Helloo!! I am the girl who smiles through her tears. Or tries to at least. My families (my home ones and my church one) are the loves of my life. God bless them all for being able to accept me in all my quirky-ness and weirdness. :3
I love to:
cross stitch
especially to write(Mimms is my pen name <3)
paint with watercolors
(occasionally) to draw (depends on my mood)
and I love to sing (I am a soprano and one of my bf's is an alto so we love to harmonize, though I am not that good at finding the harmony sometimes.)
I love Jesus and am not afraid to be the girl who says it out loud.
Oh and Doctor Who too. (I has a sonic screw driver. ^-^)
I love chocolate and anything different like a hand made combat hat from an old pair of jeans (with pajama pant lining).
I like certain animes such as Princess Tutu and Tokyo Mew mew. :3
Just So You Know: I am still Smiles Through Tears, but I changed my user name (again. so indecisive these days. lol). ^-^
PS. Koko Soko is still stuck in my head!!!
Koko Soko Asoko
where are you my heart
Koko Soko Asoko
can't find you in the dark
Koko Soko Asoko
please let me find you now
Koko Soko Asoko
then I try with this sound
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Pps. Sad that I knew that well enough to write it out from memory, huh? >-<
I love to:
cross stitch
especially to write(Mimms is my pen name <3)
paint with watercolors
(occasionally) to draw (depends on my mood)
and I love to sing (I am a soprano and one of my bf's is an alto so we love to harmonize, though I am not that good at finding the harmony sometimes.)
I love Jesus and am not afraid to be the girl who says it out loud.
Oh and Doctor Who too. (I has a sonic screw driver. ^-^)
I love chocolate and anything different like a hand made combat hat from an old pair of jeans (with pajama pant lining).
I like certain animes such as Princess Tutu and Tokyo Mew mew. :3
Just So You Know: I am still Smiles Through Tears, but I changed my user name (again. so indecisive these days. lol). ^-^
PS. Koko Soko is still stuck in my head!!!
Koko Soko Asoko
where are you my heart
Koko Soko Asoko
can't find you in the dark
Koko Soko Asoko
please let me find you now
Koko Soko Asoko
then I try with this sound
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Ladidadidaida ladidaida
Pps. Sad that I knew that well enough to write it out from memory, huh? >-<
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CO + K User
aaaah! i know what you mean.
we had to do that in sports some time ago and it was just horrible for me, cause i am the smallest one in our sport class... it was so embarrassing.... :/
fiona is down, naturally... i wish i could help her. me and some others tried to cheer her up, but i have the feeling that is is useless... tamim (the boy who cilled himself) was so nice and he seemed to be happy, when i talked to him. but he thougt that nobody likes him and that wasn t right!
what s track? when i translate it, there are coming words, which are just pointless.
i m not so fine at the moment, because the boyfriend of one of my friends killed himself a week ago. he was just 19 years old.
we heared today about it. most of the students and also our teachers cried. i can t belive he did something like that. it s just horrible. i feel so sorry for fiona (my friend)... i huged her the whole break in school. she has to be so strong at the moment...
how are the things at your home? i hope better than at my one...
thanks for the fave!
how are you?
here you can make your drivers licence with 16 years, but you can drive not until you are 17. and until you are 18 (then you are full-aged) you have to drive with your parents.
i have got some friends, who are from america, but they live here. the mother of one of them (his name s adriano) doesn t want him to make his licence in germany, cause you can get alcohol with 16, too. and that s why she said, that the risc to drive in germany is higher. in her opinion all german teenagers are drunk behind the wheel.
yes, yes. we drink all beer and eat sauerkraut
but adriano said, that in america the young people also get alcohol. yes, his mother is logical.
one little question:
why do you american people always say: you are welcome?
if you would say "du bist willkommen" in germany, the people would laugh
thanks for the nice comment on my necklace!
how are you?
Thank you so much for the comment and the fav on my Designer Inspired Jacket!!
lol same with me and princess tutu...shes a duck? -_- well i dnt get it
yh i used to watch mew mew power and mermiad melody, lol yh all the childish ones
yh but now im into rom-coms and mangas
Omg O.O u know the characters, the storyline and yet you still dont watch it O_O u have to watch it...soo good
lol ur bro knows best
anyways what kind of animes r u into? xoxo
lol and yh clowns are really freaky O.O rofl
hey happy crafting day xxxx
by the way thank you very much of your fave on my tiny teaset closet project.
if you want to make such a thing and need some help of me, just ask!!!;-D
for me it was too sometimes a hard job to figured things out how to make it.
but now i'm happy with it.
hey wish you a great fun nice good crafty and creative weekend;-D
in which town are you living? are there these big houses like in ny?
in germany we don t have these houses... but in frankfurt... but there are just a couple of them...
what have you done?
yesterday i was out, too and thats why i answer you so late...
i never met people like my friends in america, but i heard about these things...
at the moment we had in germany:
1. some brutal strikes about a train station in stuttgart.
the project name is 'stuttgart 21' and the people who wanted to make it want to destroy the really old and beautyful train station, felling old trees and build a metro. thy just do it because of the money.
lots of people are against s21 but the pro-s21 didn t care about that.
then the many people started to protest. in germany you can say everything you want (but things which are pro-hitler/ss/hj/nazis/...). you can protest against anything. but then the police did something verry terrible, they attacked the peaceful demonstrators and began to hurt them.
now we ve got an other government. their name s 'bund 90 die grünen' and they are also against s21.
2. a pandemic which killed people and nobody knew, until some (i think 2) months, what the reason for this was. at first they thought it was salad or cucumbers or something like that and then nobody eat these things anymore.
but now we know that the illness came from germination.
3. germany don t want atomic power anymore.
so, i think that were the most important news from the last time.
i heared from some friends, that in england, fance, america and so on (when they were at an exchange) really crazy things happend to them:
1. floid and some friends are sitting in a tourbus in london.
guide: oh! you people are from good old germany, aren t you?
floid: yes, we are.
guide: well then: a happy heil hitler!
floid: :O
guide: is everything all right, sir?
floid: :O
2.you sit in a pub with some locals. and after some drinks they say to you that they never thought that a young german nazi s so nice. -.-*
3. an other boy i knew was in america:
- "and this is an light switch. you can turn the light on and off with it." "ääääh... yes... i knew that..." "oh! do you have electricity in germany, too?"
- "is hitler still the president of germany?"
- "have every german a swastika-tattoo?" (wtf????O.o)
- "hmmm... you smell good, i always thought that germans don t wash themselves."
- "and i know it s different for you, but this house is made out of stone."
4. julia, a friend of me was also in america and a history teacher asked her, if all germans are still nazis.
and some other things like this... sometimes, i think it s funny, but then, when i think about it, it s also verry sad. i was in america for three weeks and when i read the newspapers, i saw, that you ve got nothing in your news, about europe...
that sounds funny. i think he has got some complexes... boys...
are you american or where are you from? your english s perfct and so i think it s your mother tongue.
i ve got a little question: how do you think germany is like?
cause i heard a lot of stupid stuff from (especially) americans about germans and germnay xD
they are like sisters and brothers for me.
me and my sister are the youngest ones.
then you are as old as my little sister ^^
how old are you then?
i hope i won t forget that, so i can send my congrats to you!
My favorite episode Is Vincent and the doctor....... Matt does an amazing job and the dude that plays Vincent does brilliant!! I love watching that episode...... Ha I actually bought it in iTunes so I can watch it all the time when im bored hahaha
we ve got holidays now, and you?
I sort of like Amy..... But she can be annoying some times lmao
What's your favorite episode of all time????
I love Matt as the doctor I ithink he does such an amazing job..... I thought that no one could replace David but Matt is doing a brilliant job
Who is your favorite doctor ( ha like a standard who question) lol
I have seen every episode too!!! I just love the show
Can't wait for it's return from it's summer break lol
it s soooooooo sweet *______*
i can t crochet... but i want to learn it!
i think your mom ll be happy about that.
do you want to post it here?
i m fine, we ve got holidays now, so it can t be better
how are you?
thanks for the fave on my flowers!
Yes, Minto means Mint in Japanese xD I don't speak japanese either, but i know a few words xD
Nice to meet you! ^^
and thanx for the sweet comment..
I might be making a How-To on it, when summer break starts!! =)
Take Care.
Thanks for faving my Flutter Sleeve Peasant Top!
thanks for your comment!
this was very nice
thanks for the nice comment to my necklace!
you can use every character you want ^^
for example zero from vampire knights or someone like this. i like it the most, when the cjarakter s bad, then it looks so cute in chibi-style.
liebe grüße <3