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DIY The Look

Second Hand Susie recreates the style of a Beatles fangirl for #DIYTheLook

I've always loved The Beatles' music and their style, give me jangly guitars, yellow submarines and flowers in my hair and I a happy girl! The Beatles' sixties style was all about kimonos, huge flares, hippy beads and beautiful, crazy, colour clashing outfits. And don't forget the peace and love, man!

Mademoiselle Ruta recreates the style of Taylor Swift for #DIYTheLook

I've always loved Taylor's style because she constantly looks put together (even at the beach or going to the gym), which in my books is a major goal when it comes to any outfit. I have yet to see a candid photo of her where she looks anything but amazing. I especially like how she pairs a classic hair/makeup style with all of her ensembles, never looking over the top. Plus, even though her style continues to change over the years, she never let's go of her red lip, proving that a classic look never goes out of style.

Kacie from Elements of Ellis recreates the style of Kendall Jenner for #DIYTheLook

Kendal Jenner always looks fresh and effortless. She can make even the simplest outfits look amazing.

Lisa from lalafauxbois recreates the look of Carol Pilbasian from Last Man on Earth for #DIYTheLook

Carol Pilbasian is such a style inspiration for me! I love how her looks are full bright colors, novelty prints, and pattern mixing. Her playful looks are full of DIY and one of a kind pieces.


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