that time of month

218 replies since 20th December 2008 • Last reply 20th December 2008

yup, thats true.

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I'm actually a bit happy I have my period this month.

For the past 4 months I was starting around the 5th. Cool, I was starting to finally regulate. Then this month I was 6 days late. Very worried that I could have possibly been pregnant. But the fact that I was stressed during the holidays and that I was young and just possibly still irregular kept me calm. Sure enough my patience and trying to calm myself down turned out well. My method of birth control is checking/counting fertility and withdrawal. Even though these methods have worked for me for the past 8 months I've made the decision to use a condom along with them. The scares are just not worth it.

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yeah, because here is always that two percent. The pill is only 98 percent effective.

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Aww, I just heard something that sounds terrible. Apparently there is this rare condition where someone goes through puberty at a very young age. A girl began to grow breast and pubic hair at just 3 and started her period at 6. Since her body's out of whack her periods last 55 days.

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I hate my periods too ...but hey what r ya gonna do? XD
I'm just glad mine are really fast (like 4 days) & dont hurt that bad.

I figured out that since i became vegetarian (like 5 yrs ago), my periods are now more regular & dont hurt as bad as they did. Another perk to being veggie. Healthy! Happy

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omgosh thats horrid

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my periods are short too, about three or four days

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ok this is a funny/kinda not story

so I just started my period, so today I go to the bathroom and what shall happen the toliet looks like it will over flw, so I am trying to stop it with the plunger, going die evil toeit.

and then after it flushes, I pump it again with the plunger, just incase.

Then poured like a bottle of vingear and loads of baking soda on the punger.

great period week


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Actually Michelle, it depends what pill you take - Microgynon, which I'm on, is 99.7% effective if used properly.

I'm on my period this week and even though it's horrible, I'm glad - the last three times I was meant to have one I've taken my pill again to stop myself having it, so I let it happen this time and it just feels more natural. Although I had HORRIBLE pains and I'm constantly hungry at the moment. I was worried I was pregnant though, cause I normally come on Wednesday mornings, and earlier if something triggers it, and I both went boxing and had sex on Tuesday night so thought it would come sooner, but it didn't come till Wednesday night - I was really worried cause I messed up my pill slightly last week. But everything is ooookay =) and it worked out okay cause Andy's actually gone home this weekend, so I couldn't have sex anyway.

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