hello my name is alex, i live in the famous LA. i'm in love with life right now, i have everything i could ever ask for....i'm engaged with the most amazing man in the world. i could never see myself with anyone but him...i can't wait to grow old with him and sit on my rocking chair crocheting my grandkids some socks hahaha. well what more can i say...i'm in love....no i'm in like with anything pin-up, zombie, psychobilly rockabilly, and 50's.
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Thanks for fav'ing my origami
Greetings from Brazil
I just found I had a message from you Miss Pin-Up from February. My appologies for such a late response. Ska is good for sure. In response to your message. I'm from the UK. How about you? *high five*
ya im ganna start going as often as im around the area...n we'll see what happends hopefully find them. cuz ive been looking like crazy for them b4. n nothing...i can belive i almost bought 10 pairs for $10 bucks. a while ago....good thing someone else beat me to it...haha. if i see them ill let u know.
san fernando...
i will go look.
what dollar tree do u recommend..or did u go to??
tnx for the add!
hope u like my proyects. i just love youres!
maive we can make good friends! ;D
so.. keep in touch!
hablas español? xD
yumm yummies... andy 13
long time!!! hope you're doing fine and well;-D
how is your study and Bessy your dog?
Wolfje is almost a year, still a month to go, she is now bigger then Muis and she looks great and beautiful, but she is still acting like a doggy.;-D And she loves all the men.LOL So she is really fond of Gerard, she will lay aside of him, he had her punished and since then she is more in love then ever. The slut.
She was bad behaving herself so he picked her up with my approveal to set her alone on the balcony alone is a real problem for her, so after that ... she was fallen for him.
I will moved next year still very exciteing , like a child.LOL
by the way thank you for the fave of my he is only posing, there is an other tute that shows you how you can make other animals.
i think you like that too, i have problems with uploading so i can't set the other diy's now on here-S
but when i have fixed the problems i let you know.
Much crafting fun with the making of, and have a nice great awesome weekend. LOve and much hugs and kisses!!!;-D
thanks for the lovely words on my he blow up his mind.LOL I didn't think somebody like it, so thanks a lot. hey i must tell he does do it still, when a member shoot as acting he is the borderguard, he makes a loud bang.LOL
Only the noice. because its just a toy. LOL
have a nice day and l ots of XO's
That's coo' coo' ca choo'
What kind of classes are you taking?
I live in CA, too.
In Compton, matter of fact.
(Random, right? Haha)
CO + K User
I am new ... but wanted to tell you that you look great and I like the things that you have made!