I play The cello and have Got to grade 5 (Y) round grade 6 standerd
... I have the most amazinnnggg firiends ;) and i would LOVVEEEEE to be a fasion designer of seamstreess
I make clothes thats like mis passioonn
Aswell as musicc
Byee x
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
I play The cello and have Got to grade 5 (Y) round grade 6 standerd

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
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Recent Activity
- followed mmsilva1956 10 Oct 18:47
- followed Kasey Kasket 10 Oct 18:46
- followed Maddi 10 Oct 18:46
- entered her project Vinyl Record Hair Band! to Daisy Rock 10 Oct 18:43
- followed naruto uzumaki 09 May 10:33
- followed Hoolllyyyy :) 09 May 10:33
- commented on her comment It looks so nicee :) I have a spare shirt lying around so I know what I am going to be doing this weekend... ;) xx to Men's Shirt To Cute Summer Dress 25 Nov 21:02
- commented on her comment Lookss gooodd :) to The Cake Is Not A Lie 20 Nov 16:07
- followed grace k. 25 Sep 16:32
- commented on her comment *i meant to say even awesomerr! (: to Duct Tape Shoes Of Amazingness 12 Sep 10:44
- commented on her comment Niceee! :D they would look awesome if you used different colours! ;) to Duct Tape Shoes Of Amazingness 12 Sep 10:43
- commented on her comment That is Very awesome! :) It reminds of the clothes in a shop called Disigual! :) Yous should take a look at it! ;) to Mixed Up Tee 12 Sep 10:40
do you play suzuki music on cello??
by, like, A LOT.
The stuff for the Alice swap is all ready and packaged up and sitting in my room, I just haven't had a chance to get to a post office. I'm busy revising like crazy for my final A level exams which start next week, and the nearest post office to me is like half an hour away because they've shut every post office in my town. I'll get it sent out as soon as I can
Hope all is happy!
Nope, wasn't us, though we did text in a year ago or something and Joe said Cat from cutoutandkeep, hehe. Have you seen the interviews with them in Snippets? xo
(='.'=) Bunny shall rule the world!!! lol
P.s i am going to help bunny with world domination
yes I draw it, I love drawing anime.
I'm glad you like it!
Well I'm sure sug will love your beret..
She is a huge Manga fan maybe you can make a simple plushie by drawing a manga figure on fabric with a textile penmarker and cut it out and with another part fabric you can turn it into a plushie by simply sewing it..
Would be very easy and pretty.
It´s funny that I have a collage hand bag now.. I wanted to do my own version of it as one of my next Projects ^^
And now I have already my own bag *yay* ^^
Now I have to send your swap things out in a few weeks.. I bet you are really excided ^^hehe (Liliam wrote that the sending date should be around january 30 ;)
I think you will love it and freak out ^^hehe :-P
Pssst...I won´t tell her ;)
Well, I don´t know what the other persons send..but first I tried to make some earrings.. I have already finished them and then I decided to post them here (they are not published yet)and to start something which is a little bit bigger and send it out tomorrow..
What did you send? If you want you can send an email so the person won´t see it..
I have also a lot of work to do..but I´m to lazy right now..
It´s so cold and dark here in Germany that I don´t feel in the mood to do anything except crafting.
Hope you can finish your homework today or by tomorrow so you can also do other stuff on your weekend *hugs* ;)
Hope you get Okay very soon? Did you send your Secret Santa stuff out yet?
I´m not sure if my things are okay..maybe I send you a picture of them later..i only made something small..I´m not sur if it is to small...
Hope you have a good start ;)
lemme see this month is a 2-week break *YAY* and Christmas *YAY* and my friend's birthday *YAY*. but thats about it, we dont have boxing day here...
AND i'm getting the new-and-improved uniforms sometime over break *w00t* so i dont have to wear the old smelly ones
1,702,675 seconds till Christmas, and 1,270,658 seconds till end of term [for us, at least]. w00t!!
does ur school have uniforms? mine does and it sucks, the uniforms always smell bad, no matter how many times you wash them...
there's no way my school would let me have purple hair. their prettty afraid of me already XD
but it´s still a secret.. :-P *g*
I have some adorable mini pencils. Sounds very cute.
an the manga is what is drawn out on comics and graphic novels.
an the manga is what is drawn out on comics and graphic novels.