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Knit a pizza slice!
Just Like Mamma Used To Make
Create your own favourite topping combinations. Here one slice is topped with pepperoni while the other combines mushrooms, cheese and green peppers. The finished pizza slice, with topping, measures approximately 15cm (6in) long, 14cm (5½in) wide and 1cm (3⁄8in) thick.

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© 2025 Susie Johns / Search Press · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    Base (make 1)
    With size 3.75mm (UK 9; US 5) needles and beige yarn, cast on 1 st.
    Row 1: k into front, back and front of st [3 sts].
    *Row 2: sl1, k to end.
    Rows 3–4: Rep row 2.
    Row 5: inc 1, k to last st, inc 1.**
    Rep from * to ** until there are 31 sts.
    Next row: cast off 3 sts, k to end [28 sts].
    Next row: cast off 3 sts, k to end [25 sts].
    Next row: cast off 4 sts, k to end [21 sts].
    Next row: cast off 4 sts, k to end [17 sts].
    Next row: cast off 5 sts, k to end [12 sts].
    Next row: cast off 5 sts, k to end [7 sts].
    Cast off rem 7 sts.

  • Step 2

    Crust (make 1)
    With two 3.75mm (UK 9; US 5) double-pointed needles and beige yarn, cast on 3 sts.
    Row 1: k3; do not turn but slide sts to other end of needle.
    Rep row 1 until cord is long enough to fit around outer edge of crust.

  • Step 3

    Tomato sauce (make 1)
    With size 4.50mm (UK 7; US 7) needles and red yarn, cast on 1 st.
    Row 1: k into front, back and front of st [3 sts].
    Continue as for base, rep instructions from * to ** until there are 19 sts.
    Next row: k2tog, k3, inc 1, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, inc 1, k1, k2tog [17 sts].
    Next row: k2tog, k2, inc 1, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, inc 1, k2, k2tog [15 sts].
    Next row: k7, turn and cast off; break yarn.
    Rejoin yarn to rem 8 sts, k to end, then cast off.

  • Step 4

    Cheese (make 2)
    With size 4.50mm (UK 7; US 7) needles and yellow yarn, cast on 9 sts.
    Rows 1–11: g st (knit every row).

  • Step 5

    Pepperoni (make 6)
    With size 3.00mm (UK11; US 2) needles and coral yarn, cast on 3sts.
    Row 1: inc in each st to end [6 sts].
    Row 2: k to end.
    Row 3: inc in each st to end [12 sts].
    Row 4: inc in each st to end [24 sts].
    Cast off.
    Stitch row ends together, to form a disc. Thread tapestry needle with length of dark red yarn and work blanket stitch around perimeter, stitch by stitch, on cast-off row..

  • Step 6

    Pepper slice (make 3)
    With size 3.00mm (UK11; US 2) needles and green yarn, cast on 12 sts.
    Row 1: k2tog tbl 6 times.
    Cast off.

  • Step 7

    Mushroom (make 4)
    With size 3.75mm (UK 9; US 5) needles and white yarn, cast on 4 sts.
    Rows 1–4: g st (knit every row).
    Row 5: k1, (inc 1) twice, k1 [6 sts].
    Row 6: inc in each st to end [8 sts].
    Cast off.

  • How to make a food plushie. Knitted Pizza Slice - Step 8
    Step 8

    Making up
    Stitch the crust to the curved edge of the base. Stitch the tomato sauce on to the base. 
If desired, thread the tapestry needle with green yarn and work a scattering of small stitches all over the tomato sauce, like flecks 
of herbs.
    Next, choose your toppings. To stitch the pepperoni in place, use off-white yarn and small stitches to represent flecks of fat. For all of the other toppings, use matching yarns to stitch them in place, trying to make the stitches as discreet as possible.

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Joe W.
Joe W. · Phoenix, Arizona, US · 12 projects
this is so cool, i look forward to my wife doing her own version of this now Happy
Gypsie Moon
Gypsie Moon · Edisto Island, South Carolina, US · 75 projects
So cute!!! I need to finally learn to knit and crochet!
sophie t.
sophie t. · 1 project
ooooooooooooooooh.. snazzy! so far i've only done sandwiches and ice-creams.. will have to add these to my menu!
DrEaMeR · Palermo, Sicilia, IT · 20 projects
I love pizza...and your project! it's very nice Happy!

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