. I dream of writing, it's a passion that's hard to fill. I've been in love since I was 18 with the same man that I consider myself lucky to have as my constant support.
I'm pretty vocal and firm in my opinions. I don't speak up unless I am certain about what I am saying. I can be very passionate when I say what I think but don't mean to insult anyone so don't take what I say as a personal attack. I can't help that I am very passionate about certain things. However if you feel I am being too aggressive, feel free to private message me and we'll talk it out. I have a way of making words in print a bit more strongly than I would in person and so it probably comes across harsh when that's not my point.
Please check me out on my craft blog as not everything I do gets posted here. http://la-bouilloire-noire.blogspot.com/
Or my sister site: http://n00bmommy.blogspot.com/
I'm pretty vocal and firm in my opinions. I don't speak up unless I am certain about what I am saying. I can be very passionate when I say what I think but don't mean to insult anyone so don't take what I say as a personal attack. I can't help that I am very passionate about certain things. However if you feel I am being too aggressive, feel free to private message me and we'll talk it out. I have a way of making words in print a bit more strongly than I would in person and so it probably comes across harsh when that's not my point.
Please check me out on my craft blog as not everything I do gets posted here. http://la-bouilloire-noire.blogspot.com/
Or my sister site: http://n00bmommy.blogspot.com/
Find PinkWeeds on
Website OtherRecent Activity
- favorited Fabulous Fabric Covered Shoes 21 Oct 17:33
- entered her project Strawberry Pin Cushion to Alphabet Suitcase 15 Sep 15:33
- entered Zazzle Custom Fabric 15 Sep 15:16
- posted a post to Google Cardboard 29 Jul 15:31
- posted a post to Dressforms for unusual shapes 29 Jul 15:30
- published her project Milk Painted Ladder Back Chair 28 Jul 15:30
- entered Designing and Making Hats and Headpieces 15 Jul 14:03
- published her project Eggless Pancakes From Scratch 12 Jul 23:03
- replied to a comment on her project Diy4th Of July Dress In 30 Minutes 05 Jul 16:05
- published her project Diy4th Of July Dress In 30 Minutes 04 Jul 18:31
- posted a post to Am I getting bullied.. or? 26 Mar 23:13
- posted a post to Affordable furniture in the Upper Midwest? 15 Mar 05:59
i love your projects!
CO + K User
your projects are beautiful
your projects are beautiful
thanks for adding me.
how are you?
btw. i love your projects! you are so creative
I liked it a lot.
Gonna try it when I have some time. (:
no problem, i really like the idea of it!
i don't like those.LOL But when my nieces were much younger they loved them, and sold them every time on queensday, that's a strange dutch celebreathing day, most people wearing then orange cloths.LOL
And then you are alowed to sell all your trash on the street with out a alowencens.
so the children often sell their toys allmost for nothing.?
strange !!! but i like that because when everybody left they left their trash as well behind and then it's for free.LOL
So i was suprised that she didn't sold this one, but given it to me;-D
today i must sew curtains i t hink i will make from old once a patch work big one.
but at first i must wash all of them too much dust and not very healthy for my poor longs.LOL
I'm a little bit suprised that you can write an comment on a project i can't,
so i must wait till dearest hero of us Tom has fixed this problem.
Hey have a nice fun crafty weekend and be creative, greetings and hugs;-D
I LOVE Jem(I still watch it). It brings back memories ^_^
CO + K User
thanks for the fave on my shirt!
CO + K User
Super cute name by the way!
i didn't exspect any fave so i'm very very lucky and happy.LOL
hey i hope you will have much profite of it, and wish you a nice fun crafty awesome weekend as well;-D
it's a brilliant idea
Thanks for the fave on my bag!
PS. Your welcome for the message.
I know! Through the whole first book I kept thinking that he needed a better editor, but then I realized that (I believe) it was written like that on purpose, so I relaxed about it, because I loved the story. Of course, I've only read the first three... It's quite possible that if I had tried to read the whole series in rapid succession, or over again, I'd get that frustrated. I don't know.
My problem with Rowling was probably that I (literally) memorized the first three books, and so, by the time 4 came around, I attacked it knowing every little thing. She forgot quite a few simple little things (which I can not remember anymore) from the first few books that would have helped the kids in the last books, that I don't think that they would have forgotten if it were a reality. It was almost like she blanked out between 3 and 4, just started practically from scratch. I don't know if that makes sense...
Also, to be totally honest, when she killed Sirius I became disenchanted with the series. I was looking forward to Harry having a family when it was all said and done. And I didn't approve of the way she went forward in time at the end to make sure that we knew they were all married to each other. That was unnecessary, we all would've assumed as much, and just bugged me, because I don't happen to believe that marriage is the ultimate goal in life.
Haha! Picking things apart, the way that I always do...
You're welcome, it's beatiful. I really loved it.
Except, honestly, there came a point where I stopped forgiving Rowling... *sigh*
I loved your projects,(。→v←。)♥ I'm gonna try soon!
Thank you for the comment on my bag.
Thanks for favoring my biscuits.
funny i see now on here that you often use those colours.;-D
pretty and strong, like it.
hey have a great fun awesome weekend;-D
thank you for your fave on my flying heart project, still using those technics often, hope you like it as well and having fun with the making of.
hey have a nice fun awesoem rest of the week as well;-D
I love ur crafts,and hope u'll share more here=)
I learnt a lot from you,even u don't know it.=))I should thank you=)
nice to see u here!=)
see u..
Have good a day by the way; cheers!
and for the friendship!
and for the friendship!
Cheers from Belgium!
CO + K User
Thank you for the friend request too :]
Happy Thanksgiving, by the way!
CO + K User
CO + K User
Thanks for the friend request now I can keep up with your projects.
Thanks for the friend request
Just how many of your projects have I favorited?
You're soooo welcome , it's sooo pretty and neat , love it, hey have an nice fun rest of the week. , XO's
that is a good way of looking at it. your friend was lucky to have you<3
i went to your blog and its a neat site. my hubbie loved the were wolf mount. very epic.
it rocks.LOL
hey have a nice fun lazy sunday and a fun awesome week as well;-D
I love your projects, keep up the good work!
I see you're the one with the beautiful kitsch rose shoes, awesome that you're now friends with me.!!!;-D
The pom pom owl is sooo cute and lovely, i will send the link to a friend of mine that works with kiddo's.
so you're welcome of my fave and the comment;-D
hey have an nice eve and sleep well for later;-D
love , hugs and kisses;-D
CO + K User
i don't were the shoes you've used but i can make them on old shoes that i can buy in a seccond handstore, but then i must moved , i will move next spring so i must clean my stuff.LOL
hey have an awesome week;-D!!!
CO + K User
i really hope there's a prequel or something, like maybe a trilogy about the uprising and the first hunger games. or even a short story about haymitch's games. that would be so interesting.
CO + K User
I loved it. I'm a fan of Milla. When I saw the description/title when I was looking through projects, I did a double-take. I'm currently trying to find a shirt to experiment on for it! Thanks for posting the how-to!
But, alas...
Anyways, I am loving your creations! You are great at mixing elegance with a rocker edge.
tnx for love my D.I.Y. halloween bag!
yumm yummies... andy 13
I love the idea!
so thnk u for sharing!!
CO + K User
hey have a fun great evening.;-D