Tutorial Monday :: Embroidered Buttons
Hi, it's Amy here. I'm going to show you how to make your own embroidered buttons.
Toni T. favorited Embroidered Buttons 17 Jan 22:22
Millie H. added Embroidered Buttons to Make 25 Mar 23:35
Step 1
For starters, gather your supplies:
Small patterns (or draw your own freehand)
Something to transfer the design onto fabric. I used transfer paper. You can also freehand the design with a pencil.
Embroidery supplies: Scissors, floss, needle, etc.
Small embroidery hoop
Fabric scraps
Fabric button kit (can be found at any fabric or craft store and fairly inexpensive) -
Step 4
You probably won't want to use more than 2 strands of floss, since your pattern is so small. I choose to use only one strand in most places. After cutting your piece of floss (an arm's length or shorter), separate one or two stands of floss and then thread onto a needle. Now you're ready to get stitchin'!
Step 12
Sew the buttons onto a jacket or tote. You can also cut the shank off the buttons with pliers and glue on a pin backing to make a brooch or try sewing it to a fabric yo-yo. See page 139 of N.E.E.T. Magazine (or the Naughty Secretary Club book) for a tutorial by Jennifer Perkins on how to create a bracelet with your new fabric-covered buttons!
Lastly, I wouldn't leave you hanging without a few mini patterns to try. Click on the image to open it in a new window and print. Use a copy machine to reduce the size of the images, if needed.