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20 mins

yummy colourful eggs... perfect for food fussy kids

Posted by bbw_jenn from Chorley, England, United Kingdom • Published See bbw_jenn's 8 projects »

  • Step 1

    boil as many eggs as you want to colour (i used 6 eggs)

  • How to cook a devilled egg. Edible Marbled Eggs!!! - Step 2
    Step 2

    once the eggs are boiled wait a few mins for them to cool a bit...

    tap the eggs lightly on a hard surface them roll lightly so the egg shells crack

  • How to cook a devilled egg. Edible Marbled Eggs!!! - Step 3
    Step 3

    place eggs in frezeer bags and add a few drops of food colouring to the bag and eggs, roll the eggs around in the bags to ensure the are coated.but not sitting in the dye

    you can divide the eggs up and do different colours i used pink, orange and yellow.

    note:- use good brand food dyes, as i noticed cheap ones leave a bitter taste on the eggs!

  • How to cook a devilled egg. Edible Marbled Eggs!!! - Step 4
    Step 4

    put the eggs in the fridge to cool...

    take them out of the fridge, gently rinse off excess dye with water...

    peal and enjoy!!!

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Hecate_Love · 3 projects
Haha, My mom used to make these when i was a child! We would call then Dinosaur Eggs!

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