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How to fix red eye in your photos
My photoshop students are always amazed by this technique.. so I thought I'd share. Photoshop is quite possibly the reason the expression "there's more than one right way " exists. Although there is a red eye tool in Photoshop, I've never been happy with how it works, so I've always done it this way... with a very natural result.

Here's the picture from our Solsisters Service Sew-in yesterday. I've got the old devil eye on the right hand eye.

Devilish intentions? I think not! We're sewing for charity here!

Posted by Solsisters from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States • Published See Solsisters's 10 projects »
  • How to make a photo manipulation. Fix Red Eye In Your Photos - Step 1
    Step 1

    Here's what it looks like if I fix it with the red-eye tool. See how my eye looks unnaturally black and too dark?

    With the red eye tool, my eye looks dark and forboding.

  • How to make a photo manipulation. Fix Red Eye In Your Photos - Step 2
    Step 2

    My desaturate/burn technique result. MUCH more natural and only takes a minute longer.

  • How to make a photo manipulation. Fix Red Eye In Your Photos - Step 3
    Step 3

    To combat the demon eyes, first find the desaturate tool under the burn tool. Set the brush size to the same size as the eyeball using the [ ] bracket keys to enlarge or shrink the tip until it's the size you want. Now look up in the options bar and reduce the flow to about 40%. Click repeatedly on the iris until the red is sucked out.

    Before I got over the demon rage...

  • How to make a photo manipulation. Fix Red Eye In Your Photos - Step 4
    Step 4

    The iris will turn gray, but the texture and detail will be preserved. By lowering the flow, you can suck out the red in stages and get a more natural result. Usually, this will completely fix the problem.

    If the eye now looks too pale, switch to the burn tool, lower the flow and click a few times until it seems the right saturation. If the color is off (and you know the subject's eye color), you can make a new layer and paint over the iris with the correct color. Set that layer blend mode to color and your eyes should look great. Lower the opacity of the color layer if it seems to strong.

    After the anger was sucked out. A little burn to correct the paleness in my eye and we're good to go!

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i can do this great idea of resorces!

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