CO+K wedding, I'm engaged!

Tom and I are engaged, he proposed on top of the Empire State Building while we were on holiday in New York. I want to make my own dress. Can we have a big CO+K wedding?

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42 replies since 20th February 2010 • Last reply 20th February 2010

*HUGS* Congratulations to you both. What a romantic place for a proposal.

Peace & Blessings x

Ps. you do realise you will have to post a photo of the ring so us girlies can go 'Awwwwwww'

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aww how romantic! congradulations! when's the wedding! im so excited for you!

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Oooh!!! You must post pictures of your wedding. A CO+K wedding would be awesome! Happy

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I cant wait to see the pictures! Happy

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Congrats! I love a crafty wedding=)

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We're both really excited about it! Here's the ring...

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Oooh nice rock=)

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Yep Ooooh, pretty. I love the shaping in the shank

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Congats, the ring is beautiful. A CO+K wedding would be awesome.

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wonderful! congratulations I am so happy for you! was it a surprise cat or did you have a feeling it was coming soon? tom- nice job picking out the ring it's beautiful love the cut

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Yay!!! Happy happy-Joyjoy!! Engagements and weddings are awesome!!! Yes, let's have a CO+K wedding, do let's!!

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Congratulations! Beautiful ring!

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Congrats guys! =]

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congratulations....i'm sure you will be a beautiful bride...the idea to make your own dress sounds so interesting...

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