
Hey everyone Happy
I'm Liny. I'm 18 years old and from germany.
I'm at an art school and so i love to create things, like drawing pictures, baking cakes, cooking something, designing clothes, jewellery and decoration or what ever.

Btw: My english isn't perfect (some kind of school-english... I've got it at school since 2005)
and so, if you don t understand something (because of my weird language or what ever), just ask!

If you ve got any more questions about me or one of my projects, you can always leave me a comment.

Liebe Grüße <3

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Recent Activity


So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
hey, schön, dass dir mein gürtel gefällt!
LaLiLuLiny · Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, DE · 20 projects
Kein Problem Happy ich find die Idee echt toll!
Miss_Fit · St Catharines, Ontario, CA · 44 projects
Thanks for the follow! ^.^
KelliDroze · Roseville, Minnesota, US · 8 projects
Thank you for favoriting my Misty costume; I really like your black and grey sailor dress and I envy your ability to draw lovely flowers c:
elisa m.
elisa m. · 15 projects
Hi liny,thanks for the have on my baroque earrings!
Xx13.CrowsxX · Adelaide, South Australia, AU · 169 projects
Thanx for the fav on my drawing XD
Nat · Peterborough, England, GB
Hi I really hope you are ok? I have only just noticed that you left a lovely comment on my page...bless you & thank you!! I really like all your projects you are very talented. Take care xxx
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Hab mit ner Nadeln ein kleines Loch reingestochen und die Ringe durchgeschoben ;) da wird ja nich allzu sehr dran gerüttelt, also geht das ^^
Ms. Nikell
Ms. Nikell · Charlotte, North Carolina, US · 52 projects
Thank you so much for faving my Flip Flop to Sandals Refashion (^_^)
Miss-Reptilian · Peterborough, England, GB · 4 projects
Thank you for the favourite! Happy
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Achso, dankeee Happy
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Herzlichen Glückwunsch wegen dem feature? Happy
PixieDee · Milaca, Minnesota, US · 6 projects
Thanks for faving my Konad Nail Art!
Supernova's Child
Supernova's Child · Lisbon, Lisbon, PT · 98 projects
Your projects are absolutely gorgeous...I love them all.
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
It stinks how the things that hurt to think about get stuck in your head.
I really love pole vaulting, but I'm not liking hurdles so much anymore. I rolled my ankle on Friday and banged my knee then too. And the hurdles coach just confuses me and the other girls on the team. Not to mention I can never get a straight answer out of any body as to what a lead leg and a trail leg is.
Luckily, I am not the smallest on the team. One girl is tiny, and the other is (no offense to asian people) a really short asian girl. >-<
Have a good week!!
Ms. Nikell
Ms. Nikell · Charlotte, North Carolina, US · 52 projects
Thanks for faving my Miu Miu Inspired Clutch! (^_^)
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
That's good that your teachers see you as more than just students, but it's still just so sad. Like I said, I can't understand why people would end their life. There is so much to live for! Especially if you have some one you love.
Track is a bunch of different, well I guess you call them race like games that usually involve running. There are long distance runners who run a mile or two non stop and there are sprinters who run short distances really fast. And there are hurdlers (me) who have to run a through a course and when they come up to a hurdle, jump over it with out knocking it over. It's not that hard yet because the hurdles are a little shorter than hip height to me (an easy height). And there is also pole vaulting (me again) where you run with a pole and then put one end of the pole on the ground and fling yourself up and over a bar at a certain height and land on a bunch of pads. You could probably find videos of it on youtube. There is more than just those, but those are the ones I know best.
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
No worries about your answer coming late.
I'm so sorry about your friend's boyfriend. That is so sad. I wish there was something I could do.... I can never understand why people would kill them selves. I hope your friend is okay.
Thing here are fine. I just started track so I am exausted all the time. But that's about it here.
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Ohmygosh!! So sorry I didn't reply!! I haven't been on in a little while and I didn't realize that anyone had commented to me.
I am doing well. I have been really into making friendship bracelets these last few days. Have you made anything lately?
Ya, I'm about your sister's age. We can get our drivers licence at 16 here, but I think that there is a six month wait before you can drive with any one out side of family in the car and you always have to have a parent with you. But I'm not certain. I'm not really concerned with driving yet. How are you doing?
(If I don't reply for a few days, this time it will because my family and I are gone on a three day vacation. Yay! I hope it doesn't rain.) ;3
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
The weather here hasn't been bad all winter, we've only had snow two or three times and it never stayed on the ground more than a day. And the thing about sausages and our association with Germans probably goes way back to the Pennsylvania Dutch which were miss-named because they were actually Pennsylvania Deutsch and they brought great German culture to the US most notably Bratwurst lol. So we always thank Germany for our beloved Brats lol.
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
Things aren't so bad here, ive been reading up on plants. Ive always been a terrible gardener but I want to get better. I also have a recipe I posted that is going to be featured on a website. I bet u can guess its a sausage recipe, but don't worry I wont make any Weisswurst lol.
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Sailor Sarong, Milla Jovovich T-Shirt Bathing Suit and my Ruffle Front Top Happy
Christina Y.
Christina Y. · 22 projects
Thanks for favouriting my music notes necklace! Happy
TheArtSwallow · Hudsonville, Michigan, US · 14 projects
thanks for favoriting my bow ring!
Grace · Bristol, England, GB · 9 projects
thanks fo favouriting my tribal nails!x
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Yeah, this is my first year of high school but it's not that bad so far...
That's cool that you are studying for your driver's licence. I can get my permit next year, but my dad probably wouldn't let me drive for a while even if I got my licence.
About your question:
Hmm, well here as kids we are always taught to say please and thank you, so it's just some thing I am in a habit of doing. I guess it's just some thing you say to be polite when some one else tells you thank you. It must be just an American thing. ^-^
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
You're welcome!! I am doing fine. Just been hanging out, surviving. I've been busy with school projects and making sure that what I learn doesn't go in one ear and out the other, lol. How are you?
Jolanda · Nederland, Colorado, US · 54 projects
thanks for liking my how to do! xx
sheryl b.
sheryl b. · Jamaica Beach, Texas, US
You are welcome
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
Things here are pretty good, repairing some dolls that broke. The sausage girl is doing well, I've actually moved onto a 4th book about a little girl and a bigfoot creature from the forest
ilovemy3boys · 2 projects
Thanks for the welcome! Happy
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
Hello how are things in Germany?
Morbid Corky
Morbid Corky · Blackshear, Georgia, US · 11 projects
Thank you! My hair thanks you too. Happy
Hey no problem Happy x
aranumenwen · Aurora, Illinois, US · 117 projects
Thanks for the fave on my late night shirt how to!!! Sorry I'm so late, just trying to catch up.
Cheryl · Missouri, Missouri, US · 161 projects
Your welcome! Thanks for the great tutorials!! Happy
FabulousRaye · Ashley, Indiana, US
You're welcome! Those shoes are fantastic =)
Alicia D.
Alicia D.
No problem! You've got gorgeous ideas and you really inspire me. Happy Keep up the EPIC job!!! haha Happy
TaraBella M.
TaraBella M. · Cottonwood, California, US · 1 project
thanks Happy
JazzyAlize<3 · Fort Pierce, Florida, US · 3 projects
you're welcome! those shoes were amazing =D
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
I'm so sorry I haven't replied in like forever. I've been busy lately with school. I got to go kayaking once and loved it. My friend who was with me tipped the boat over on me and I did it to her after. We were in a lagoon so it's not there was a current to pull us out to sea.
I live in the west pacific area here. The houses here are usually two stories, and big enough for a family of four or five to live comfortably. I don't think they are as big as the ones in NY but I havenb't been there so I don't really know. Final Destination 5 would've scared me to death. I don't like horror movies much. More of a Disney person. What was Super 8 about?
Sigrid · Soest, Utrecht, NL · 16 projects
Thank you Happy
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Kein Ding, ja das bin ich ;)
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Die Amis haben ALLES -.-" Ich war letztes Jahr kurz Au Pair bei Amerikanern, die in England in ner Militärbase gewohnt haben, und deswegen war ich auch in amerikanischen Shops, und der Bastelladen - aaaahh!! Ich hätte von allem was kaufen sollen bevor ich da weg bin >.<

Ja ich auch Happy heiße Lilly von G, falls du mich adden willst ;)
Ava · 7 projects
okay! well to summarize the text, it seems that andra was meeting tobias for the first time and asked for his name, then birte explained that tobias was new in town and tobias said he was from berlin. then the dogs showed up and tobias thought their names were funny
Ava · 7 projects
It sounds great!!! Happy
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Kommt immer drauf an, welche Pflege oder Spülung man verwendet und ob überhaupt, die macht die Haare ja super kämmbar.
Ja ich musste auch erstmal suchen... es gibt aber glaub ich auch extra Bastelspangen mit soner kleinen Fläche oben drauf, hab aber keine Ahnung wos die gibt, wahrscheinlich Internet. Oh und es gibt normale Clips mit Loch drin zum basteln, kenn ich aber nur aus Amerika.
Bist du eigentlich bei facebook? ^^
Ava · 7 projects
Yea! lololol! so do you mean like simple phrases in the german language?
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
I got to visit grandma for the day and on the day after that, I went to lunch and the mall for tow hours with my mom and her friend. Now I am just busy preparing for birthdays. How about you?
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Ich kann mich nich so erinnern, dass es sehr genervt hat mit kämmen usw...
Danke =) Drogerie heißt das Stichwort! IhrPlatz oder Schlecker... die heißen "Lockenklemmen" und gibts ganz billig. Oder ich nehm normale Clips... gehen aber nich sooo gut...
Poetica · Morgantown, West Virginia, US
I'm well. Thanks for asking. Sorry for not answering sooner. I have not been on Cut out and Keep for two months. How are you?
Ava · 7 projects
nope...i kinda only know curse words and how to say 'you drink toilet water'...blame my old babysitter/neighbor!! lol
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Meine Eltern fandens meistens auch nich toll, was ich mit meinen Haaren gemacht hab... ich habs trotzdem getan, man muss sich ja ausleben ^^
Ich lass mir auch die Haare wieder wachsen, hoffe nur sie halten gut durch..als sie das letzte mal hüftlang waren (2009), hatte ich halt vorher kaum was mit ihnen angestellt bzgl färben usw...
Ava · 7 projects
I am from virginia in the us and i would absolutely love to learn some german! Happy
Ava · 7 projects
Im great!! and i have always wanted to speak germany, but i am currently learning spanish Tongue bleh How are you?
Reddy Kitten
Reddy Kitten · Jonesboro, Arkansas, US · 2 projects
thank you for the fave on my manicure! glad you liked it!
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Wow. There's a quite a bit going on. That's too bad about the train station. I love old things. Antique books in particular. I hope no one else gets hurt because of the protesting. Things can get really bad really quickly some times. That's weird about the sickness. Sorry it took while for me to reply. I was out and about all day yesterday and today.
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
I think that after World War II, people labeled all Germans as Nazis which is unfair. I spent a lot of time in school learning about ancient Greece, and ancient Britain ( and I know a lot about Britain any way because I love any thing British) and yet, I don't really know much about the current state of some countries that I learned briefly about when I studies the World Wars. When I read the first thing you posted about the guide saying heil Hitler, I mean really? *face palm* Some people are just weird and obviously don't think before they speak.
"Is Hitler still the president of Germany?" Um no. ??? Does any one pay attention during History?? He has long since been gone. Good grief. It's kinda sad how little some people know about other countries.
What happened in Europe??
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Oh, grau hatte ich auch mal!! Erst neulich, als ich meinen Ansatz blondiert und die schwarzen Strähnen nachgefärbt hab. Beim Auswaschen wurde das Blond dann Grau, erst hab ich die Krise gekriegt, dann hab ichs aber schnell geliebt und dann wars rausgewaschen Happy Im Mom arbeite ich auch auf Weißblond hin, so ganz ganz ohne Gelbstich, den hab ich kaum aber ich will ihn halt *garnicht* ^^ Ich find Haarfarbe ändern auch super, kann deine Freundin nur verstehen... hatte, wie sie, auch schon fast alles xD ich glaube sogar.. ja, alles oO Grün ja jetzt auch. Nur was ich nie machen würde, sind Sidecuts usw., denk ich, ich werd immer lange Haare haben ^^ sind deine auch lang?
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Yes, I think he does have a complex. Your welcome for the fave. And thank you. I have a really strict grammar teacher so I try to use good grammar every day so I don't lose practice before school starts up again. Um, lets see. I am American. I know that I am one fourth Romanian on my mom's side, and part Norse viking on my dad's side. Other than that, I don't know much. About Germany; Um, I don't have any thing against Germans; in fact, I know a really nice friend of the family who is German. I don't know hardly anything about Germany as a country really. I think some things in history, like the Holocaust, give Germany a bad name and in my opinion, people judge too quickly and I have made that mistake a few too many times in judging people so I try really hard to not judge too quickly if at all.
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Ich mag die neuen Schuhe!! Der Muffin! =D
Ja bei den Erwachsenen isses ähnlich, viele sind einfach so glücklich, daran kann man sich nur ein Beispiel nehmen. Sowas vergisst man im Alltag ja schnell.
Wieso Karotte?? Sie sind doch nich hellorange? Tongue Gemein.. meine Naturhaarfarbe ist rotblond und als Kind war ich richtig rot, da hat mich auch niemand so genannt ^^
Das Blau bestand eigtl aus Lagoon Blue (hält 3 Wäschen) und Türkis (hielt ewig), und diese Kombi war nich sooo toll, das Türkis wurde immer grüner. An sich hatte ich nix dagegen, nochmal muss ichs aber auch nich haben. Das Foto entstand als es noch ganz frisch war ^^ Die Haare im Moment sind so schön pflegeleicht ^^
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Thats awesome that you and your cousins are close. My cousin who is only a few months older than I am, can't stand that I am taller than he is. When I lost my first tooth, he pulled two of his out with pliers before they were ready. He is so stubborn. Then again, I can be too. x3
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Ich hab auch n FSJ gemacht Happy Mit Behinderten in nem Wohnheim. War ne gute und schlechte Erfahrung... ich bereus nicht ^^
Das Bild ist von Februar, ich hatte sie Happy und ich hab sie geliebt! Jetzt sind sie nur Blond/Schwarz ^^
Das klingt doch super mit den schwarzen Spitzen, ich wünschte meine wären mal normal.. die sehen meistens verfärbt aus :/
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Twenty cousins?! Wow. I have probably twelve, but I haven't seen four of them since I was two and another three of my cousins are married and live who knows where. Do you get to see your cousins much?
Steph Upperlip
Steph Upperlip · 10 projects
thanks for the fav Happy it's my very first project
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Do you have many siblings? I have four. Two little sisters, a little brother and an older brother. Happy
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Well, happy late birthday from me. <3 I will be turning fourteen. x3
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
My birthday ish on the twentieth and I am soo excited!! I love my birthday cause we always have fun. When is your birthday??
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Will Anglistik & Amerikanistik studieren ^^ Bin Englisch-Fan Tongue
Vielleicht versuch ich die Tasche mal ganz eng angepasst aus Stoff zu machen.. ich hab da noch so Musikstoff zuhause, mit Noten drauf und so Happy

Danke xD Ja Bildbearbeitung is auch zu komplex... ich kann mit Photoshop nur das nötigste ^^
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol creepy, I guess it is a funny word
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
lets see... the nearest holiday this month, if that's what you want to call it, would be my birthday in twelve days! ^-^
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Das ist natürlich scheiße :/ aber beim Klimawandel is ja eh nix mehr um die richtige Zeit...
Ich arbeite in ner Schule ^^ im Büro und in der Betreuung. Daher hatte ich heute auch meinen ersten Schultag ^^ ab nächstem Jahr studier ich, das is nurn Nebenjob.
Danke, ich mag dein iPod-Projekt! Leider kann ichs nich nachbasteln, weil ich den immer in die Hosentasche schiebe und dann würdes kaputtgehn Happy

Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Jap, genau heute. Krass wie die Unterschiede da sind... ^^ aber das Wetter is ja eh nich angemessen :/ ich wünsch dir trotzdem viel Spaß bei allem was du vor hast ;) ich hatte leider nix zutun außer Basteln ^^
Anna H.
Anna H. · Kassel, Hesse, DE · 243 projects
Ja, aus Kassel ;D Danke!
Mir gehts super und dir?
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
and for favoring my 1960s Inspired Sweater Dress Happy
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Sailor Skirt Happy
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
The doll in purple? Yeah that's the doll I made. thanks.^-^ crocheting is pretty easy I think, but you spend a lot of time counting your stitches to make sure you have the right amount. A book I found helpful when I taught myself was get hooked again. I liked get hooked again better than the get hooked just cause of the crafts in it. but both have the basic steps and skills in the front.
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
yeah, I'm happy with how she came out so now I am writing the dress pattern down cause I want to post it on here. I think I can get it all down before I forget how I did it though. :3
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
Helloo!! I am good. I just finished a crocheted doll and she looks soo cute!! my mom really likes her so I am going to give it to her for her birthday. What about you??
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol if I ever get them published I'll b sure to send u a copy.
It's a good thing u want ur license, I've never been much for driving, in fact I have an adult sized tricycle I built myself lol.
As for Rammstein I just love them, I know some of their work is absurd or dark but I guess It's what I like about them, the singer battles depression and I can relate. But I like some other German based bands like Oomph! and E Nomine.
Sorcha N.
Sorcha N. · Limerick, Limerick, IE · 6 projects
haha that was a long message about languages, but im afraid im totally lost you when you started talkin about bayrisch and badisch, i suspose its kind of like here in Ireland we have Irish Gaelic and northern Irish,. back in the day when i was in school we didnt get much choice of what languages we wanted to do it was either irish, french or german, gosh its been nearly 8 long years since i was at school and to be honest i dnt remember much haha Happy i see it was your bday not so long ago ... happy belated bday sweets hope you had a brilliant day ♡
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol pretty good, I just finished it a few days ago and I'm going to start another about a child that's embarassed that her father loves "hair metal" I'm sure lots of kids have grown up disliking some aspect about their parents but afterall the love u share is greater.
And urself? How have u been? I forgot to wish u a happy birthday. Well, a very belated but happy birthday Happy
Acid S. D.
Acid S. D. · 69 projects
hey! Thanks a lot Happy
Sorcha N.
Sorcha N. · Limerick, Limerick, IE · 6 projects
hey sorry it took me so long to wb, im not too used to this site yet, its not like facebook it dont tell you when you get a new message... or maybe it does i just cant see it haha..no your really good at english i only did a year at german and changed to irish for the rest of my school days, i think learning any language is a pain in the balls i did irish for 5 years and i still cant make sence of it even tho its my national language haha. did you do any other language at school?
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
Thanks for favoring my H&M Inpired Dress Happy
Yonii · Sofia, Sofia-city, BG · 5 projects
tnx for the fav Happy
xNatje · Lede, Flanders, BE · 32 projects
Thank you
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
Oh i bet german is much much harder :/ And nooo, im portugal you speak portuguese ! Happy wich is kink of like spanish (spain is next to portugal) here we have to do exames .-. oh well...
Darceyluvshellokitty · Nottingham, England, GB · 3 projects
Thanks for faving my Apple Nails! :9
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
Oh, I love speaking english, yours is actually good as well, and it's quite easy! Things here are kind of like there, I was on the 9th grade and just did my exames and Ill be going to the 10th grade now to study arts Happy that's all I guess xD

iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
Haaha xD thanks, i can't awnser that because Im not american or english, im portuguese. And from now on i think ill say ''no problem'' instead of ''your welcome'', Im going to arts class, how about you ? :p

i like your new pic, your hair s really cool!
can you nswer me a question? why do you english or american people alwys say 'you are welcome'? why don t you say 'it s not a big deal' or something like that... if i would say in german 'du bist willkommen', nobody would understand, what i mean... other land, other morals Happy
i ve got still school, but in two weeks there are the 'big holidays' (they last 6 weeks)! in which class are you?
journeyofthis · Brisbane, Queensland, AU
You are welcome! Happy
Witchy · New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, CA · 43 projects
Thanx Liny for faving my skullbowz Happy
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
Heyy, your welcome, and no, I have no school ! Happy How about you?
Sorcha N.
Sorcha N. · Limerick, Limerick, IE · 6 projects
awh your such a sweety Happy im hitting on the big 25 Happy but hey what harm, if i can still get away wit lookin 18ish im happy out Happy awh noooo your poor cat, my cat died 2 last month (turbo) i tot my heart was goin to break, de vet said it was a heartattack i only had him 2years Happy oooh i see your from germany i did german in first year in school im not very good at it tho... so tell me about you then?
kümmern und gut sein!
sarah x
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
aww awesome, well happy birthday (kinda late) :/
Ana D.
Ana D. · São Paulo, State of Mato Grosso, BR
Awww thx honey! Your's is great too!! I like your style, and projects, And that shirt, really criative!! congrats!! I'm still a newbie so maybe soon i'll start my projects and versions too =]
Ana D.
Ana D. · São Paulo, State of Mato Grosso, BR
Awww thx honey! Your's is great too!! I like your style, and projects, And that shirt, really criative!! congrats!! I'm still a newbie so maybe soon i'll start my projects and versions too =]
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
omg :s im sorry for your cat. and hope you get better from your cold ^-^ ern... so.. have a nice day Happy
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol well I hope to b a cool grandpa but not for many many years
Zombiella x.
Zombiella x. · London, GB · 49 projects
Thank you for the fave Happy
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
I'm great, how about you? p.s: love the Spider Ribbon Shirt :o
iRachel ☮
iRachel ☮ · 3 projects
your welcome Happy the tips are awesome though
Sorcha N.
Sorcha N. · Limerick, Limerick, IE · 6 projects
Hey darling im fine how are you ? thanks a mill for been my friend its always scary joining a new site Happy
You're welcome Happy
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol I feel older now
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol I have no clue how old u are to b honest
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Gaudy Rose Shoes Happy
cherrylecreme · San Jose, San Jose, CR · 4 projects
hey ! thnx for the fave Happy
Emily M.
Emily M.
Im good, thanks. And you?
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
Yes, I'm 26 as of May. I don't work at the moment because of some unforseen issues but I'm hoping to start illustrating childrens books soon.
Jolanda · Nederland, Colorado, US · 54 projects
great profile picture and projects!
Lilly · 1 project
thanks for the fave Happy
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
No I finished highschool in 03 (feeling old lol) but I've always told myself I should of gone to university and become an art teacher. The doll making is more or less a hobby but I do sell them on occasion. www.dreadfulcreations.com is the site my friend constructed for me.
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
It's almost 2AM here, i'm a bit of a night owl lol. Many characters try to eat the wurst girl but in the end she will b saved. I'm about half done with the illustration
Witchy · New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, CA · 43 projects
Hi, just thought I'd add you so I can keep up to date if you add any more projects, like your projects Happy Thanx for accepting Happy
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol it's just a goofy little story, mostly artwork. The little girl becomes a sausage for being mischievous and goes through a series of bad events before she can return to normal
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
Svenja: Hello Birte!
Oh, hello what's your name?
Tobias: Tobias Nagel
Svenja:Mine is Svenja Wirth.
Birte: Tobias is new here, Svenja.
Tobias: Yes, I come from Munich
Woof! Woof!
Tobias: Oh! Hello dog! What's your name?
Svenja: Maxi- and that is Mini.
Tobias: Maxi and Mini? That is (lustig-?)!
Hello Mini!
Wuff! Wuff!
Ist das richtig?
Mary ;)
Mary ;) · Turin, Piedmont, IT · 4 projects
Thanks for faving my Fat-free Strawberry Cupcakes! Let me know how you like them ^___^
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
lol it's funny u mention sausage because I'm working on a childrens book about a little girl who becomes a sausage because she behaves badly. I'm going to title it Wurst?!
Sarah · Erfurt, Thuringia, DE · 110 projects
hihi hafer-schoko-schleim klingt aber ziemlich lecker finde ich Happy
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Hey, I'm good thanks =]
I love your new profile pic!
Yeah, most people are shocked at how "normal" South Africa is because they think we live in the bush with pet lions, then when they get here, it looks the same as where they come from. Lol xD
Witchy · New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, CA · 43 projects
Hey thanx for faving my zombie tee Happy
Redpandas Milkshake
Redpandas Milkshake · Orlando, Florida, US · 5 projects
thanks so much for favoriting, By the looks of your description I assume your german. Im german too ^^ But don't speak it that well. Hope to be Goten friends C:
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
I haven't been to Germany yet but I hope to some day. I want to have real German food and beer lol, we get some imported but I'd love to try things I've never seen before
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
Thank u I need to post more but my computer is broken. Bridgeport is in the US in the state of Connecticut. I've lived here most of my life but my family is from Puerto Rico a small island in the Carribean but interestingly enough I can trace my family tree back to France and Germany. I guess that's why I love Europe lol
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
That is a ton of emotions! thank you! and I'm not sure how to explain what I already know. I guess basic stuff like food and dinning, maps and location, basic conversation, etc. But unfortunately, I'm not very good at carrying conversation, I tend to freeze up and forget some basic things.
Sarah · Erfurt, Thuringia, DE · 110 projects
thanks for favoring my kalte schnauze Happy
mit nutella und in freezer?das klingt sehr ungewöhnlich hihi probier mal mein rezept und poste ein foto.bin gespannt,was du sagstHappy nach einem tag im kühlschrank schmeckt er übrigens noch besser!
Azraels Requiem
Azraels Requiem · Bridgeport, Connecticut, US · 47 projects
I'm good, and u? I like meeting crafters from all around the world especially Germany, I love the language but never got around to learn it. I usually name my artwork something german like my klein Krähe
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
That would be super awesome!!! Danke! Happy I was in Deutsch eins this year so I already know a little, but we had to skip sections of the book like emotions and such. Happy
CRD L. · Davis, California, US · 2 projects
Vielen Dank! It's on my wall I still stare at it all the time.
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
That would be incredible!! I'm really determined to learn the language. haha I'd love to learn the language from someone who actually speaks it! Happy Happy
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
No way!! lol More people should totally speak German! I love the language, that's why i'm going for a degree in it.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
It's okay =]
The people here believe that schools must have a tradition and that you must represent your school wherever you go. I think it's stupid. We are at school because we have to, not because we are proud of that school's tradition..
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
You're really lucky that you don't have uniforms. All schools here do except the "reject" schools, which people think are strange, like the school I'm in. Most people think that it's wrong for schools to allow kids to wear what they like and think that it's like a cult or something. I don't see what's wrong with it. Personally, I think that uniforms are wrong because they force people to pretend to be a way they aren't. For example, someone creative, like me, has to dress extremely formal, which isn't how we would normally dress at all. I hate pretending to be something I'm not. It makes me angry when situations force that onto me though.
Uhm rawr
Uhm rawr · 17 projects
Yw! :3 I really like it!
Sorry for the late reply by the way Tongue
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Yes, it's a British school =]
Unlike other schools here we don't have a uniform, that's also why I'm allowed pink and purple hair at school. At other schools you aren't allowed to dye your hair at all.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Aaah sorry, I posted that in the wrong tab xD I hate it that you can't delete comments..

The schooling system basically works with two parts, primary school for 7 years, then high school for another 5 years. I'm in a British school though so we follow the British curriculum and write the Cambridge exams, which are at a much higher standard than South African exams.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Thanks for faving my red spike bracelet =]
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
Hey Thanks! I'm doing quite well actually. I can't believe how many languages you are learning! That's incredible!
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
I lived in Maidstone. It's in the countryside. People in the countryside are generally nicer than the ones in the cities.
Lol one thing that I find funny is that everyone who takes the train always sit in exactly the same seat every day, going to work and going home.
. · Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN · 14 projects
40 degrees here.
The humidity just makes it worse.
The weather must be really pleasant there...
We don't even have spring!
How was the biology test?
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Wow that's so rude of those guys. But most British boys are like that though. That's one thing I hated about England, lots of the people are really rude. I lived in a nice area though so I was lucky to only know a few people who are mean like that.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Yeah, I can understand why the Nazis came to power back then, but the things they did with the power was wrong. People don't seem to learn from the past though. It's sad actually. People just make the same mistakes over and over again.
. · Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN · 14 projects
Damn... that sucks!
Its summer right now here and it is hot as hell...
Hindi is the national language but everyone just talks in English most of the time!
Except for your local store owners and all
Is it winter or monsoon back at your place?
. · Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN · 14 projects
Your boredom result leads to something productive
When I am bored, I just scribble on anything I can find! xD
Good luck studying Chemistry!
Yea I am from India and I have never been to Germany either...
I'd love to visit though!
KraftyKonves · 2 projects
im alive if that counts lol and how are you ?
. · Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN · 14 projects
The shirt looks awesome!
I am pretty good.. just uploading some pictures for a new project.
What bout you?
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Many people here also think that all Germans are Nazis. I think it's stupid to make assumptions like that. All the Germans I know are nice people. I learnt about the Nazis in history class so I know that most Germans hated the Nazis. Are there still Nazis though?
I wish that people everywhere in the world could just accept each other, it would make life better for everyone.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
The poor people here tend to steal and kill people. We often hear about people who got shot for their mobile phones or for their wallets. It's actually sad because that makes most people here biased against poor people. Not all of them are like that, but most people think that they are. It's not right though. There is a lot of racism here against the black people. I hate it when people discriminate against others because of their skin colour, gender or nationality. It's not fair. It makes me so angry when I see people being mean to others because of it.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Which part of Africa did your friend go to? It's actualy strange that we are the only African country that doesn't have extreme poverty. There are many homeless people, but nowhere near as many as in other countries near us. It was really sad when I went to Mozambique and saw how the people there were living.
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Lol South Africa is VERY different from the rest of Africa. We are the richest African country and we have everything you have in Germany. Most people think we live in little mud huts and have pet lions but we don't. xD It gets about 30 degrees Celsius every day in summer. And I'm in South Africa because I was born here. I lived in England for most of my life but came back because of the economic crisis in the UK. We have 11 official languages here, but everyone speaks at least English. I can speak only English and Afrikaans. Those are considered the "white" languages. The other languages are the "black" languages, which mostly only the black people can speak (like Zulu, Swahile, Ndebele and Sotho).
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
I want to get my second ear piercings but I've got to wait until next winter because if I get it any time apart from winter it'll get infected because it's so hot here so I sweat too much. I'm away for most of our winter so I can't get it when I get back from holiday either because it won't be healed in time. It sucks =/
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Haha, I've tried loads of different colours in my hair but my favourite is the pink and purple so I've kept it like this for the past few months. And I actually want snake bite piercings but my dad won't allow me =
Elizabeth · La Celle-sous-Gouzon, Limousin, FR · 46 projects
Thanks! yes I understand you Happy I'm sorry I'm studing German at school but I'm so so bad Happy If you have questions for my Black Swan costumes you can ask of course Happy
Elizabeth · La Celle-sous-Gouzon, Limousin, FR · 46 projects
Thanks for your comment, your french is cute Happy
JossieAyame · Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA · 150 projects
Hehe no problem. And that's pretty cool, haha, tell your friend Amy that you found her long lost twin xD
Natalie C.
Natalie C. · Singapore, SG · 5 projects
Your welcome, it's a great project and tutorial! Happy Thanks for sharing!
Noname11111 · Fairfield, Connecticut, US · 6 projects
You are incredible at drawing. Not to mention very creative. By the way your english is really not that bad. Happy
. · Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN · 14 projects
Enma is one of my favorite anime characters, Its was great to see a piece of jewelry dedicated her... plus you made her look cute!
You gotta be creative to be able to make a creepy girl with red eyes cute you know! x)
The Mad Hattress
The Mad Hattress · 5 projects
You are soo creative!! Love the stuff you create. :3
So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
normalerweise gibts tüll in (fast) jedem stoffladen oder in den stoffabteilungen von karstadt oder galeria, meistens auf rollen im unteren teil der zuschneidetische (meine erfahrung, man sucht manchmal ewigkeiten) im internet gibts den echt günstig bei stoff4you.de, bei thetullefactory.de ists etwas teurer, aber die haben auch welchen mit glitzer oder sehr weichen für petticoats! hoffe, ich konnte helfen!!
So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
puh, da das vor über einem jahr war und ny alle zwei,drei wochen neu ausliefert, seh ich da eher schwarz...ich hab bei ner filiale in meiner nähe n paar wochen nachdem ich die gekauft hatte nochmal in der resterampe gekuckt, da war schon nix mehr, wollte noch mehr nähen damit, hat mich etwas geärgert... aber es gibt den als ganz normalen baumwollstoff in mehreren onlineshops!
So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
hey! ja danke, schön, dass er dir gefällt!! oooch, so schwer ist das garnicht, man muss nur wissen wann man was zusammennäht und wenn man etwas geradeaus nähen kann ist das auch von vorteil ;)
MedicateWithTea · Kingston, Ontario, CA
Well when you only change the belt but not the way you wear the dress with the belt, it's not another dress style. It's another belt style. : p
So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
kein ding, ich fand das mit dem verknoten der träger vorne und zur seite sehr toll, das musste ich mir gleich mal merken!
The Twins
The Twins · 9 projects
JUHUUUUU! Ich fühl mich immer so cool, wenn ich leute hier auf deutsch vollabern kann. was geht?! woher kommst du?!

<3 julia
LaLiLuLiny · Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, DE · 20 projects
hey Happy
at first i wanted to say, that my english isn t perfect...
so if you ve got a question about any of my projects, because you don t understand what i mean, just ask Happy
liebe grüße <3