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Craft Room Tours

Explore the craft rooms, studios & kitchens of crafters to see where they work and how they organise their supplies

Come behind the scenes at Tartes and Recreation for a #KitchenTour and see Sonja's kitchen in Munich, Germany.

I'm very happy that it fits a table big enough for a few people. For me, a kitchen needs to be more than a place where just the food is cooked. It's the heart of the apartment. It's where you sit and talk, and drink and play board games and of course eat when you have guests.

Beijing, China • Visit Website »

Come behind the scenes at Clean, Cheat, Repeat for a #KitchenTour and see Cathy's kitchen in Beijing, China.

I really love how spacious it is (super important when you're a messy baker) and how much natural lighting I get (also super important when you're a food photographer who is clueless when it comes to artificial lighting).

Come behind the scenes at Stephanie Troutner Designs for a #CraftRoomTour and see Stephanie's studio and workroom in Louisville, KY.

It's flexible & I basically use the entire house for my work space- depending on what type of art, craft or design project I'm working on at the moment.

Come behind the scenes at Live it. Love it. Make it. for a #CraftRoomTour and see Sammy's craft room.

I love how I feel and what I create when I am in it. I feel at home in here, I can create freely and am inspired here. I am surrounded by beautiful things, it is my happy place.

Los Angeles, CA, United States • Visit Website »

Come for a #CraftRoomTour around Candice Ayala's sewing corner in Los Angeles.

My most favorite thing about my sewing space would have to be my “Happy Shelf”. It’s a little shelf right in from of my sewing table where I put all my little trinkets and memorabilia of things that make me happy.

Atlanta, GA, United States • Visit Website »

Come behind the scenes at Whipstitch for a #CraftRoomTour and see Deborah's home office in Atlanta, Georgia.

I love that it's a big space, but not so huge that I'll stuff it full of too much--the dimensions really help me to manage how much fabric I hoard and force me to be very efficient in planning and laying out my projects. At the same time, I can fit three people and a camera with lights in here all at the same time, so it's functional as a working photo and video studio. I love working from home, because it allows me to make the most of my time--no irritating commute--while still giving me a dedicated space where I can create.


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