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15 mins

Stripe drawings
I really like birds and i love to draw. So i drew me some birds.

Posted by polkadot from Belgium, Wisconsin, United States • Published See polkadot's 10 projects »
  • How to draw & paint a piece of animal art. Birds - Step 1
    Step 1

    Choose a nice, clear, detailed picture of the animal you want to draw.

  • How to draw & paint a piece of animal art. Birds - Step 2
    Step 2

    Even with animals, the eyes are the most important part to make the expression clear. I suggest you start with the eyes and the beak to get these proportions quite right. Take the distance between the eyes and the beak as a mesure for the rest of your drawing.

  • How to draw & paint a piece of animal art. Birds - Step 3
    Step 3

    To draw my birds i used a lot of short pencil strokes. This brings a nice texture to the feathers. If you want a more realistisch result you can draw more and finer strokes in many different colours on top of each other, for a more illustrated reslult you can use a less sharp pencil for harder and broader strokes, as you can see with the woodpecker.

    Of course the most important thing is to have a lot of fun! Don't be affraid to make mistakes!



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