Snippets Issue 9 : The Christmas Issue


Give yourself a very rosy hairstyle this Christmas.


By Damienne Bell

rose head kit

My name is Damienne Bell, and I live in the country just outside Petaluma, California which is an hour north of San Francisco. I'm also a screenwriter and a web master. I invented the RoseHead Updo and Kits in 2003, but I have just begun to market them aggressively.

All the fashionable hairstyles of today are copies of hairdos from decades past EXCEPT for RoseHead. It's one of a kind!

I am also the hair model for RoseHead. Want to be a RoseHead model? I'm looking for brunette hair models for Goth and Rockabilly themed RoseHeads.

You can find out more about Damienne and her company RoseHead on her myspace.


About Snippets

Snippets is the free online magazine from Cut Out + Keep featuring the best in indie & DIY.

Exploring the worlds of music, fashion, art & craft, our writers cover the things they love and we're always on the hunt for new contributors.

If you'd like to take part or just have an idea for a cool story we should cover, get in touch!