Old but New

I'm 60 y.o but am just starting to want to do crafts. Stumbled on this site. What in the world is "Steampunk"? I tried to figure it out on my own but could use some help. Julia

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3 replies since 26th April 2013 • Last reply 26th April 2013

Steampunk is essentially a style of dressing that combines 19th century style with industrial or "steam powered" flair. It involves a lot of reddish browns, stripes, and accessories made from metal gears.

Steampunks themselves usually fantasize about a post-apocalyptic world that ushers in a new era of steam power, or at least that's how the fad started out.

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Like this for an example

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You'll laugh but I read the title and then the question about steampunk and thought its old but new too Happy There's some cool examples on the thread Jason started here http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/board/general/chit_chat/7547-help-steampunk-help-needed - also there are quite a films which will give you an idea of what steampunk is. The two recent Sherlock Holmes films with Robert Downey Jr in are v steampunk, also The Prestige and The Golden Compass are. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is too but I didn't think the film was that good.

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