I've decided to <3 gymnastics!

So it all started when I was watching toddlers and tiaras in youtube. And when I was watching I saw this nine year old girl doing the splits and she was going to um, go to a cheer leading contest and she was AWESOME!! And she was doing the backflip and cartwheel and all sorts of gymnastics. Would it be possible to learn the splits in a one and a half month???
.Right now I'm really, deadly, serious -O-
And I'm also learning some stretches. I kinda can do the splits but it's just that I'm not serious so it hurts a little.

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3 replies since 26th April 2013 • Last reply 26th April 2013

Gymnastics require a long time of hard work and dedication, but if you're really serious about it, it's worth the pain. Never push yourself too hard all at once though, or you might get serious injuries.

Splits might take longer than a month and a half depending on how quickly your body recuperates after exercise.

Some tips: Always drink lots of water before and after you stretch and work out; wear comfortable clothing so your body will be more relaxed; eat healthy foods like lean meats, rice, and lots of fruits and vegetables; eat carbs and protein after you're done working out for the day.

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You'll have to exercise & stretch a lot to loosen/stretch your muscles to do a lot of that. If you can't sign up for gymnastics, cheerleading at school is a great idea! Happy

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I know that's sad. now I'm really into sports. I've tried learning ballet in school too and i still kind of remember them but it didn't fit in my school schedule so I gave up. They didn't provide those pointe shoes to take so I can't practice without them. people say that it is dangerous to dance without the pointy shoes. and now I can't balance properly Happy
I still want to learn but my mum says that I'm taking too uch classes and giving up (I used to give up easily beforeTongue ) how can I convince them Happy

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