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Knitting Basics
This table runner is made entirely with simple garter stitch squares. It will allow you to build your confidence at holding your yarn and needles, casting on, knitting, and binding (casting) off, and is a great portable project.

techniques used
Holding your yarn and needles
Cable cast on
Knit stitch
Binding (casting) off
Blocking and pressing
Oversewing to join

finished measurements
One square: 4½ in. (11.5 cm) square
Finished piece: 40½ x 13¼ in.
(103 x 34 cm)

gauge (tension)
18 sts and 36 rows to 4 in. (10 cm)
working garter stitch using US size 7
(4.5 mm) needles.

k knit
rep repeat
sts stitch(es)
WS wrong side

Posted by Ryland Peters & Small Published See Ryland Peters & Small's 148 projects »
  • 108449_2F2015-04-09-163538-P028-CB885_WS01_Project_assembly.eps 402 KB [ Download ]
© 2025 Tracey Lord / Ryland Peters & Small · Reproduced with permission. · KNITTING BASICS by TRACEY LORD, published by CICO Books (£14.99) Photos © PENNY WINCER
  • Step 1

    To make the square
    (make 23)
    Cast on 20 sts using the cable method.
    Row 1: Knit to end.
    Rows 2–36: Rep Row 1.
    Bind (cast) off.
    This forms one square module of the runner.

  • Step 2

    Weave in the loose yarn tails using a blunt darning needle with a large eye, working the tails in and out of a few stitches along the row on the WS of the work. Trim off the tails.

    Once you have made all the squares, block each of them to size and to an accurate square, as described. You will find that the corners have become very straight and the squares will be much neater and easier to sew together when they are all blocked. Repeat for all the other squares—you should be able to pin and steam four squares at a time, to speed things up.

  • Step 3

    Making up
    Following the diagram of the completed runner, arrange two of the squares next to one another, so that one has the knitting running horizontally (square 1), and the other has the knitting running vertically (square 2). Place them right sides together and, using a length of yarn and a blunt darning needle, oversew the edges. Weave in the loose tails. Join square 3 to square 2, so that all three squares sit in a line, using the same oversew method. You now have three squares in a line, running in horizontal/vertical/horizontal orientation.
    Join square 4 below square 1, with the knitting vertically. Join square 5 below square 3, again with the knitting in square 5 running vertically. Continue to build up the runner in this way, following the diagram for the orientation of the squares, until all 23 squares have been used. You should have four central holes within the piece.

    Lightly press the completed piece.



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