Help Me Name My New Pet
Hello. In a few weeks i will be getting a brand new female rat. I have another girl who's been needing a friend for quite sometime. My current rattys name is Disco. I named her after a favorite band of mine. But i can't think of any names for the new little baby girl im going to be taking home. So I thought, why not turn to you creative people here. So I want to here your ideas
hmm......if you wanted to stay with the whole music genre/band could do..Jazzy? haha im sorry im no help lol
Daisy..[first name that came to mind]
Pebbles [idk..hahaa]
or since im no help you can look online at all the dog names and see if any would work for a rat as well ^^
p.s. that hedgehog is ADORABLE!!! =D
Ooooo be sure to show us some photos!My hubby wants to get a rat for ages now,he even planned the name out.its Spakli.thats a tool that is used by house-painters.Oh dear,I really need to get him a rat...
Ok,my suggestions are:
Rattus -thats a band I like but its not too girly
Petunia -my fave
Mano (it means elf on Hungarian)
I give my pets people names.I had a guinea pig called János (James),a cat called Károly (Karl) and now my kittens name is Móric (Mauritius)
Oh i will be sure to post pictures. I'm hoping that from this litter is some rex females, because there so cute with curly wiskers. Violetta, if you are looking into one, it is best to custome make a cage because pet store ones are either too small or the bar spacing is too far apart and the rattys just squeeze out. I buy from breeders, just because pet stores dont care about the heath or teperment ( there breeding for snake food). Also, with breeders you can get really cool colours, marking, and fur types
Thanks for the advice!He wants a white/brown hooded rat.
I will have to travel to the next city for it,we dont have pet shops or breeders here.And he insists on making the rat house him self.
then you will have disco inferno. lol
On the same idea as Michelle how about Dancer
Cute! hmmm... Lest can call it
Epephaneo (lol)
Princess Diana
Joan Jett
Mrs Rat
Nice ideas so far everyone. I really appreciate the help. Im thinking of naming her Fate, after another band i really enjoy, whats your thoughts on this name?
fate sounds lovely <3
I still like inferno but Fate is awesome too
Well im trying to think of something that is unisex, but still not overly masculine sounding. Oh and when i get her i'll be posting pictures ^^
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