
Long Beach California United States 180 projects

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Sunday's outfit: This is about the only day I got dressed this entire weekend -_-

Today I feel babydoll-esque
What I'm wearing: -Red "Aberzombie" tshirt (made by me) -Black pinafore skirt (made by my mom for halloween last year) -Black Mary-Jane heels (LOEVLOVELOVE) -Assorted necklaces (including the bat necklace I made) -Assorted bracelets (I wear everyday so I don't really list them) -Assorted hair clips (including a skeleton hand I made) Makeup: -Black winged eyeliner -Nude lips (I was going for that pale, dead girl look) Hair: -Straight! (for once in a REALLY long time!) and thats it for this weekend :[ I hope to post more this week.





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