Books »

If you suffer from the addiction to handbags that most women have, then Irresistible Bags by Marie Claire, is a cheap and creative way to get your fix. Including 45 designs in a wide range of styles, including urban chic, shopping totes and large storage bags, there's a project for every occasion.

Create a classic Tartan Tote, a practical and very handy Artist's Satchel, or opt for a vintage style Full Of Nostalgia handbag. There's even a selection of children's bags, including the My Favorite Pet Tote which features a photograph of their pet, and the adorable Ladybird Story, a tote bag embroidered with a fairy tale.

The book includes all the patterns and templates you'll need to get started, and with crafts such as sewing, quilting, crochet, knitting, appliqueing and embroidery, there's sure to be a style that's perfect for everyone.

You can pick up a copy of the book from Quadrille or Amazon now.




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