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A super fab./easy way to show off your rings!
I am a big fan of rings but I am extrememly tired of not having a display for them where they can just sit on my dresser and remind me 2 actually put them on my fingers :P

I checked out other ring displays but couldn't find one that suited my taste or that wasn't expensive :/ So I came up w/this hand ring display :) It turned out allot better than I had hoped and many people have admired it so I decided to share it w/you guys :D Note that this is my 1st tutorial so I hope everything makes sense lol ;)

Posted by Dani Published See Dani's 8 projects »

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 1
    Step 1

    Take a strip of the aluminum foil (approx. 4 inches wide)fold the aluminum in half so that it is half the length but the same width and begin to form this into a straight 'stick.'( for lack of a better word :P)

    This is going to be the base for your fingers, this stick will be very thin (about the width of a pencil) but will provide some support later on... Form the foil so that the stick is about 4 in. tall (or however long u want your fingers.. Make 5 of these but varying the lengths slightly to make it a more reallistic hand.

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 2
    Step 2

    Take another piece of foil and find a rock that's a little smaller than a tennis ball

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 3
    Step 3

    Begin to form the foil over your rock, add additional pieces of foil and start to shape into the palm of a hand...

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 4
    Step 4

    Continue adding foil and build layer upon layer until your creation resemble's the pic. Making sure that you have built up around the back and sides so that you can later attach the fingers...

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 5
    Step 5

    Attach fingers to base by positioning them on the wall of foil you built in the previous step.
    Take strips of foil and shape around fingers and base. Adding numerous strips over entire base for support and especially around and in between fingers.

  • Step 6

    Now it's time to make salt dough for covering the hand:)

    Mix the flour and salt until combined.

    Add water a little at a time and cut into flour mixture, (you may need more or less water)Add wallpaper paste (opptional, give the dough more elasticity) and mix until it's spread evenly throughout.

    The dough should be easy to work w/and should not stick to your hands or be dry..

    If such is the case: for sticky dough add flour and if the dough is too dry add water:)

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 7
    Step 7

    Begin to cover the hand w/dough, using a little at a time and forming over the aluminum. Smoothing and shaping all the while.

    (You will want to cover the dough while it's not in use b/c it does dry out rather quickly.)

    Also make sure that the dough is not too thick, this will mess up the baking time and you will need to be able to fit your smallest ring on the fingers easily:)

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 8
    Step 8

    When finished your project should look something like this:

    Rather grotesque I know but hey :P

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 9
    Step 9

    You can add an impression/design if you like with a knife anywhere on the surface of the dough

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 10
    Step 10

    Now you must bake your creation in an oven on a light colored cookie sheet. Starting off at 170 degrees F. baking for 1/2 hour then turning the oven up to 200 degrees and baking 1 hour.

    Let cool completely.

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 11
    Step 11

    Using acrylic paint and as many colors/designs you choose decorated the hand to your liking.

    (I used fabric paint for the pink around the heart and the rest was acrylic)

    Let dry

    Coat w/clear varnish

    Let dry

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 12
    Step 12

    Add a small circular piece of felt to bottom w/glue to prevent scratching surfaces.

  • How to make a ring storage unit. Zebra Hand Ring Display :) - Step 13
    Step 13

    Horray!! You're finished :D



Dani F.
Dani F.
That is one of the better ideas that I have seen.think I got a keeper. But I'm thinking paper mache.
:) · Chicago, Illinois, US · 35 projects
Wow! Awesome idea. I've been trying to think of some way to display my rings. I think I might try this sometime. I will post my version if I do!

Charles Lee Ray
Charles Lee Ray · 18 projects
I was inspired by this project! After I looked at it, I designed my own!! plzz take a look at my version!
The Petite Shop
The Petite Shop · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 16 projects
I Love It!!!
I LOVE it even more because it has ZEBRA
Dani · 8 projects
Thx 4 all your comments Happy Bam F. I definitely want 2 see your version!!
bam f.
bam f.
making it right now! Happy
Marta Angela
Marta Angela · 2 projects
I love it <3 Happy)
Moo · Gold Coast, Queensland, AU · 2 projects
Nice! I've been wanting to do something like this for ages but was just going to get a hand from a mannequin or something, couldn't figure out how to make my own. Thanks!
Sarah · Erfurt, Thuringia, DE · 110 projects
really cool idea!
SincerelySarahdawn · 1 project
Very creativeHappy
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