cuts, but each side is coloured differently, so you can pick the colour that best suits your mood. Ideal for snapping photos for your CO+K projects.

All of these tools are available to buy now from the Fiskars website.

Mmm these cinnamon sprinkled muffins look so tasty.

Check out the recipe from Eat Me Delicious.

News »

To keep all you clever crafters crafty and informed, we're starting a new feature here on the CO+K blog, where we'll be road testing the latest and greatest craft tools and supplies out there.

This week we'll be featuring a selection of the latest tools from Fiskars, a company who love to include unique and extra features to make their tools as innovative as possible. Watch this space!

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