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The most handsom of the 00's
This is much like Smokey's Tie from Halloween

Posted by Nikki S. from Oakland, California, United States • Published See Nikki S.'s 8 projects »

  • Step 1

    Get yourself to a thrift store and purchase a little boy's white collared shirt.

    If you are lucky enough you will find a little boy's bow tie there as well.

  • Step 2

    I found the clip on bow tie first and so I went directly to the little boy's clothes and bought a size 4T white shirt. Smokey has grown some since Halloween.

  • Step 3

    Got my items home, took the scissors and carefully cut out the collar leaving the top button intact and using that as my guide.

    Then I spray starched the heck out of the collar and pressed it flat, turned the collar in half lengthwise and pressed it.

  • Step 4

    Now that the collar is good and stiff, I can go back with my fine scissors and trim any stray strings.

  • Step 5

    I hope you have been heating up the hot glue gun!!! Put a small dab of hot glue on the underside of the button hole, and then button the button. Now it should stay that way forever.

  • Step 6

    Clip on the tie....glue it if you want, but because Smokey is still growing I decided not to, in case I want to make him a new Tux!!

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PixieDee · Milaca, Minnesota, US · 6 projects
Thats sooooo cute!
Vermin Jerky
Vermin Jerky · San Diego, California, US · 22 projects
My goodness, isn't he dapper?

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