I love my MAC
I love my Mac book Pro, even though I needed to buy a new power cable fot $90
And I love my iMac!! <3
what do u have? I own a Macbook pro
Arrgh! Get out of our thread Courtney!!
I'm so joking
lol...I like the new imacs....drooool
macbook air is ok, but I love my baby.
I love my iBook g4, it's 3 years old and still going strong. My boyf has a powerbook(4yrs old) and an imac(2yrs old). I love them all : )
I had to use a dell in work the other day and was lost haha also it crashed and froze like ten times!
mac's rock!
my friend has the new MacBook. so COOL!
i have a gateway . the first day i brought it to school people were all "they still make those?"
I love it.
I want a new imac
i love imacs so much!!! we have the new aluminum 24 inch one! we all love it soooo much!
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