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In loving memory of my best friend, my dog Lil
Made out of the memory of my dog, who passed away from cancer when I was 16, shortly before school started. The anniversary has passed, but I've been thinking a lot about him. He was there for me when I felt like the whole world wasn't. Didn't seem right how we weren't given his ashes back, and the only thing we have left of him is memories, pictures, and a box of a few things he tore up. I then found a painted stone on Etsy, with the image of a Beagle on it. My mom commented a few days ago that I could paint that same picture. I remembered my art teacher who discriminated against me for having disabilities, the same teacher who kicked me out of his art class Senior year in High school. I never wanted to paint another picture again, because I felt the hurt he inflicted on me when I was in his class. But lately, I've been painting without his harsh criticisms buzzing through me head, and the pictures have been pretty good, better then the crap he wanted me to paint.
However today, I was over powered by the love for a wonderful dog, and painted a sea shell in his memory. Its Beautiful in my opinion and anyone who says other wise better be Quiet in respect for the dead, or suffer the wraf of god.

I intend to make this in to a necklace, so I can remember my the dog who helped me through the toughest of times, during his life, through and after his death.

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 552 projects »


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Dark Rose
Dark Rose · 4 projects
That's really good, did you ever make it into a necklace?
Kin Dragon
Kin Dragon · Denton, Texas, US · 756 projects
It was a necklace but now it's a charm a I hang off my purse

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