Well, my name is Brittany. I'm very much unlike the other Brittanys you know, I'm sure.
I like cute things, and I like dark things. I'm a hybrid when it comes to style. Imagine Rainbow Brite falling down a rabbit hole, into a baby doll's wardrobe, while strolling arm and arm with Beetle Juice and Jack Skellington through a cemetary. That's pretty much my style.
I love being creative. I was blessed with creative bones, and I use them. I'm creative through a few different outlets; making clothes/accessories, drawing, writing, things of that sort.
And yeah, that's pretty much me.
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I like cute things, and I like dark things. I'm a hybrid when it comes to style. Imagine Rainbow Brite falling down a rabbit hole, into a baby doll's wardrobe, while strolling arm and arm with Beetle Juice and Jack Skellington through a cemetary. That's pretty much my style.
I love being creative. I was blessed with creative bones, and I use them. I'm creative through a few different outlets; making clothes/accessories, drawing, writing, things of that sort.
And yeah, that's pretty much me.
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Other EtsyRecent Activity
- favorited How To Twin Needle Like A Boss 17 Dec 22:07
- commented on Button Up Shirt Into Two Tops! 10 Aug 08:46
- commented on Resin Light Up Color Changing Unicorn Horn Circlet 10 Aug 08:45
- favorited Fancy Face Tote 27 Dec 06:58
- commented on Fancy Face Tote 27 Dec 06:58
- commented on Hello Kitty Luggage 23 Dec 06:21
- commented on Rainbow Tote Bag Diy 06 Dec 23:14
- favorited Rainbow Tote Bag Diy 06 Dec 23:13
- commented on Old School Half Bonnet 06 Dec 23:04
- commented on Plum & Gold Smoky Eye 06 Dec 23:01
- favorited Rainbow Circle Skirt 01 Dec 06:29
- commented on Sweet Rosette 01 Dec 06:03
I really had fun with it, i think it turned out great. i wanted something with a more modest focus this year since slut-wear for Halloween is becoming all too popular. D:
It is nice to have that comment from you
once i put more effort in it i will post a new pic ^_^
you're super colorfull!
im going to the movies this weekend. what about you?
Im dying of heat. Its so hot
so whatcha been up to?
Haha.. when people say omnomnom.. It makes me think of Domo.
I dunno why. XD
Anyway, i really do like your style. I mean... It's not too out there, but it's out there. (:
Where do you shop? Cause' all i wear are tees and skinny jeans.
Pshh, girrll. Your hair speaks to me. XD
-Happy holdidays<3-
Last time we talked you said you sent me a friend request on facebook but i never got it
I could never dress the way you do,but it's definitely relaxing to watch xD
a breath of fresh air <3
I'm such a loser because if he said that to me I probably would've just stared at him not knowing exactly what he was implying (or I might have taken it the wrong way xD)
But you go girl for strutting your stuff and not giving a care what other people say (well the bad stuff at least)!
People like that just irritate me.
I'm like just because a person looks different you have no right to think your all high and mighty and have the right to say anything to them, unless it's a compliment of some sort.
And the sad thing is that the people who say that stuff usually end up being generic copies of everyone else and that just makes me chuckle when they give me looks or say something to me.
Sweat or stupid people shan't stop us Decora gal's from doing what we do best!
And that's parading around looking cute~ ;3
The reactions you got at your school are probably a bit better than the ones I'll probably receive when me and my friend do it this year.
The kids at might school are sometimes not the most...accepting of "different things" but to heck with them!
I dress cute for me and only me
At the Anime Convention I went to last year I went as a decora and according to the people there pulled it off quite well so I'm hoping that I'm on the right track.
The only pain in the butt for me though was getting the hairclips to look right in my hair and the fact that it was extremely humid in the Conv't center so I was sweating a decent amount under all those colorfully pink layers!
I'm glad to see you like my skirt & style!
That means quite a lot to me. :3
I'm like totally in love with your Decora pic!! It's beyond cute! >w<
You've reminded me that I need to go back on my quest to Decoraness so I need to go on another accessory/hair clip binge again. *le sigh*
And I must say that your projects (especially your dread falls & Panda Pouch) are quite the awesome!!
To answer your question, I made a skirt-ish thing outta the shirt and cut loads of fringe pieces (well.. i think 7 or so) from what was left of the shirt, then randomly sewed 'em on. ;)
*high five*
if you don't like dangly earrings you could make them with only one cupcake, or even glue them onto another (flat) earring or a clip-on ;)
Love your style! <3
Man am finding jnitting difficult due to the fact I BOUGHT THIIIIIIIIN NEEDLES being a total noob and that. And if i do manage to knit something, it will be a (hopefully) neat square that's been framed by me cos i was completely proud of myself for that
BEEEAANIES! It should have like a little comppartment dangling from teh side or something like a pouch just for jelly beans ;D Your probably fast asleep atm have a dandy saturday x
What time isit over there!?
Its about 2AM and am attempting to learn how to knit
With lime green yarn ;D
ummm... I probz likes fever
I am making a erm balloon thingy (ooerrr I didn't mean it like that :S)
Now just to find some balloons *rummages in cupboards*
Making a tutu ^__^
BTW I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve you
Cuppycake Lolita Inspired Skirt!
CO + K User
I love your projects, srsly your clothes sense reminds me of skittles *__*!
I <3 your epic knick knax too!
~this chaos this calamity, this garden once was perfect....#
*feels a cyber karoke coming on ;)*
I have a huge obsession with saying "spooooons..." when it gets really quiet.
And by the way....
Your crafts etc. are REALLY awesomee. keep up the awesome work
I don't know if I'll make a how to, but if I create one on this project I'll let you know ^^
Fall Out Boy has awesome band shirts, so does Evanescence.
linkage: http://gomerch.com/interface/body.php?module=store&id=3
yeah. i need band t-shirts, i love so many bands but have one worn out shirt
yay for band t-shirts X]
(sadly im broke right now so i dont have any money for band shirts)
And they say we have know lives for those books -- well at least my older sister and cousin tells me that haha
I prefer your kind of writing to, but I wasn't used to it when I read Twilight. As much. Lol
And, I'm so sorry I haven't replied in the longest, I've been way to busy :/
Oh, okay, just making sure haha. It looks pretty cool. When I saw it I thought it was some kind of disease or something and I was sorta afraid to ask you haha. But it looks cool
And I can't wait either, ha XD
And yes it is! I love it, especially Edward
Then again, what girl doesn't nowadays? It's either him or Jacob (or anyone else)
I must say that I sorta agree with you,lol. It was a teeny weeny bit dissapointing, but I still love it
Oh, and you can tell you don't like being part of the crowd, which I think is awesome :]
And thank you, it's all photobooth XD
And and, not be rude, what's the thing on your chest?
It seems interesting lol :]
I'm Jocelyne, as you can see :]
But all your projects are really kick ass and i can't wait to try them :]
I can't wait to see your new projects!
CO + K User
I just sent you a msg with everything in it.
the blog thing. One sec- i'll be right back. Haha. I need to check something...
Made it about a month ago.
I just checked out the link.
I probably would have been running around the house screaming. Buahaha. XD
Congrats, that's way stellar.
By the way, I totally love the new picture.
*reads your 'About Me' section*
Why do you hate green so much?
*runs along to threadbanger link*
And english.
Fuck the rest. X(
I just switched to freaking preppy-school, because I was having trouble with french.
I have a few friends,
but I miss the old ones.
And I'm not nearly as bubbly or anything at the new school because I'm the type of person that needs to adjust,
which means I'm not as friendly,
which means;
No friendliness= Not very many friends.
Shhhh- I'm trying to be sick today because I'm going to fail a band test if I go... XD And my teacher will publicly humiliate me.
School blows.
Hot wins over cold ANY day.
Haha. Today I wore MITTENS to school, because my bus was 15 minutes late. X(
And Canada? It's... okay. It's getting cold here, now. BLAHH!
We had lots of fun modeling too.
And I'm sorry, but i don't.
Are you in the USA? Because it always seems that myspace is bigger over there. I'm in Canada.
I like picnik because it's a little more, "teen friendly". Hehe. A lot of people use it for facebook.
(I also really like how it says things like, "Laying Down Blanket" when it's loading. Hehe. ^.^)
And Horrah!
*skips along to download PhotoFiltre) XD
(And BTW, I am totally in love with the new skirt. Looks way cool!)
What do you use for editing?
I use picnik.com. (:
And google is waaay rad.
10th anniversary today!
(It says on my homepage. lmaoo)
Haha. I think part of it is that I get so inspired by the bigger things, yenno.
Then I'm mad when it doesn't work out. >.<
Slow and steady. (:
I should go and search CO&K,
though there isn't as many tutorials as I wish. X(
Do you have any site suggestions? XD
I'm not huge into making tuts- it kind of blows when you have to stop what you're doing every 5 minutes to take a picture. Especially when your camera is as faking confusing as mine. X/ Though YOU have some pretty damn amazing tuts. (BTW, I love your edited photos. You make it look crazy rad!)
Haha. & I would say your level is pretty freaking fantabulous. X)
I just wouldn't know where to start! (:
And thank you!
(: Haha.
You're way more fabulous.
I look like I'm still 10. (:
You are a freaking talented seamstress, man.
I would kill for talent like yours!
I'm not so great at that sorta thing. D:
your stuff is rad.
Merci Buckets for the add.
(^^ See that; and I didn't even mean to rhyme.) (
wondering if you could put up or send me an actual tutorial for your rocket ship pencil case.
I love the double section design, but am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do it.
But I may not tell him that...He´s already a little bit cocky because all of my friends want to cuddle him XD
Hey, Thank for the Add. =]
How about you?