Don't be hesitant to make something without a pattern!
Gift bags are easy to do if you follow the design of any bag you already have at home. I got this idea for a tall narrow gift bag from a brown paper lunch bag I had at home. Use fabric remnants, a recycled button and some elastic cord to make it thrifty!
Key West Witch favorited Tall Gift Bag 07 May 11:42
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Tall Gift Bag 04 Mar 10:38
HylianWriter534 favorited Tall Gift Bag 19 Dec 05:23
Linda of Nice dress! Thanks, I made it!! favorited her project Tall Gift Bag 03 Jul 13:56
Linda of Nice dress! Thanks, I made it!! published her project Tall Gift Bag 26 Jun 09:00
You Will Need
Step 6
At the last moment, I decided to put on a button closure. I sewed on some elastic cord by hand to make a loop – which I could have also sewn in by machine when I sewed the gap shut. If I would have done it then, I would have pinned the loop in the gap, between the two layers, before I did the straight running stitch around the top edge.