
Fort Hood Texas United States 136 projects

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oi, where do i begin. Oh I know..AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! How can some guys just be oblivious to what we stay at home moms go thru every day? So they are the ones that provide the financial stability and occasionally take out the trash. My day consist of the whole 24 hours. I wake up with the little on every time she cries or comes in the room. I get up and get the other little one for school. Then during the day I have to get the house cleaned and entertain a one year old ALL while in a wheelchair. When the hubby comes home I am waiting for some relief but no. So I continue to take care of the kids, and the two dogs. Dinner is made and served and then I proceed to give the girls their bath and get them ready for bed. Then I will get at most two hours to myself then the little one will wake up and want to play instead of going to sleep and it will be the same way all the way through out the night till its time to get up and start the whole day over. I must say I love being a mom but at some point guys just have to understand that they need to get off the sofa and help instead of wondering why we always have a "pissed" off looks on our faces! oi oi oi I need a vacation or a clone of myself to help out. Am I the only wife, mommy out there that feels this way...or have I just lost my mind. lol wow it feels good to vent. Oh ya!




Creativemind · Tuscaloosa, Alabama, US · 116 projects
No hun, you are not the only one with this dilemma. My day is pretty much the same way. Have you ever heard the phrase "a man's work is from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done"? I have a 17 year old daughter is also lazy. Get this, she has a job and it's made her lazy. WTF?! She's like her dad, they do nothing around the house. They both said one day that I "bitch too much". I then threatened to leave them alone for a day and see how they do without me. Plus I have a 13 year old autistic son who is a 25/8 child. Let's see how they deal with him when he has one of his occasional tantrums. But I had to think about the consequences, my house would be a mess and guess who have to clean it up.? Yeah, I feel your pain.
Eien · Conyers, Georgia, US · 3 projects
It's the eternal struggle is it not?

Men never know how far the occasional washing of dishes or handling the kids for a couple of hours a day will get them.
queenfairypants · Manchester, England, GB · 75 projects
haha I obviously didn't read Michelle's comment properly...great minds think alike hey!

queenfairypants · Manchester, England, GB · 75 projects
Only take care of the kids, dogs and yourself and don't give him his dinner or don't wash his favourite shirt so he can see how much you do that's unappreciated!

michelle G.
michelle G. · Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA · 1258 projects
next time he has a day off, take a me day. Get someone to drive you to a spa, get pampered and leave him with the family! Muhahahaha.

or do nothing all day...well feed the kids, they can't help it. They love mommy.

but forget to make his supper a few nights, leave his landry for a later day...lol. he will soon relize how hard it is.

But I have friends who are stay at home dads, and they love it!


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