A cute, versatile accessory that's easy to make...if you know how to braid.
This could also work as a necklace if the strands are longer.
Step 1
Cut three strands of yarn in similar lengths. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Step 2
Tie one end of the three strands together in one big knot, leaving an inch or two of yarn on the ends.
Step 3
Braid the yarn, but leave an inch or two of yarn at the end.
Step 4
Now would be the time to add the "charms" to your bracelet, but be careful. We don't want the braid to fall out. If you chose to leave your bracelet bare, skip this step.
Step 5
Tie the ends together in the same big knot as the beginning. If you don't have enough room, undo a little of the braid at a time until you do have enough room.
Step 6
Tie the ends together and snip the access. If you don't have enough yarn to do so, just tie it in a bow on your wrist. But not too tight!
Step 7
Your now done! If it's a little big, push it farther up your arm for a modern look. If it's a little small, clip it onto your backpack!