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love card, valentine card
Sorry if my english not so good. im from malaysia. If got any error in my english, do forgive me :)

Posted by Zie Madini from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia • Published See Zie Madini's 10 projects »

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 1
    Step 1

    please cut one black cardstock (size 1cm width x 8cm height) meanwhile for the tiny red paper, cut it 0.4cm width x 0.7cm height. this one cut as many as needed.

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 2
    Step 2

    Tcut the blu cardstock with size 7.5cm width x 8cm height and then place the black cardstock as picture shown (see picture)

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 3
    Step 3

    glue the tiny red paper that u cut on step 1 just now n placed it in the center of the black cardstock. so it will appear to be a road :)

    in the end of the "road", put a smal tiny love.

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 4
    Step 4

    Place one big love on top of it, then 2 medium size of love below it.

    Arrange it as per picuter shown.

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 5
    Step 5

    If you dont have a partern scissor, use a ready made patern or ready made card n draw it in the end of the cardstock.

    then cut it.

  • How to make a greetings card. Road Of Love Card - Step 6
    Step 6

    Its finish already ^_^ its simple n easy to made

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Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
like this too, really cute and so easy to make, thanks for the idea, so sweet!
Zie Madini
Zie Madini · Kuching, Sarawak, MY · 11 projects
Thank you cassandra Happy
michelle G.
michelle G. · Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA · 1258 projects
it is
Cassandra · 48 projects
So cute!

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