June 2020
Crafting Ethics Dilemma! 9th May 2020I am at a loss here... Many years ago, when my mother was a teenager, she inherited several ivory & bone necklaces which she wouldn't ever wear because, well, ivory. Recently, she passed them along to me with the idea that I could use the materials for my beading projects, but...1 reply · Last reply over 4 years ago
March 2019
April 2017
RANT: People stealing your ideas!!! 21st September 2013Hey everyone, I know this is a common problem in the crafting community, especially since many people have similar ideas. However, it angers me when people take an original tutorial and publish it as their own, or use it to make things for selling without crediting the...10 replies · Last reply almost 8 years ago
July 2016
Stupid hair dye didnt do anything!!!! 11th October 2010This is the 2nd time this month that stupid blonde hair dye didnt work!!! god damint walmart you failed me yet again!!!!!! So i had like a light brown hair . i got some ultra blonde hair dye to lightin it cuz i didnt wanna strip my hair agiain. it helped by making my hair a...25 replies · Last reply over 8 years ago
September 2014
punishment 26th September 2014I'd like to know or get advise on what could b a suitable punishment to give to my roommate for roommate s son who has slight autism that threw a fit in school n got suspended for it over poke Mon cards? She's stressing over it.2 replies · Last reply over 10 years ago
July 2014
"Invisible Illnesses" 15th July 2014I've suffered with chronic illnesses most of my life on and off, but since most of them are "invisible illnesses" I get a lot of criticism from people who think I'm just lazy or faking it for attention. I had a lot of migraines in high schoo (which I'm thinking may have been...20 replies · Last reply over 10 years ago
January 2014
I had to delete all my projects, and this is why! 1st January 2014GOD DAMN COPYRIGHT CLAIMS FROM VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL DESIGNERS AND COMPANIES!!! I haven't even been back on this sight in quite some time now! And the moment I come back onto this sight, guess what happened to me? I find out I got slapped with copyright notifications on all my...1 reply · Last reply about 11 years ago
October 2013
Feminism 17th October 2013What are your opinions on feminism? Any feminists or anti-feminists out there? I'm not trying to open up a can of worms, I'm just curious on this issue because it's relatively new to me and I have little knowledge about it. I support gender equality, but i'm not sure if I...11 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
COLLEGE!!! 17th October 2013Hey all, I am currently a senior in high school and, yes, doing college applications! I'm applying to top engineering schools and the process is so overwhelming. I'm applying to universities like UC Berkeley, Cornell, and Carnegie Mellon. I'm so nervous but excited at the same...3 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
September 2013
Art start 23rd September 2013oh, that sounds fun! Is it over a long time, or just a few days?1 reply · Last reply over 11 years ago
Video Editing software suggestions? 8th September 2013I'm trying to make a how to video, my tutorial is pretty long though so I'd like to edit the video in certain areas, adjust the speed and add text. It looks like the software I have doesn't let me do everything I need to, does anyone have any recommendations for a free video...3 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
28G 3rd September 2013So I recently went and had a bra sizing. I felt it was time since I had stopped nursing two months prior and I wasn't fitting into any of my pre-pregnancy bras. I went to a specialty shop and was sized at a 28G and was looking at an $80 price tag on a standard bra that has...9 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
August 2013
Is it just me... 15th August 2013I really... REALLY! Don't mean to sound like a complete bitch... But I'm getting sick of all the tutorials that are (a) barely a tutorial or (b) written by someone who doesn't speak english well and the whole thing doesn't make any sense. Some of them are just so messed up...33 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
Heartache rant... 12th August 2013I just really need to get this all out. I'm an emotional wreck and I just need to spill my guts. I'm sorry if this is all over the place, and I apologize for any poor grammar. So, I met this guy, we'll just call him "Joe" online in...oh, about March. We just started out...5 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
July 2013
Jobless rant 19th July 2013So for the past few summers since I moved to the Midwest, I have been looking for a job. In 2011 I applied to two places that said they really needed the help, but after putting in my applications, I was never even contacted for an interview despite going into both stores and...9 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
June 2013
Lost in Life 25th June 2013I'm a firm believer that your birthday can be a fresh start to a new you. People don't have to wait to New Years to do that. In fact any day can be a day to start new. Recently I've been in a slump. I want to change that. I want to be stronger then the person I was before. I'd...9 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
Awkward rant/relationship advice and/or outside opinion needed? 8th June 2013I'll take this one. Be warned, if you're under age, you should just stop right now. I take no responsibilty if you choose to read further at this point. There are a lot of reasons that could be why your boyfriend has lost interest, that have nothing to do with cheating...4 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
May 2013
I am too quiet 25th May 2013I never have anything to say and am always labeled as shy within minutes of meeting a new group of people. Does anybody have any tips on being more interesting and outgoing? Also please don't say "just talk" it is actually quite hard for me and sometimes I physically cannot...13 replies · Last reply over 11 years ago
Medication rant 15th May 2013I take a lot of medication, mostly for my mental health and asthma. My medication is on repeat prescription and I put in my repeat with the doctors surgery about a week before I need it, they get the doctor to sign it and pass it to the pharmacy next door and collect it about...8 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
A rant and plea for relationship advice >.< 8th May 2013I met this guy -Who will be called caleb as a code name- back in my sophmore year. I knew about him and heard pretty bad things about him. Like he does drugs and is really stupid.So I didn't bother with him. Until.....I officially met him at a arcade lock in. He stole my chair...5 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
A rant and plea for relationship advice >.< 8th May 2013I met this guy -Who will be called caleb as a code name- back in my sophmore year. I knew about him and heard pretty bad things about him. Like he does drugs and is really stupid.So I didn't bother with him. Until.....I officially met him at a arcade lock in. He stole my chair...6 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
April 2013
Going to visit family - need advice and to rant 26th April 2013So, like usual, I'm going "home" to Pennsylvania to visit friends and family. My mom sent me a text yesterday asking how I want to get out there. I told her I could either drive alone, someone could fly out here and drive back with me, or I could fly out. After telling her...21 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Career Advice Desperately Needed 25th April 2013Okay. So Im 17 years old, and I am a junior in high school...Now is the time for me to start looking for scholarships, universities, colleges, etc..right? Well, I've seemed to run across one tiny problem. (HUGE for me though) I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my...7 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
March 2013
Had to shave all my hair off :( 23rd March 2013So the other day I found this huge mistake the last girl who cut my hair made, and I had to shave my head down to 1" to get it all even. I don't know what to do with it! I was working so hard to grow my hair out into pigtails and now they're gone. What should I do? I miss my...27 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Piercing s 8th March 2013I was thinking to pierce my ears. Where do you get yours pierced? I think it's kind of late turning thirteen now and I always think about my ears split after the piercing. So any thing for starters?? And I think I'll need solutions for ears swelling just in case my ears are...27 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Snippet zine! 8th March 2013I read the end of the time issue but does that mean.......snippet zine issues won't arrive anymore or??? I'm confused!4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Pierced Ear Problem...Help! 1st March 2013I've had my ears pierced for years now, and this is the first time this has happened, so I'm kind of freaking out... Awhile back, probably about a month ago, I wore this pair of pretty cheap (but pretty!) post earrings. I don't know what kind of metal they were, but the next...9 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
February 2013
Fundraising Ideas 27th February 2013I need help with Fundraising Ideas. I am hoping to do this massive hike/walk in a few months. The kicker is that the organization wants me to raise a certain amount of donation towards a charity before mid April and they won't let me walk (I will need to double it 1 month...6 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Always wanting more 24th February 2013So, my fiance predicted the day I got my last 3 piercings (to bring me to a total of 16) that I would want something else almost immediately. I suppose 2 months is "almost immediately" because he was right. I really enjoy getting and maintaining piercings since I don't live...5 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Wedding guest etiquette 21st February 2013I was wondering if anyone could help me out on this, as I don't know much about wedding etiquette and I know its a tricky subject that a lot of people get upset about. A male friend has kindly invited me to his wedding (the wedding not just the reception). Background: this...4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Need a Rant.
Vacation-based rant...
I can't link to my facebook
Bye CO and K :(
What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World Considers As The Most Ruthless Men: Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic and Radovan Karadzic (+) Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator By Jill Louise Starr NJ USA
Sewing help?