Simply, a rainbow scarf! :)
I really like Twinkichan, but cannot afford her stuff, SO I used my own imagination, I made my own rainbow scarf! It's perfect for the gray Oregon weather.
I used back loops only and single crochet with two strands, two rows of each color. Pretty simple if you're a crocheter :)
lauren w. favorited Rainbow Scarf 05 Aug 01:51
Caaryn S. favorited Rainbow Scarf 14 May 20:40
Monica G. favorited Rainbow Scarf 17 Jan 02:09
Kelsey B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Nima L.
17 projects
i love it!

maria s.
Greece, New York, US
42 projects
i'll try this...it reminds me of the care bears(lol)...it's lovely thanks for the idea

Bedford, England, GB
20 projects
I can't crochet but it looks good!