
Brooklyn New York United States 2 projects

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Now Available! Absent Cause #2: DUALITY bisexual bipolar body-conscious dead or alive dialectical doppelganger gendered identified mirrored radical schizophrenic vampires Featuring: Amanda Palmer interview on music, madness and the ReBELLYon And INTERVIEWS with: * Walaa Quisay, Egyptian student activist * Laura-Marie Taylor, Functionally Ill zine * Breaking To Top, Maoist punk band from China “Arab in the American World” by Andria Alefhi “Changeling” new fiction from James Rush “The un-american aesthetic” by Brandi Lee And FICTION, POETRY & ESSAYS from: * Mademoiselle Aly Basterr * Tonia Bellon * Boo * Stephanie Eversole * Oscar Fuentes * Jessika * Vondora Jordan * Druscilla Morgan * Jolie Noggle * Eman Rimawi * Alison Roh Park * JC Reilly * zeraph “Do You Know My Story?” by Lailati Nar Plus ART, COMIX & PHOTOGRAPHY by: * Jessica Amorelli * Heidi "bluegirl" Calvert * Diane Carroll * chasterwebb * Toni Lynn Crane * Disdane * gabiMONSTROSITY * Brad Hemmelgarn * Kelushka * Christine Stoddard * Beverleyann Wilson * zowolf ... and much more! Plus essays, reviews, and comix from redguard. Absent Cause includes artwork IN COLOR. Order for $4 including shipping from my Etsy shop at: http://redguard.etsy.com By mail to: Absent Cause, PO Box 1568, New York, NY 10276 To arrange a trade email redguard@gmail.com EXPLORE THE DARK SIDE WITH ABSENT CAUSE: underground cultures, hidden histories, feminist and queer sexualities, chosen families and radical politics; vampirism, the gothic, horror and the macabre; surviving abuse, coping with mental illness/dangerous gifts, self-harm and suicide.





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