Grumpy Rant: hellish neighbours

Last night my strange neighbours moved out. The problem was it was between midnight and 2am and they did it by throwing all their possessions (sofas, wardrobes -everything) off the first floor balcony. Very noisy, left a mess. They then loaded it (all broken up) all into a truck. Weird. Very noisy. Result: a very grumpy me.

I am now hoping that they HAVE moved out and haven't sublet the flat (they already had about 14 people in a 2 bedroom flat, running it as some kind of hostel for people passing through, we had the immigration people come banging on our door 5.45am when I was in the shower, gave me a fright... they asked to see my passport before they realised they had the wrong door number!). They were seriously dodgy and our landlord, who is well fussy with other tenants, seemed to just let this lot run scams (buying/selling stuff, some strange bits with recieving other people's post etc') for years. Anyway I hope they have gone to pastures new and were going in the night to avoid paying the last month's rent.

They also fly-tipped rubbish outside our front door. It's a block of flats, I couldn't get outside of the door for the binbags with rotton food liquid seeping out.

Anyway- rant over, fingers xed they are gone for good!

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7 replies since 23rd November 2010 • Last reply 23rd November 2010

Fingers crossed they left for ever!And eeew on the rotten food liquid...

My neighbours baked a hole goat in their yard yesterday.But that's just normal in Serbia.They where celebrating their new garage from where the building guys where looking in our yard while building it and yelling and whistling every time I went to feed the dog or do some work outside.Just an average day. -.-

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LOL on the whole goat thing!!!! xD I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see ANY of this in Israel--it all pretty much happens on a daily basis here, especially in Tel Aviv around the central bus station. Here, though, my main complaint is that the neighbors upstairs apparently can't comprehend that, when they throw garbage out their windows onto my lawn, it does NOT disappear into thin air--and/or that my lawn is not a garbage disposal. x.x

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Yikes! I guess im not alone with the whole crappy neighbour situation. We have a similar problem, except here, there is like 2 feet of snow and its -25 celcius.. the garbage will stay stuck in the ice until spring time Happy

Another thing that irratates me is the people across the street have way too many people living in the house, there is 6 or more cars between them and even when there is space infront of their house (we only have street parking) They park infront of my house so I have to park a block or 2 away. Im 2 weeks away from giving birth and have a 4 year old. It's especially hard on grocery day because my neighbours don't shovel their sidewalk so I have to stomp through the snow and risk slipping on the ice.

Sorry for stealing your rant LOL.

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OH and last summer the renters next door decided to rip half our fence down to use as firewood.. the landlord won't fix it, so we had to at our expence. that's the difference between renters and homeowners I guess, home owners actually have pride in where they live, renters will make a huge mess and move out. errrrrrr!!!

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lol when I loved with my boyfriend people would often pack up and leave our building in the middle of the night around rent day. We had a good mix of upstairs neighbors. Our first ones fought every Saturday and Sunday morning starting at around 7 am and would go all day. One night it turned violent and I ended up calling the police. And you know, I honestly think that might have been the subtle neighbors- their fighting on weekends didn't bother me as much as the neighbors who would party all night on the week days when I'd have to work at 6:30 am or who had a kid who would bounce on his bed and it would literally sound like the kid was running and bouncing off the walls.

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Yep i think we're the subtle neighbours LOL!

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holy crap, crazy neighbours. I had a few crazies.

Hope your new neigbours are better.

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